

Pamukkale Hierapolis would be one of the cities I would like to live in if I could go back to ancient times. The best door to enter the city is at the point where the travertines end. If this door is preferred, the city is reached after climbing the travertines slowly. Of course, it would be more beneficial to choose the door according to the season. Hierapolis is located at the point where the travertines start. In fact, there are structures belonging to Hierapolis in an area inside the travertines. Two marvels that cannot be separated from each other with certain lines.. M.S. Although the city, which was built in the 200s, is spread over an area as wide as the ancient city of Ephesus, since all the excavations have not been completed yet, the structures unearthed in daylight are located at very far points from each other.

While walking between the buildings, you can stop by the wooded areas near the travertines and rest.

Theatre, temples and tombs are among the remarkable structures. The excavations in Hierapolis and its surroundings are exhibited in the Hierapolis museum. The ones that attract my attention the most in the museum are the colander, iron, Triton Statue and tear bottles made of clay.

It is a Greek Theater type building leaning on a hillside and preserved with all its architectural materials.

Triton is the messenger god of the seas in mythology. He has the body of a human and the tail of a fish. Although there is no sea in Pamukkale, why they made a statue of such a god is one of the questions that leaves people wondering.

Tear bottles were used to collect tears from the back of the deceased and bury them with him.

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