

Hamburg was the city we were most curious about after Berlin and Munich in Germany.. We couldn’t resist this extremely ‘cool’ port city, which has a different architecture compared to Germany in general, a life style that looks like a Danish city and a full cultural richness, and by dedicating two days of our Berlin trip to Hamburg, we finally met Hamburg! Walking around this city built around the Elbe River is indeed the best option; While we were walking through the city between canals and bridges, we enjoyed both what we saw and tasted and the northern air of Hamburg!

We are talking about a city that is home to Germany’s second largest city and largest port.. Like every port city, Hamburg has its own rich character; but of course, Hamburg’s proximity to the Nordic countries and its past have also been very effective in its current stance.. If you want to visit a well-developed European city where all these features are felt together, the city dynamics never ends, get ready; we’re going to Hamburg, which offers the perfect route!


A plan of at least 2 full days, 3-4 days if possible, would be good to visit Hamburg. To see the orange-red architecture of the city to the fullest and to take a stroll between the canals, it is best to move with a good walking route.. You can divide the plan for the walking route into old and new parts of the city, as we did.


Let’s start the walking route with Jungfernstieg. Most of the Jungfernstieg, one of the most important boulevards of the city, is located in Hamburg’s new district called Neustadt, but it extends to the east of the old district and old town of Altstadt.. Since this is like a central point, you can see many attractions, shops and even shopping centers around it.

The boulevard stretches around Lake Binnenalster, one of the city’s artificial lakes fed by the Alster River, hence the Little Alster. Witnessing the beautiful city views while walking around the area is also a bonus of the tour.


We started the Hamburg Places to Visit list with Jungfernstieg boulevard as we followed our walking route; but of course the real opening will be with the town hall Rathaus. Hamburg Rathaus, one of the most magnificent buildings in the city and even one of the most eye-catching city halls in Europe, is a place where you will definitely drop by.. You are used to the views of the huge square right in front of the giant city hall from other European cities you have already visited; here is such a place! It should definitely be on your route with its Neo-Renaissance style architecture, which was completed in 1897, and its courtyard is extremely enjoyable.


We have also included some spots in Hamburg’s old city center in our list; But let’s gather the places that should be on your walking route, especially for those who want to see this part of the city, under this heading.. Start Hamburg’s old town route with Hamburg Rathaus, continue past Börsenbrücke and Trostbrücke bridges. From here on, St.. Nikolai Monument, the Hopfenmarkt, which was an important barter market in the past, Deichstrasse with the oldest houses in Hamburg, and then the warehouse district you will see strong>Speicherstadt. Continuing your route through the canal streets of the Speicherstadt district, continue with the Chilehaus building, and continue with one of the most important churches of the city, St.. You can end with Catherine.


Mönckebergstrasse, one of Hamburg’s main shopping streets; Located in the Altstadt district, between the Rathaus and the train station. It is a pedestrian zone and is home to many national and global brand shops, Scandinavian designer boutiques and Hamburg-style cafes.. We wanted to recommend this place not only for shopping, but also for seeing Hamburg’s Northern-influenced brands.. It’s a place to wander around to get an idea of ​​the general atmosphere of the city.


St. Michaelis, Hamburg’s most famous church. This church, which is a 15-minute walk from Rathaus, is most popular with its tower.. You can watch and photograph the city with a panoramic view from the observation terrace of the 132 m tall tower.. We think it is a place especially for those who like to see the city from above.

You can go up the tower with 453 stairs or an elevator, the exit fee is the same either way.. Another activity in the church is that the view terrace in the tower is open to visitors at night on some days.. Although the price of this event, called Nachtmichel, is a little higher, it can be a different and enjoyable activity for a trip to Hamburg if you come across it.

