
How to Climb Trolltunga Rock

The place I wanted to see the most in Norway was Trolltunga. Norway equals Trolltunga for me so. How many years ago I saw his photo, I don’t know how many years I’ve been dreaming. When it became clear that I would be transferring from Norway on my return to Iceland, the view of Trolltunga came to my mind and I cut a week between the transfer.. The most famous trekking route in the world, I think it would deserve it. Let’s see what happened to me again. I can’t have a normal trip…

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Trolltunga is a rock formation located approximately 1,100 meters above sea level in the municipality of Odda in Vestland county, Norway. The cliff rises horizontally from the mountain, about 700 meters above the northern side of Lake Ringedalsvatnet. Wikipedia

Where to Trolltunga? How To Get There?

Those who are thinking of going from Turkey should first fly to Oslo and either rent a car from there, take the bus, train or fly to Bergen from domestic lines.. There is no direct flight from Turkey to Bergen. Your life will be easier if you rent a car from Bergen.. I don’t know how to get there as I haven’t tried public transport.. I had a friend who could hitchhike. Hitchhiking is possible in this part of Norway. It was difficult in the north.

My trip to Norway was going to take 7 days.. I went from Iceland to Norway. I thought I’d go north before Bergen, then go down. The weather was nice too. Especially after Iceland, it felt like medicine.. Until you look at the weather. I wish I had checked weekly. I said I would climb Trolltunya on Wednesday, but it rained that day.. When this is the case, I take a look at everything on the roads and fall on the Troltunga road at full speed.. If I’m sleepy, I pull to the right and sleep. Then the road again. Just like a truck driver. that much. From Gayrenger to Flam straight to Troltunga. Trolltunga is located in the west of Norway.

If you are going from Flam to Trolltunga, remember that you have to pay 90 Nok to pass through something like a national park on the way and you have to take the ferries.. Of course, you will pass through countless tunnels.. Some of these tunnels are paid and some are free, but you can’t understand which one is in which category. Tunnel fees deducted from your rental car deposit. The 90 Nok I paid sat in my liver. precise and clear. I just passed. because I haven’t seen anything. You pay this fee with your credit card again. There was no one to ask where is this place?. When I did not understand how to pay, the uncle in the car behind me helped, but he did not have the language to answer my questions.

Which Season to Go to Trolltunga Rock?


When you want to climb Trolltunga Rock between June and September, you don’t need a guide.. If you plan to climb outside of these months, remember that the weather will be snowy and cold and your equipment should be suitable for this.. When you go to Trolltunga Active region in winter, you are not allowed to climb without a guide and equipment.

Do not forget that it can be constantly windy, foggy and rainy even in summer.. I experienced all but the rain when I climbed in September 2019. You read about what I did to catch the rain when it wasn’t raining.. Never hit the Trolltunga road regardless of the weather. you will regret. The track is too long. Don’t let your dreams be unfinished. It’s a very special place.. It should definitely taste good.

Trolltunga Accommodation

When you write Troltunga for navigation, it first takes you to Tyssedal. This is the place of residence.. If you are not going to camp in Trolltunga and you need accommodation, you will stay in Tyssedal. You need to look at the hotels here. You climb up Tsyssedal for 30 km, winding on a narrow road.. Somewhere along the road from Tyssedal to Trolltunga parking lot, there is a building where cars are parked.. I think they should have looked at my car there.. I had to get permission to exit, but since I focused on climbing before it rained, I noticed it on the way back, the next day.. It can be passed without permission from anyone, but they may not have noticed me and this may be my luck.. Read what I did but don’t do it!!! If you leave your own experience in the comments, I can add it to the article

How much is Trolltunga Parking Lot?

The road brings you to the Skjeggedal or Troltunga Active area where the parking lot is located.. Everywhere is full of parked cars. Navigation will give you a further 55 minutes. Don’t believe it. Park your car and prepare what you will take with you. I’m not sure and ask someone.. This was the last point he could reach by car to climb Trolltunga.. Trolltunga parking fee is 500 Nok (2019 September). It is necessary to pay from the Trolltunga Active office. I read on blogs before we go there that the parking fee is discretionary and we don’t have to pay it.

