

Göcek Sailing Boat Tour

As a couple who love the blues as much as we do and really enjoy being on the sea, we always wondered what it would be like to live on a boat.. We deleted one more item from our list in September, we took a sailing boat tour as you can imagine and we had three perfect days! In this article, we told about the Göcek sailing boat tour experience, Göcek marinas and Göcek bays.. If you’re ready, let’s start!

First of all, we would like to thank Lycian Sail for giving us this experience, hope to meet again as soon as possible..

Göcek Information about the sailing boat tour;

  • Göcek sailing boat tour means that a more shabby and more intimate experience awaits you instead of a luxury glamorous tour.. This is how the sailing boat is enjoyed anyway.. All our lives, iron-shaped gulets have never attracted us.. After we experienced the sailboat, we were sure that it was much more suitable for us..
  • When the wind is right, the sailboat can only sail with the wind. You open the sails and take advantage of the wind.. It’s really enjoyable when that sail is set up and the wind takes you..
  • The number of people on the sailboat is limited. This means that there is no separate helper to do things such as cooking, dishes, docking and mooring the sailboat, you will keep things together with everyone.. get ready.
  • In places where the sailboat cannot approach the shore, there is a boat in the sailboats to go to and from the shore.. We have used this boat at least 3-4 times, we must say that it is very practical.

What you need to take with you before you go on a sailing boat tour;

First of all, let’s say that sailing means minimalism.. That’s why it’s so important to take as few items as you can with you! Every extra item you buy will take up unnecessary space on the sailboat and you will not even use most of it anyway.. In fact, this was the first thing he told us when we talked to one of the boat owners, Esra.. Indeed, the tiny bag we took with us was enough for us..

If we make a list;

2-3 pieces of bikini or swimwear, slippers and towels

Your daily clothes, namely shorts and t-shirts, dresses, pajamas, underwear

Hats, sunglasses, sea glasses (for those who cannot open their eyes in the sea like us) sunscreen and one sneaker (there will be places where you can go ashore at the intermediate stops of the boat)

One raincoat (the evening may blow, you never know)

Just in case, there’s also medicine for nausea. Other than that, it would be better to have some painkillers, creams against insect bites, antipyretics, etc. with you. Please note that the period you go on the tour may have separate needs.. For example, if you go in cold time, take thicker clothes, or if you want to snorkel, take a snorkel with you..

Food on the boat

We said that you will cook your own food on the sailboat, so you will actually eat whatever you want on the boat!

Once you go on the tour, you go and do a 3-day grocery shopping according to your pleasure.. For 3 days, we bought ourselves breakfast, pasta for lunch, some meat, snacks, salad ingredients, drinks and food for dinner in the same way.. It’s okay if you forget something, because there are sea-boats from markets like Migros all around Göcek.. You can go to the sea boat from your own boat and get your needs.. Only alcohol and cigarettes are not sold on these boats.. That’s why it’s very important to stock up on liquor and cigarettes before you get on the boat..

Apart from that, even a koko boat approached us once.. I thought he was selling something with coconut, it turned out it was a kokorec boat.. As you can see, the service at sea is unlimited..

We made pasta for lunch on the first day, we cooked the meatballs we brought ourselves in the deserted bay, which we will tell in a moment, and we ate at the restaurant in Bedri Rahmi Bay on the second night.. We even had a breakfast with fresh bread from Göbün Bay.. All but all was perfect. Experiencing our own boating, dining in a deserted bay, and trying an ultra-luxurious port like Bedri Rahmi. If you can, we recommend setting it this way..

Göcek Sailing Boat Tour – Accommodation on the Boat

Gocek sailing boat tour continue information. Our sailboat had 3 cabins in total.. The beds in the cabins are very comfortable, we slept very well in the evenings.. As far as we understand, most sailboats have one master cabin (larger and with a private toilet) and two smaller cabins.. In this way, we were able to fit 3 families quite comfortably..

Toilet and bathroom on the boat

The toilets on the sailboat are not thrown into the sea, do you have any questions, and unfortunately sometimes you have to witness it even with your eyes, but our boat owners they are really very respectful to nature and that’s why they do the right thing and keep the waste in the warehouse and dump it in the waste facilities in the marinas.. This is what is recommended anyway.