St.. Free admission to Michaelis Church. The tower terrace is open to visitors between 09:00 and 19:30 from May to September, between 10:00 and 17:30 from November to March, and from 09:00 to 18:30 in October.. The fee to climb the tower is €6 for adults, €4 for children. You can get information for the Nachtmichel night event at site


It’s time for our favorite architecture in Hamburg! Opened in 2016, the Elbphilharmonie is a mixed building with a concert hall, residential and hotel sections, built on Hamburg’s oldest warehouse built in 1875.. It is mainly known for its concert hall and this beautiful building hosts numerous performances every year.. In fact, the Gaye Su Akyol concert was held here when we were in Hamburg.. It is also possible to encounter such surprises; However, let’s not forget that the tickets are sold out very quickly.

The building was designed by the Swiss architecture office Herzog & de Meuron and cost 866 million €.. Although it is a very controversial project both financially and architecturally, we likened the Elbphilharmonie to Hamburg.. The concert hall can be visited, the building also has a viewing terrace.. Both have an entrance fee, but if you want to choose one, you can choose the terrace part.. The fee for viewing the terrace called the Plaza is €2 per person, but reservations must be made in advance and the ticket must be purchased online.


Let’s turn our route after Elbphilharmonie to Speicherstadt, Hamburg’s historical warehouse district, and HafenCity, Hamburg’s urban renewal district. When we say red buildings, places converted from warehouses, plenty of coffee shops, bridge views, it is no wonder that Speicherstadt is one of our favorite areas in Hamburg.. This giant warehouse area, which is on the UNESCO World Heritage List, is truly the winner of our hearts with its dazzling views.. Randomly wander the streets of Speicherstadt, take a coffee break at Kafferösterei and take lots of photos in this area with many bridges. It’s such a photogenic place anyway that we don’t think you can stop without taking a photo..


While you are in Speicherstadt, you will have seen HafenCity, which also includes this region.. HafenCity, Hamburg’s urban renewal district. When it comes to urban transformation, don’t expect anything standard; because it is considered the largest urban development project in Europe. The HafenCity project, which started in 2008 in Grosser Grasbrook, one of the former free ports of Hamburg, is aimed to be completed in 2025 and to be a region with 12.000 people and 40.000 people working.


One of our favorite places to wander around Hamburg is the Karolinenviertel, the hipster district of the city. it happened. Karolinenviertel and its neighbour, Schanzenviertel, are two innovative districts that own many beautiful spaces, abundant street art, photogenic landscapes and design boutiques. You may think that you are a little closer to the Berlin air here, but we can say that it has the spirit of Hamburg again.. If you want to take a coffee break in this area, keep in mind Elbgold, one of the best coffee shops in the city.


Let’s recommend a pleasant experience activity for those who have enough time in Hamburg; the city’s fish market Fischmarkt! As a completely Sunday morning route, it requires waking up very early in the morning; however, if your trip falls on the weekend, we recommend it to be on your list.. If you can go to the fish market on the banks of the Elbe at 06:00 in the morning in winter and at 05:00 in summer, you can watch the fish auction, which has become a Sunday ritual for Hamburg. He used to come here in the morning and have breakfast with fish soup, fish bread and fish snacks.. In this respect, the fish market is both a place to buy seafood and a popular last stop for Saturday nights.. The auction ends between 08:00 and 09:00, but you have the chance to eat something besides the auction.. Another thing you can do at the fish market is to attend the brunch with live music, which lasts until 12:00 on Sunday morning.. It’s too expensive for us now with €22 per person for reservation required, but it’s still conceivable.


If your Hamburg trip doesn’t fall on the weekend like we did, you can skip the Fischmarkt plan and take a short walk in the port area of ​​Landungsbrücken.. You will come across here anyway, but we recommend you to go down to the port side to see the same harbor view as the Fischmarkt and to eat fish and bread.

Landungsbrücken was once a pier for steamships.. Today it is a central point for Hamburg’s train and ferry systems.. While watching the harbor view, you will see that many sea vehicles pass through this route.. If you want to take a harbor tour, let’s add that tour boats also leave from here.. The goal of our coming to this region was to eat fish and bread.. You will see many fish and bread stalls throughout the harbor; our recommendation is to go to Brücke 10. Be sure to taste these sandwiches called Fischbrötchen, which look small but are served with a full portion of fish.

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