
How to Do a Moroccan Desert Tour?

Desert tour and desert safari are on the must-do list when Morocco is mentioned.. So how do we do the Moroccan desert tour business? The world’s largest desert, the Sahara Desert, crosses the coast of Morocco, Mauritania, Mali, Algeria, Libya, Nigeria, Tunisia, Chad, Egypt and Sudan.. Imagine if America was a complete desert. Why do we think this? Because the area covered by the Sahara Desert is that big.. The word “Sahara” means “Magic”. It was so exciting to be going back to this magical place. I had previously entered the Sahara Desert from Egypt and made an ATV Safari.. I wanted to do a camel safari as this would be my fifth desert experience and I had not done it before.. How to do a desert safari in Morocco? If you are wondering, subscribe to the article.. I wrote all our experiences. I even told you how we stayed one night for free.

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When to Go to the Sahara Desert?

Desert is a place where it is hot during the day and crazy cold at night. Temperature values ​​are normal in the country we live in.. It amazes me that the desert, which I don’t think you can go to during the winter months, is the most crowded because it coincides with everyone’s holiday.. We don’t like crowds. we don’t like cold. We don’t like it too hot.. By the way, there was an event called a sandstorm in the Sahara desert.. This happened between January and May.

So when are we going to go? I heard you say, O reader. Then it would be logical to go to Morocco, to the Sahara Desert in the spring. Because, like Majnun’s scene in search of Layla, we are more likely to die there in the summer.. In winter, it will be cold both at night and during the day.. We went in March and luckily we had great weather.. We didn’t come across a sandstorm. There is no other chance left, anyway.

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Which City Is Nearest to the Sahara Desert?

Some people come to Morocco just to go to the desert. If you are going to do so, you can go directly to Marrakech and buy a desert tour there. Flights from Turkey to Marrakech are generally expensive.. Pegasus, my country’s Low Coast flight company, does not have flights to Marrakech. Then you will have to choose foreign flight companies that usually have connecting flights.. they are cheaper anyway. If you want me to fly directly to Casablanca with Pegasus, there are tours from there too.. Do not forget that the price of transportation between Casablanca and Marrakech is 200 Dirham, but it is also reflected in the tour.. I think the farthest city is Fes. The navigation gave 7.5 hours between Fes and Merzouga, but it took us 9 hours to go.

Where can we get the Moroccan Desert Safari Tour? How Much is a Desert Tour?

You can buy a desert tour wherever you are the moment you go to Morocco. This is the most popular thing in Morocco because. When you say I’ll buy it from here before you go, you have to buy the tour packages at the price they say.. Sometimes there are those who negotiate the price by emailing these companies, but I can’t deal with the mail traffic that will last for weeks.. Such countries do not immediately respond to the e-mail you send.. I might crack while I wait. If you’re patient, you can try.. If anyone tries this, please write in the comments so that people can benefit from your experience.

Which Desert Tour Should We Buy in Morocco?

The prices of 3-day tours are around 100 Euros, but bargaining is a must. Since this is the case, you need to know that you need to reduce the fee up to 80 Euros. Not many accept less.. On the way, you will visit Ait Benaoudu and a few more places.. You will stay in the desert for two nights. During this tour, you must handle your own lunch. Not included in this price. You can buy fruit, biscuits and improve your lunch. You should definitely take enough water with you.. They will always warn you about this anyway.

You don’t have to buy a 3-day tour.. You can also get one night stay tours.. It’s up to your taste. I thought it would be enough to buy a one-night tour, as I had bought a two-night tour in Wadi Rum, Jordan, and was able to cut myself off the boredom on the second day and left the day before, even though I paid for it.. We’re already going for limited times. I can’t spend it looking for shadow in the desert, sitting idly by.. Only those who go for the desert may consider staying for 2 nights. Staying for 1 night was such a pleasure for us.. Everything was in order. He literally stole a finger of honey in our mouth.