The warehouse naturally fills up after a point, so it is necessary to use the toilets of the facilities where you pause as much as possible..

The subject of the shower is actually simple, at the back of the sailboat there is a place where you can take a shower to get rid of the salt water after getting out of the sea.. The water here comes from the clean water reservoir of the boat, so it is useful to be careful when using it.. And of course shampoo etc.. Instead, you should use something that is organic and will not harm sea water..

Göcek Sailing Boat Tour Route

First of all, let’s say that Göcek is really a region that offers you excellent coves and harbors.. And there’s no official limit to what you can do. That’s why you can choose the boat tour as you wish, visit popular places or, on the contrary, anchor in deserted coves that have never been heard of.. it’s all up to you. We preferred quieter coves both because we did our tour during the pandemic period and because we do not like crowds anyway..

When we set out on the first day, we stopped at Ham Bay, one of the most well-known but also the most beautiful places in Göcek.. There was a city here during the Cleopatra period and the bath was built for this reason, and you can still find its ruins today.

Sunken Bath Our stop was really beautiful, but of course it was a bit crowded.. Therefore, after taking a 1-2 hour break here, we turned our route to Martı Bay, where we will spend the evening.. The moment we arrived at Martı, we realized that this was what we were looking for!

Marti Bay, a deserted bay with no land access. There are only a few boats around, and there is a business consisting of a few small boards on the shore, which is not accessible by land.. The owner already knows the boat owners coming and going and is a very nice conversationalist.. The night we spent in Martı Bay was very, very nice.. First we fried the meatballs in the small business here, then we had a long chat at the table in the evening and we went back to the sailboat and slept in the deserted bay.. In fact, Umut’s even got into the sea while I was sleeping, unfortunately I missed it!

We woke up in the morning and washed our faces in the sea, took a swim and went for a walk to Göbun Bay, which is about 2km away.. There is a small business in Göbük Bay, you can have breakfast here if you want.. At the same time, the villagers sell the famous Göbün bread.. Our breakfast was Gobun bread and tea.. Then we went to the sea here, and after spending a few hours, we went back to the sailing boat.. There are also those who do the opposite of our route, that is, those who anchor at Göbun Bay in the evening and walk to Martı Bay during the day.. Whichever you want, the route is yours!

Bedri Rahmi Bay

We said we returned to the sailboat after Göbün Bay, after having some fun, we set out for Bedri Rahmi Bay’ we went out. Bedri Rahmi Koyu i-na-nil-maz is beautiful! Bedri Rahmi’s real name is Taşkaya. When Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu came here, he painted a fish on a stone and the name of the bay was later changed to Bedri Rahmi Bay. The restaurant is a little more upscale and expensive.. In fact, the shabby nature of Martı Bay gives way to the stylish people who get off their boats with their ensembles.. Don’t get me wrong though, the bay is beautiful and so is the environment..

We ate dinner at Bedri Rahmi at the sheep restaurant and it was very nice. We can definitely say. If you want, there are walking routes that you can go from Bedri Rahmi.. Frankly, we skipped it both because the weather was very hot and because it was very attractive at that moment to have fun on the boat, but we are sure it is worth exploring..

Here was our boat route in general. You can visit more bays, take more walking routes, or do a purely pleasure-oriented tour and spend 2-3 days at your anchor, it’s all up to you!

Lycian Sail

Thank you very much to Lycian Sail, who gave us this experience, we’re already friends now, we’re sure we’ll see you again! When choosing a sailing tour, it is necessary to consider that you will be like a family on a sailboat, that job sharing is important, and that it is important to go with an experienced captain in sailing..

The founders of Lycian Sail, Esra and Varol, are a sweet couple who love their job, quit corporate life and pursue their biggest passions, sailing.. You can contact via Instagram accounts, Lycian Sail or websites.

Have a nice holiday everyone!

You can also take a look at our Kas travel guide.

Don’t forget to watch our video about living on a boat!

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