
How to Do Space Travel? Information About Space Travel

The biggest dream of Dennis Tito, a former rocket engineer, is to one day travel to space.. The rich American businessman realizes his dream on April 28, 2001.. Dennis Tito, who spent 6 days in space with the shuttle launched from Kazakhstan’s Boykonur Space Base’, cost 20 million dollars in those days.. This figure was affordable for the wealthy businessman, who was said to have a fortune of $200 million at the time.. His journey opened those mysterious ways of space, which were only open to astronauts until that day, to travelers and adventurous tourists.. Of course, these adventurous tourists had to be quite rich.. However, since then, important steps have been taken in space travel.. Space travel today is much more affordable than it was 14 years ago.. It is still not very cheap, but if it continues at this speed, it may soon fall to very achievable figures.
Indeed, even today, going to space travel is not the monopoly of the American rich.. Years ago, the dream of a space traveler, realized by accident tourist Ömer as a movie, is coming true today.. There are famous names applying for space travel from Turkey and waiting to fly this year and next year.. The most popular names in this regard are Ali Şen, former presidents of Fenerbahçe, and Ahu Aysal, Owner of Les Ottomans Hotel. The cost of going to space from Turkey is 100 thousand dollars today.

Space Travel Begins in 2015

There are four companies in the world specializing in space travel. These are SCX, Virgin Galactic owned by Sir Richard Branson, SpaceX owned by Elon Musk, and World View Entreprises. SCX and Virgin Galactic plan to take their first tourists into space by the end of the year. For the other two, you have to wait another 12 years.. VIP Turizm is the Turkey representative of SCX company’s X-Cor Lynx Space Rocket.. The company plans to take Ahu Aysal, Ercan Kaygısız and Timur Özkan into space this year.. Ali Şen will join the company’s space travel next year.

The technologies they use for travel are different from each other.. That’s why prices differ.. An airplane takes Virgin Galactic’s rocket to a certain level. After this level fires the rocket engine. Rocket reaches a level above 100 km. 6 passengers travel together on the rocket. 6 passengers have to pay $250,000 per person for the trip.

1 Hour Space Travel from the Caribbean

SCX’s X-Core Lynx space rocket launches a custom-built spaceport on the Caribbean island of Curaçao uses. Thanks to the X Core Lync 4 firing rocket, it reaches a speed of 3,564 km 4 minutes after takeoff.. 58. At km, the engines turn off and it climbs to a height of 100 km with thrust.. After about 7 minutes in a zero-gravity environment, the return starts and the adrenaline level is maximized with the speed of 4G in this process.. The total journey takes about 1 hour.. This space rocket is capable of carrying 2 people, a pilot and a space tourist. However, the company’s engine technology allows 3-4 times a day.. That’s why $100 thousand per person.

World View Entreprises, another player in space tourism, plans to take its first tourists to space in 2016.. This company allows you to ascend to a height of approximately 30 km with a special balloon.. This interesting experience will cost you 75 thousand dollars.. However, it is worth remembering that you are not considered an astronaut until you reach a height of 80 km from the atmosphere.. Otherwise, today’s planes also rise 10 km above the atmosphere during travels.
Tesla and Paypal Founder Elon Musk’s SpaceX company plans to raise the bar much further than existing companies in 2017.. It aims to reach an altitude of approximately 300 km and transport passengers to the space base.. It also cooperates with NASA in this regard.

Things to Do Before Space Travel

On the other hand, tourists who will travel to space need to pass some training and tests before this trip.. First of all, you need to be over 18 and healthy to make this journey.. Within 7 days after the contract is signed, the passenger must prepare medical reports covering the last five years.. The passenger also needs to take a medical test paid for by the SXC. Passengers with serious heart problems, epilepsy and high blood pressure are not accepted on this journey.

If your health tests are positive, this time you will attend a 4-day training camp in the Netherlands. you need to join. Here, theoretical trainings are held until noon and practical studies are carried out in the afternoon.. You experience 4G and gravity in Desdemonda Simulator. Also, with the L-39 Albatros aircraft of the Royal Netherlands Air Force, you get used to space travel one more step by being upside down at high altitude.

Space Hotels Are Next

There is already more to space tourism Leonardo DiCaprio, Stephen Famous and rich names such as Hawking, Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga are interested. However, as the work progresses, the number of both ports and rockets will increase.. Thus, the cost of this technology will gradually decrease.. VIP Turizm Chairman of the Board of Directors Ceylan ricecioglu says: “There will be more than one place take-off in 2018, so the number of people making space travel will exceed 2,000 a year.”. There are also investors who see the future of this sector and are already working on the space hotel.. Especially the Russians give serious thought to this issue.. Orbital Technologies is the first Russian company that came to my mind in this regard.

On the other hand, these technologies developed for space travel can lead to important developments for other travelers.. If the technologies developed here are used on airplanes used to travel around the world, for example, it can be accomplished in 2 hours from Istanbul to Sydney.. Today, THY can fly here in 26 hours with a single transfer.. There is no direct flight, but even if there is a direct flight with current technologies, it is very difficult to reach before 18 hours.
However, it should not be forgotten that some previous studies on this subject were unsuccessful.. The legendary Concorde aircraft flew 2 times higher than normal aircraft, i.e. 20 km above the atmosphere, traveling the Atlantic Ocean in 2 hours 53 min.. could pass in a time like . However, after the unfortunate accidents experienced by this plane, its flights were terminated.

Still, the private sector today When these technologies are brought to a higher level, the problems experienced in Concorde can be overcome and much more advanced technology travel vehicles can be designed.. As such, space tourism, which was brought to life yesterday at the insistence of a spoiled rich tourist, can completely change the world’s travel habits in the coming years.

First Space Tourists

NameHometown HistoryDennis TitoAmericanApril 28 – May 6, 2001Mark ShuttleworthSouth African / BritishApril 25- May 5, 2002Gregory OlsenAmerican1 – October 11, 2005Anushe AnsariIranian / AmericanSeptember 18-29, 2006Charles SimonyiHungarian / AmericanApril 7-21, 2007Richard GarriottAmerican12-23 October 2008Guy LalibertéCanadianSeptember 30-October 11, 2009

The First Animal to Space Travel

Russians and Americans are in great rivalry In the years, the USSR was established in 1957, that is, 40 years of its establishment.. In , he sent the satellite Sputnik 2 into space with a dog named Laika inside it.. Thus, Laika became the first creature to go into space.. Scientists from the USSR wanted to show superiority to the Americans with this maneuver and to see if living organisms lived in space.. Laika’s fate was revealed years after this journey. The dog Laika, the first living creature to go into space, died in pain within about 1 hour after the discomfort she experienced during the take-off of the rocket.

The First Rock Star Bob Geldof Video to Make Space Travel

Status Published in Digitalage Magazine (April 2015 issue)

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