The most important thing to consider when setting up this tour is to buy the right tour. This means: Some tour companies can take you to the Zagora Desert, which is close to Marrakech, and give you a desert tour.. Be sure to ask. The tour you will receive will be from Merzouga. Other desert may not meet your expectation. Where are those photos you showed us? Where are those sand dunes? you can say. If you want to know the details about the tour you will take from Merzouga, approach the article.. I’m starting to tell.

Merzouga Desert Tour

If you want to take the desert tour cheaply, you should do it from Merzouga. You have to go to Merzouga by yourself. If you are going to go from other cities without buying tours, you will use public transport.. I agree that it will be a bit overwhelming.. Still, if you say we will go, I recommend you to take a look at the transportation here.

We rented a car. How to rent a car or not! Here is my post about. The price of the tour you will get from Merzouga starts from 30 Euros.. Of course, they will still charge higher prices.. bargain. I was a little lucky. I never had to look for tours. How did that happen? I had decided to go to Morocco alone first.. For this reason, I preferred couchsurfing (free accommodation in the houses of people living in the place you go through a site) as accommodation.. I opened a Public message because I did not know where I would be on which day.. Lots of Moroccans posted here. One of these messages came from Houssan.

He was talking about taking me to the desert.. I asked Houssan if there was a tour. “Yeah, tour” she said. I wasn’t very interested in saying “I’ll write when I come”, what should I lie?. When we went, we thought we would arrange the desert tour from Merzouga.. The French we met at a Guest House where we stayed said it would be better for us to arrange in advance.. I wrote to Houssan. Got the answer right away. We were a group of 4 together with my male friends.. I didn’t even bargain when Haossan said that he could host us for one night on Couchsurfing and take us to the desert the next day and gave the price at 25 Euros.. In fact, he had asked, “What can you pay?”

Houssan and Hassi Labied Village

As we went to see Aid Ben Haddou and Dades Valley on the way, we were able to reach Merzouga around 12 o’clock at night.. While we were on the road, Houssan kept writing to us on WhatsApp.. location sent. I also sent our live location to him. Hasan Hassi was in Labied Village. This village was 3 km from Merzouga.. Since we can’t see the roads at night, I can’t give you a description.. We have to rely on the mercy of navigation.

Housan’s house was immaculate with three bedrooms, two sinks, two bathrooms. Our friend, meticulous Okan, who had his first overseas experience of his life, was very worried about where we would stay.. He was very happy to see the house.. I went up to the roof until the late hours of the night and watched the village illuminated by the full moon and the sand dunes in the distance.. In houses made of straw and mud, it plays as if it will collapse when someone walks on the terrace.. One has the feeling that it will collapse at any moment, but if it was destroyed, I guess no one would take it to the roof.. I still say don’t jump and jump too much.

We, who have been traveling on the difficult roads of Morocco for days, woke up quite late.. Because the desert tour starts at 5 o’clock. Houssan’s family lived right across from the house we were staying in.. They made us breakfast. Made from the famous mint tea. Of course, we are very happy when Houssan, who hosted 3 men and me on Couchsurfing, also prepares breakfast.. After breakfast, when we have plenty of time until five o’clock, we explore Merzouga.. I must write here that when I saw the roads, I was amazed at how we found that house in the dark of the night.. Navigation without error. No street name. Completely dirt roads. I swear, bravo to both us and the navigation.


We thought that Merzouga would be a big city, but we left the village you know.. Of course there are tourist attractions.. It’s like a cafe restaurant, a hotel, but it still doesn’t look like a village.. Grocery store was full documentary. We get our water and food from here, which we will take to the desert.. The main road is like our country roads. The moment you enter the side streets, you enter the dirt roads.. Navigation doesn’t work either.. One is completely covered with dust.

On our way to Merzouga, someone stops us.. He immediately asks where we are going, why we are here. He asks if we want a tour. When we say we agreed, he asks “who”. While my friends think they are the police and answer their questions, I sternly ask why you are asking these questions.. ‘Cause he’s asking too hard. When I snap, he takes a step back and gets out of the way. I met these types in Jordan. If we didn’t get a guide, they wouldn’t let them into the villages.. One even sent it the wrong way. If someone like this stops it, be cautious and don’t eat it. It is none other than Moroccans who want to sell tours.

