
History of Egypt


Short information about Egypt’s history that will be useful for those going on a trip to Egypt :

The most important donation of God to Egypt is the Nile, the most important donation of the Nile to history is Egypt.Historian Herodotus

The longest river in the world is the Nile. The river flowing through Egypt and flowing into the Mediterranean offered Egypt, which is a desert, fertile lands for the Great Civilizations.

Many historical artifacts on the earth’s lands, mysterious there are artifacts. The most important of these are temples, pyramids and statues of pharaohs that emerged from the stories lived on the land of Egypt. Thanks to the works left by the Egyptian civilization, which also held the power, we witness their lifestyles, thoughts and arts.

Science, engineering, mathematics and astronomy were very important for Egypt.. Apart from the huge monuments and temples, most importantly, the Egyptian people made the first year calendar of 365 days because they studied the seasons and the sky.

Egyptian Civilization such works of art , built architectural structures that even today humanity is still in the research of how these works are made.. How these artifacts were made continues to amaze people and even scientists today.


The first era Egyptian history started in 3100 BC. After entering the dynasty, many kings continued to rule in Egypt.. Kings who succeeded Ramses III after his death were not successful in ruling Egypt.. For this reason, Egypt was divided into south and north.. Not only was it divided, but riots broke out within the country.. Eventually, Egypt became a province of the Persian Empire in 525 BC.

In 332 BC, Alexander the Great, III. He defeated the Persian army under Darius and invaded Egypt. After the invasion, the general under the command of Alexander the Great appointed Ptolemy as governor of Egypt. Ptolemy ruled in Egypt for 300 years after the death of Alexander the Great.

In fact, during the Ptolemaios period, the Lighthouse of Alexandria, one of the 7 wonders of the world, was built as well as the Mouseion (academy). In 30 BC Egypt lost its independence and became a part of the Roman Empire led by Augustus Caesar.

Empires/States Dominating Egypt

Pharaonic period

Early dynastic period 3032 BC – BC. 2707

Old Kingdom 2707 BC – 2216 BC

Search first period BC 2216 – BC 2025

Middle Kingdom 2010 BC – 1793 BC

Second interim period 1648 BC – 1550 BC

New Kingdom 1531 BC – 1550 BC. D.1075

Third interim period BC1075 – BC652

Late Period 652 BC – 332 BC

Greek Roman Period BC 332 – 395 AD

Byzantine period 395 – 638

First Islamic time 640 – 868

Tolunoğulları 868 – 905

Abbasiler 905 – 935

Akşiler 935 – 969

Fatimid State 969 – 1171

Ayyubid State 1171 – 1250

Mamluk State 1250 – 1517

Ottoman Empire 1517 – 1805

Egypt Napoleonic invasion 1798 – 1802

Mehmet Ali Pasha Dynasty 1805 – 1882

British rule 1882 – March 15, 1922

Kingdom of Egypt April 19, 1922 – July 1952

Republic of Egypt June 18, 1953 – February 1

United Arab Republic February 1, 1958 – September 2, 1971


The first female Pharaoh hatshepsut.

The first monotheistic religion in Egypt, Pharaoh VI. He brought Amenofis (Akhenaton).

The coin was first introduced in the 5th century AD.

Egyptian hieroglyphs were written on papyrus and stone monuments made of palm fibers. The first examples of hieroglyphs were found on tombs in 3200 BC.

The Egyptians depicted wild animals such as crocodiles and hippopotamuses in their hieroglyphics by dividing them in half so that they would not come to life again.

There are about 700 symbols.

In Egypt, Gods and Goddesses all have animal names. Therefore, each God and Goddess is symbolized as an animal.

They found the number Pi.

In history The first organized crime was committed by tomb robbers in Egypt.

The Egyptians were the first to discover the Gregorian Calendar.

The first Egyptians discovered Astrology by examining the sky.

Because they believed that there was life after death, they gave importance to mummification.. In this way, they had the opportunity to research the internal organs of humans and contributed greatly to the development of medicine.

Pyramids are the tombs of the Pharaohs. The Pharaoh and his valuables were placed inside the pyramids.

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