Do they know how much is 500 Nok (332 TL Parking fee? 2019)?

You can tell that you’ve come to the right place from a parked world car, or from a waterfall in the distance pouring in streams.. Even though human hands touch and cover the whole place with buildings and cars, the modern waters pouring from those hills encourage you to walk.

What Should We Wear While Climbing Trolltunga?

I park the car quickly and start packing my bag.. I’m wearing my boots. A turtleneck trekking boat is a must. It is especially important that it is waterproof. You can sink into water as soon as you step on a green meadow in Norway.. You don’t even understand. The raincoat should always be in the bag. The raincoats we know stay light.. A must from the fishing raincoats you know. Wear thin to thick things that won’t make you sweat inside.. You will sweat while climbing. You can layer. The clothes you prefer should be sports clothes that will not make you sweat. Cotton underwear, cotton t-shirts should never be preferred.. These get wet when you sweat and they never dry out. Get a fleece. For example, that fleece was enough for me when I stayed at night.. I sweated because I was walking and I couldn’t wear the coat.

If the weather is nice and you don’t want to wear rainproof equipment, like me, you should put it in the bag you took with you.. Let’s never forget that we are in Norway. Can point right and hit left. He does this too often.. You need to carry these items in a waterproof bag, or your bag should have a rain cover.

Take food that will give you energy, such as cookies.. There will be no place to buy when you get hungry climbing. You can get your last shortcomings from the market in Trolltunga Active area.

If you are going camping, you must have a cold-resistant tent and sleeping bag.. It’s always cold up there, especially at night.. If you can carry it, it would be great if you have a baton.. Do not say that you will break the tree. There is no such thing.

“Do not take water with you. I take water with me even though I think of the words “There will be a place where you can fill a lot of water on the way”. There are places where you can fill the water at the starting point. I couldn’t see it while climbing except for a few places. That’s why I say take your water with you.

The Most Reasonable Money I’ve Spent in Norway

I’m ready, my bag is ready, I say “Well then, wait for me Troltunga” and set off.. I’m passing where there is a barrier. First we had to climb an asphalt road. There is a shuttle for those who do not want to climb this 3 km asphalt road.. It was a fee of 130 crowns.. I left my wallet in the car so that there is no need for money in the mountains, there is no weight for nothing.. After telling the man “don’t leave before I come”, I run to the car and get my credit card.. I’m too tired to climb that asphalt road. Can you pay by credit card. In Norway, everything is with a credit card.. I think it was the most sensible money I paid in Norway.. This decision saves me at least 1 hour of time and an untiring body.

The vehicle takes a few more lazy people like me and starts climbing.. We are lazy because people walk this asphalt road too. In my opinion, it is very unnecessary and seedy to climb the asphalt road.. I wish they didn’t pave it with asphalt.. It’s like there’s a party in the car. Is the music played at high volume just to get us pumped? Or is there a party? I don’t know how many turns we took, how long we climbed, but I’m glad I didn’t try to walk.. Even the vehicle climbs slowly.

We are in front of the Trolltunga sign in five or ten minutes.. Just as I got excited, I got caught on the asphalt road and started walking.. At that moment the driver calls. He makes a gesture like where and points the way I should walk.. I had to take the dirt road.. A little laughing and a little embarrassed, I agree with other people. I am the only one who has lost the way. How tired do they know I am.

Trolltunga Rock Treking Trail Report?

As soon as we dive into the land, we start walking on a straight path.. We cross bridges. Whoever I find, I hold the phone in their hand. pull bro pull. Video, photo, take whatever God has given you. I don’t know at that moment that all my Norwegian photos will be gone. Good thing I don’t know… I have to apologize for the quality of the photos here. After I returned, all my videos and photos were gone for an unknown reason that occurred while uploading the photos to my computer.. The photos you see are preview files that can be retrieved from the phone’s cache, with extremely poor quality.