When you come to the desert from Merzouga, we pass through a place like a plug.. Those who want to sell tours are surrounding us again.. We agreed with Allah. A young person who hears us speaking Turkish speaks Turkish. He has come to Turkey and worked before.. He also learned a little bit of Turkish to speak. When it’s hot like this, they leave us alone. This is how we take the first step into the desert. We walk to a wooded area in the desert and watch the desert in the shade of the trees.. Pretty hot even though it’s March. Those trees are irrigated with the transport water.

What to Wear on a Desert Safari

We are returning to Houssan’s house at 4 o’clock. We found it easier at night. We get lost a little during the day, but eventually it is found.. We start to prepare our bag. We don’t need to carry all our stuff to the desert. When you go to the desert, just take the things you will need there.. Everything will be sand anyway, and I couldn’t imagine a wheeled suitcase on the top of the camel, since the camels go to the desert.. Okay, what should we put? I’m writing if you say.

I first prepared my clothes for the photo shoot.. Since the desert is red, I took a blue shalwar suit with me.. Also a dress. After they were ready, it was time for the essentials.. We’re going to wear shalwar and a t-shirt for the day.. Since I will be riding a camel, I never entered the skirt and dress part.. I had sandals on my feet. I took fleece and tights with me for the night. I had two tights with me, I put them both in my bag. In case I get too cold, I’ll wear it on top of each other.. We have already bought Moroccan shawls that will wrap our heads around our eyes.. I also put my socks and sneakers. I bought a lot of water and even mineral water.. I didn’t buy any food extra as we were going to leave at 5 and return home after sunrise the next day.. ‘Cause dinner’s on the tour. Take things like selfie stick, tripod etc.. It is not easy to take pictures of each other while riding camels.

You go from the village to the place where the camels are, by carrying your own bag.. I thought these bags would be carried by a separate camel. They hang your bags on the camel that carries you. They call camels taxis. They decide which camel you will ride.. I guess weight is based on height criteria.. Don’t forget to hold on with your hands when you ride the camel.. Riding a camel hurts your leg muscles a bit. I remember having a hard time walking the next day.

Sandboard in the desert

The sandboard in the desert is not included in all rounds. Is there? Make sure to ask. Houssan entrusts us to a Mohammed and leaves to prepare dinner.. When that Mohammed comes to the camels, he hands us over to another Mohammed.. Whoever you meet, his name is Mohammed anyway. Thus begins your 1-hour camel safari to the place where you will sandboard.. We are all on camels, and Mohammed, who is taking us, is walking ahead, step by step, towards the desert.. Not like in Jordan. When you come to a steep enough hill, we get off the camels and climb the hill.. Thus begins the sandboarding fun in the desert. For some reason it didn’t slide much when I got on top of it.. Either my weight wasn’t enough or it was because I didn’t slip while standing.. I did not dare to slip on my feet. I had to drive, worried if I hurt myself, but I had a lot of fun.

Sunset in the Desert

We laughed, we had fun. It’s sunset time. The sun went down on the village side. I took very nice videos and photos with my tripod at sunset.. So everyone did what they wanted.. Mohammed, who brought us there as the sun was setting in the desert, did not intervene.. He didn’t say “let’s go”. I think this is a very beautiful thing. as long as you want to stay. Of course reasonably. I guess we couldn’t stay until 12 at night.

Since the sunset in the desert is over, the journey begins towards the field tents where we will stay in the desert.. Meanwhile, convoys gather with people like us returning from the sunset in the desert.. It’s such a beautiful frame. It’s like we’re inside a postcard. The redness of the sun, which has just said goodbye to us in the sky, and the dark blue hours that have begun in the sky… Barbers take our photos as we move through this landscape.. they know the job. They give us very good memories. We can’t thank you enough.

How is the Sahara Tent?

