

Schengen visa, which is the primary requirement of our European travels, is probably one of the issues we do not like dealing with as a nation.. Of course, we all want to have a Schengen visa for a long time, which does not hesitate to tire us in every way, whether it is with the process of collecting documents, chasing after it, not knowing how long it will come, with the extra € fee we pay at the time of application.. Because, when we have a long-term Schengen visa, we can take advantage of the campaigns and make long-term travel plans.. While the Euro has risen enough and all the plane tickets have become very expensive, we decided to share our experiences again, by saying that we all have a long-term Schengen visa now.. After the 2-year Schengen visa we received in our last application, we proudly present our tricks for those who say how can I get a 2-year Schengen visa?.

We prepared the following suggestions based on our own experience. Therefore, we think that it is more suitable for people who work in an organization on payroll and have at least 1-2 abroad and will facilitate your visa application

We are in Italy, the hero of our long-term visas


The countries you can enter with a Schengen visa are Germany, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Netherlands, Italy, Iceland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Croatia and Greece.

here: In Which Countries Is Schengen Visa Valid

Another country that does not smile about the duration of the visa; Sweden


#1 Being consistent in applying for a Schengen visa from the same country:

We recommend that you continue in the same way as the country you made your first Schengen visa application to; In our opinion, this is one of the ways to get a long-term visa.. Even though there are exceptions, your visa duration increases gradually when you apply from the same country.

For example; we apply for all our visas from Italy; because asking for a visa from a country that we have not had a relationship with before means starting the game with a minus point.. During our visa periods, we prepare a program for an Italian city or region that we are curious about, and we also use the Schengen application as an excuse.. Our visa periods have continued to increase until today; Italy did not upset us in this regard at all.. Even though we’ve had some negative news lately, we think it’s worth a try.

And another unsatisfying one in Austria

#2 Entering the country from which you obtained a Schengen visa at least once:

In connection with our first tip, it is very important for some countries to enter the Schengen area from the country where you obtained the visa.. Business trips may not be a problem; however, your Schengen visa expected from you for touristic trips and the point where you will enter the first Schengen area must be in the same country.. While some countries do not give the right to enter their country with a visa not obtained from their consulate, this may also create a negative score for your next visa period.

#3 Which country do you get your visa from? If you have, to try to enter the Schengen area from that country as well:

There is really no need for explanation; Visa for the Schengen area, ie the country where you want the permit, the first place you need to enter and exit the Schengen area. Entering the Schengen area from the country you obtained the visa is the most basic indicator that you are a profile that complies with the rules.. Although we have friends who have recently entered the Schengen area from other countries without any problems, especially Germany and France are the main countries that cause problems in this regard.. Even if you enter Schengen without following this rule, when you enter Schengen from a place other than the country where you got your visa, this may cause a negative situation for you in the next visa application.. In short, let’s follow the rules, not risk future visas.

We saw that it doesn’t work, we no longer apply for visas outside Italy

#4 If you are going to visit more than one Schengen country in a single trip to the Schengen area, applying for a visa from the country where you will stay ‘longer’:

We just learned about this subject, let’s transfer it right away.. For example; Entering from Italy, you will stay for 3 days and then move on to Spain for a 7-day trip.. In this case, the country you need to apply for a Schengen visa is Spain.. It can be a problem when they ask you about your itinerary and return date at the box office at the entrance to Italy, and learn that you are going to Spain and leaving the Schengen area.. Therefore, if you have such a plan, make the country you have applied for a visa long-term, or if there is a country you have applied for in this multiple plan, stay there for 1 more day.. Otherwise, it may result in a negative score in your next application.

#5 Preparing the documents you will provide for your Schengen visa application completely and completely:

The most important factor in your visa duration is that the documents that should be included in your application file are complete, complete and correct.. Incomplete declarations, formality documents, documents creating an insecure situation cause problems in applications.. You can see the list of these documents on the websites of the institutions you will apply for.

Wherever we go, our first entry and exit is always from Italy

#6 To ensure the reservations in your application file are finalized:

The ticket you will add to your Schengen visa application Accuracy is another important issue in accommodation reservations.. The fact that your outbound and return flight tickets have been issued and paid, and that you have a clear address from your accommodation and a reservation confirmation document will make you stand out in the application.. For example; If you are going to apply for a Schengen visa from Italy, your flight tickets are expected to be cut and paid for roundtrip and return.. Italy is one of the countries that do not accept flight reservations.

#7 Being with an organization for a long time if possible:

Although it is an interesting title, this subject is also effective in visa length.. The established order in the country where they live and the duration of that order seem to distract visa authorities from the idea of ​​’Oh, he will flee to our country!’.

From Dubrovnik, which we entered with our 2-year visa, to Montenegro without a visa, where we drove by car

#8 In your application file, you can include your income, all your balance in the account and your account activities for the last 3 months, credit your card balance, title deeds and licenses, if any; In short, adding your wealth to your application file completely and completely:

One ​​of the factors affecting Schengen visa periods is our income documents; because this Documents are an indicator of both your financial situation and your established order in the country you live in.. Working in an institution, owning a house or paying off your loan, attending school, being able to travel within the scope of annual leaves, going abroad with the permission of the company you work for, indicates that you will finish your trip and return in a short time, thus extending your visa period.

It is also important that the money you earn while getting the visa will be enough for you to spend the days there; because while income documents show your established order in the country you live in, they are also a reference to your expenses on your trips abroad.. Even if you don’t earn billions of lira, you can get a visa, don’t worry.. If you have a savings account with a balance of at least 7-8 thousand liras other than your salary account, add the documents pertaining to it to your file.. The savings account shows that you have money ready for your trip and that you can provide the expected daily Euro price for the number of days you will go.

Another Schengen visa requirement Location; Rhodes Island

#9 Include documentation of your next planned trips in addition to your application file:

A method of extending the visa; Adding your other recent travel plans and reservations within the Schengen area to the application.. Especially cut flight tickets and reservations for accommodation help extend your visa. Writing a petition stating that you are requesting a Schengen visa:

Another method we apply for each visa application. In our petition, stating that we travel frequently and that we have a trip every month, we kindly ask for a longer Schengen visa by writing the dates and locations of the next trips below.. We attach the reservations of our next trip to the appendix of this article and add them to the file.. The important thing about writing a petition; the abundance of entry and exit stamps in your passport. In other words, if you do not have an official result showing that you have traveled a lot, as seen in the passports, your petition may lose its meaning.

*You can search the internet for examples of petitions, we do not share them because we do not find it ethically correct. .

From our planned trip to Bologna, Florence, Venice for our final visa application


A few years ago the answers to this question were usually between Italy, France and Greece was going. In fact, even Germany was pushing the list; but unfortunately things have changed now. Let alone the content of the file you submit when obtaining a visa, even the framework of our political dialogues with the country you are applying for has begun to become effective.. There is no list like the countries that issue long-term Schengen visas, and unfortunately there is no definite answer to the question from which country can I get a long-term Schengen visa’ in our current agenda.

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