There are people turning, climbing, mountain slopes. I equate to the Malaysians leaving with the camp load.. They rest for two, take two pictures, take two steps…. Me, me? I’m literally running outside of my photo breaks. I won’t stay there because. I don’t have camping gear. I will go out and come back. I will climb 14 km and descend 14 km in the same day and I started climbing as late as 1 o’clock.. The information in the Trolltunga Active Zone states that if it is 1 o’clock at the 4th km, you should not continue walking.. It was around 1 o’clock when I started. I trust my fitness.

If you think your fitness is not good or you don’t have experience in trekking, use your strength sparingly.. Don’t waste all your strength in the first place. The track is quite long.

There is km reminder at regular intervals. They put the stones on top of each other and made signs on the roads.. We found the canyon by following these signs on the way to the canyon in Samothraki Island in Greece.. You proceed on 2 km straight rocky roads after the point where we first started climbing.. You start climbing towards the end of the 2nd km.. Very steep slope from 2 to 3 km. I think whoever gets through this place finishes the rest of the way. 3 to 5 km downhill. I’m getting carried away. Signs that are common in the beginning become less frequent as they progress.. After a certain place, there is no sign until the last 2 km to Trolltunga or I did not see it.. With 1 km left, the signs are getting more frequent.

It has a bumpy road.. Not hard. You pass through wonderful fjord views in places.. For some reason I think it’s the lake at first. The air is freezing for the last 3 to 5 km.. I’m literally freezing. My August has already passed on the glaciers. The cold is in my bones. Would it be okay if we weren’t cold here? You’re cold but you’re sweating when you climb. Here is such a strange situation.

And Here Is Trolltunga in All Its Glory

I’m officially running the last kms. Impatience is too high. First I see the tents set up. A dog lying in front of a tent, a man cooking, a woman sitting in a chair. I say “okay just a little”. After a few steps I see him as if fascinated. How many people are in love with a rock. I’m in a place that’s so hard to reach in my dreams. Let me face the fact that I thought the first photo I saw was photoshop.

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A post shared by Hürriyet Travel Travel Writer (@) (10 Sep, 2019, 9:43pm PDT)

Full 14 km, 4 hours half run, half climb. I came from far away. There are no words to describe the feelings of being in a photograph that a person has looked at for years, being able to see, touch and breathe that air.. First, I watch for a long time.

How Will You Take That Famous Photo If You Are Alone?

I will climb Trolltunga Rock alone, who will take my photo?, how will I take a photo? I see how pointless it is for me to keep thinking. Trolltunga is a very easy place to photograph. It has people on it. Everyone takes turns jumping and jumping on top of it.. Nobody gets into anybody’s frame. Everyone is respectful. I’m also waiting for my turn. Then it’s my turn. So I give someone my phone and head towards the rock. They built an iron ladder on the stones descending into the rock.. I get off easier with my back turned. Someone is taking my photo and video as I walk on the rock towards the magnificent fjord view. I’m enjoying the view while they shoot.

It’s actually a huge rock. It’s not hard to go to the extreme. so for me. There are many people who can’t go to the edge after me, but there are also many people who jump.. I meet a lot of people while taking pictures. We’re getting together again with the three-man Iranian group. those who know know. I love Iranians. Still my most beautiful and legendary trip is in Iran.. You can find my Iranian articles here. My first photos were not very comfortable.. I take pictures of them, they take pictures of me. Maybe it’s because I came in late. Normally it was very crowded and you could wait in the photo queue for hours.. We go out on the rock and pose many times.. Did I mention that I was lucky?

Getting Down from Trolltunga

While they are returning, I am video calling a dear friend. I want him to see this view too. As we chat, it fogs up, then it clears. Malaysians I met on the way finally manage to come. I’m freezing in the fog but I can’t go. I stay for about four hours at the summit.. My friend doesn’t understand that I’ll be back by walking 14 km. Doesn’t hang up. He thought that I came to a place very close to there by car.. If he knew, he would hang up.