When we arrive at our Sahara tents, we see that it is beautifully illuminated.. It’s like a fairy tale. They made a nice plug. The moment we pass by, we are walking on the rugs laid on the sand.. No need to take off your shoes. The ground is already freezing. There is an open floor table in the middle.. There’s also a closed dining area for when the weather is bad.. The place where we will stay is covered in orange. Very clean. Available in a Turkish-style toilet with carry-on water. It doesn’t smell good, but I think that’s all with the carrying water.

Moonrise in the Desert

Houssan points out to us while we drink our mint tea on the outdoor floor table. We climb a small dune. We lie on the sand and watch the milky way for a while. Then the moon rises. For the first time in my life, I watch a crimson full moon slowly rise in a desert. It takes my breath away from its beauty. I had never been able to watch the stars by coinciding with a full moon in the desert before.

I was sad that I wouldn’t be able to watch it again, but I think this view is very redeeming.. The most beautiful is already the Milky Way in Saros. On the other hand, a strong wind is blowing. I shudder despite the fleece on me. I’m even cold. Meanwhile, Houssan is busy pranking us by calling from the campsite.. The food is ready but they don’t touch us again. We go whenever we want.. Everything is relaxed.

What to Eat on a Desert Safari

Moroccan Harira Soup comes first. I regret the last time I drank there in Morocco. It was really delicious soup.. I was sure that we would have Tajin for the main course and I was not wrong. Tajin earthen pot name. This time they prepared Chicken Tajin. We ate meat before. What to eat in Morocco? If you want, you can read it from my post here.. We are eating a more successful Tajin than we have eaten before. We have good conversations in our pockets, a full moon overhead, we are eating in a desert near the Algerian border, somewhere in the world.

Desert Tour Entertainment, Barber Music

Of course, it’s time for Berber entertainment. They’re handing us all a musical instrument. Neither of us has a musical ear.. We’re hitting the dambar dambir coming. Houssan and Mohammed don’t have that ear, worst of all. It sounds good at the moment but I know we won’t be able to stand it the next time we listen to it.. I even make Okan watch the videos I recorded for a while.. can’t stand the sound. How we laugh and have fun. There is no problem, no worry.

At that moment, we have no idea that Corona, which swept the world, also broke out in our country, and that we will be confined to homes for months afterwards.. well no. After dancing happily and making lots of noise, we go to sleep. They will wake us up at 7 am. we’re going to the sunrise. Is the desert cold? Yes it’s cold but inside the tent it’s not cold. I didn’t wear many of the things I took with me, but when I got up in the morning it was cold outside.

Sunrise in the Desert

I wore the dress I brought over a t-shirt and tights, what should I lie?. I couldn’t remove the fleece. It was twilight. We got on our camels and set out for the sand dunes for the sunrise again.. A lot of tourists like us were flocking to the sun with their camels.. They can bring these groups very close to you.. For a while, we are on top of each other as if there is no place in the vast desert.. Without getting angry, I grab my tripod and drive through the desert. There is no other choice.

My tripod and I are witnessing another beautiful sunrise in the desert. I don’t offend my friends for photos and videos. We’re all trying to watch the sunrise at the same time, after all.. Let no one be disappointed. We stay longer than other groups. Mohammed doesn’t say “let’s go” again. I think I like this one the most.. When we want it, it’s time to get on our camels and come back.. We’re all in the sand. It’s time to go take a shower, clean up.

Of course, what I missed by the way is, we’re hungry as soon as we wake up and go on the camels.. We didn’t have breakfast. I don’t know how high the level of pleasure was when we saw the magnificent breakfast waiting for us at Houssan’s house.. The one who has his breakfast throws himself in the shower. Now we have to hit the road for Fes. We’ve slowed life down here a lot because. Now it’s time to kick the gears and start running again.

I hope you go and try this magical desert experience for yourself.. For the last time, I have to say that this is my fifth desert experience and it was the best.. A thousand thanks to Houssan for giving us a great time.. Houssan’s instagram address is @houssan_mohanehouse and phone: +212 672-153549. You type it and it returns to you instantly.. I will be offended if you don’t convey my greetings.

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If you want to check out my other Moroccan articles;

  • You can find my Moroccan car rental article here.

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