When it’s 7 o’clock, I’m running back and forth to come back.. There’s no one else returning but me. I have 14km of road to walk before dark and this road is not London asphalt. I’m counting on the late darkening a little. I plan to land at 10 o’clock. At first, following the signs, the first fog sets in an hour later.. It takes me an hour to find the signs. This is not good at all. The weather is cold, cloudy, foggy. I’m moving too fast. I come across people camping on the road. Everyone who sees me alone wishes “good luck”. I also have bad luck with the good luck of this northern person.. Whenever I hear that, I don’t know why, I think my situation is dire. The situation is dire indeed.

Away in the Night, Abroad, on the Top of the Mountain, Lost Alone in the Fog

When I cross the middle of the road or something, I see a couple climbing. Five minutes later, I leave the path and come to the rocky area.. In the same minute the fog is pressing once again. It’s impossible not to be crazy. If I met those people here, I would be able to see the road, or if the fog came in a minute, I would be able to see the signs.. It is such a rocky area that it has no end.. Lighting causes more blindness. I’m going left first. not that i know. I don’t know where to go.

When the large rocky area ends and I find myself in a wetland, when my feet slip on it, I almost fall over, I realize that I am in the wrong place.. I did not pass by such a place when I came.. I say “Spring you will die here alone”. I’m walking to the other side. Again not that I know. I go back and forth for at least an hour.. By the way, I’m sending messages to my close friends from Instagram and whatsapp that he disappeared.. While all this is going on, I am listening to music all the time.. My aim is to focus on the words of Karahisar Castle Folk Song and stay calm.. Besides, I think that maybe I can memorize the lyrics as I have a lyric disability, but believe me, the head escapes after the third line.

No fear at all. I got a lot of clothes in my bag that I can wear. I think I’ll take shelter in the worst place and wait for morning. The fog seems to clear up a bit and I don’t know how but I’m on the right track. I’ve seen dim lights below. I was moving towards them. In the first kilometers, there was something like a vertical stick that I saw climbing.. Turns out there were solar lights on top of them. Guess I wasn’t the only one left in the dark on the way back. I still don’t know how I found the way. I can never explain it. Is that even a dream? really? I couldn’t distinguish it.

Finally Ending Safely Trolltunga

With a little relief from finding the way, I go downstairs with songs. There are three or five girls at the point where the shuttle left off.. I’m passing by. I have to walk the road I took with the car. The 20 km sign I saw there gives me a complete shock.. How do I walk another 20 km?. I go down with the happiness of trying not to think and getting closer to the end.. It turns out that that sign was the sign to go at 20 km per hour.. He looked at 20 km with fatigue and my brain did not perceive the rest. Those girls were also waiting for a taxi.. If you want, you can call a taxi.. After a while, they quickly passed me by. I was still walking. I couldn’t count how many turns I took. Ha, this is the end, it was the middle of the night when I came to the vehicle.. I thought to continue on the road, but there is no such fatigue.

Trolltunga Active Zone Facilities

I parked the car right next to the toilets.. There are no sinks in the toilets. There is a shower but no taps. For God’s sake, they put a toilet bowl.. Since I haven’t eaten anything for hours, I attack whatever I find and I sleep in the most tired sleep in the world.. I have one more rock to climb the next day. I wake up early in the morning and I see it’s raining. I say “Yay Spring”. While I am hanging out on the internet in the car around 10 o’clock, I remember the parking fee with the paper attached to the window.. 500 Nok payment reminded. It is left to your own discretion to pay for daily arrivals, but is this also the case for overnight stays? I’m out of payment. There is no development on this subject yet… If anyone has experience, please leave them in the comments.

Following my dreams is not always easy.. Be you, don’t stay on the mountain alone in the evening. I was lucky, but this luck may not always be with us.

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