
How to Get to a Visa Free Country?

Abroadthe first places we consider traveling are often “visa free countries”. The fact that we are free of visa costs and stress while traveling to these countries creates great comfort and allows us to devote our energy to traveling completely.

So what exactly should we do when traveling to visa-free countries? After all, Antalya We are not going to ‘or Trabzon, are we, even if we do not get a visa, there may be documents that will be necessary! Just for this, I wanted to create a list that will put your mind at ease

From Moldova and Capital Chisinau Streets I Traveled Visa Free

Making Sure It’s Visa Free

First of all, we should check whether the country you are going to is currently requiring a visa or not.. Although I have a delightful list of visa-free countries on this subject, I cannot put you at risk for the most up-to-date information. You can easily check it from the Ministry’s website.

If you check the passport, which is “public matter” on the Ministry’s website, this will represent an ordinary burgundy passport.. If you have an official passport, you should look at it “specially”.

Streets of Odessa / My Travel to Ukraine 2018

Issuing a Passport

The fact that a country does not require a visa does not mean that it does not want a passport either. The passport is our international identity and is always a necessary document abroad.

However, I would like to point out that in line with the questions received, you do not need to take any action on your existing passport when traveling to a visa-free country, just take your passport with you and go to the airport. go !

Requirements for Visa Free Countries

Odessa, Ukraine

Buying a Flight Ticket

I’m sure it wasn’t hard for you to guess But I want to write because here I mean return buy the ticket !

Countries that do not require a visa do not do any research for you beforehand.. Their first news of this trip is within their borders Therefore, you have the chance to have a practical visa interview at the door.

The most important detail that will strengthen your hand in this meeting is your return flight ticket reservation.. This is very important if you are going to a visa-free country.

In Chisinau City Square / Moldova

Making a Hotel Reservation

The second document that will be requested from you during the mini-interview or passport control I mentioned above is hotel, apartment etc. reservation or an address where you will declare your stay.

We can’t find it when we go! Just a month ago, when I was passing from Odessa to Chisinau, Moldovan police specifically wanted to know where I was staying and took note of this.

Odessa Ukraine, Where You Can Go Without a Visa / A Frame I Captured The Sun And The Wife At The Same Time

Obtaining Travel Health Insurance

Travel health insurance is not a necessary document to go abroad. However, some visa-free countries may require this. Since you have already checked these procedures in visa countries, you don’t have a chance to have problems, but when you face this in a visa-free country, they may ask you to return!

Belarus is the first visa-free country that comes to mind, asking for travel health insurance.. If you have a question mark in your mind about this subject, you can ask me from the comment tab at the bottom

My Passport Only Traveled to Odessa, Ukraine


Yes, after all these steps then you’re ready to hit the road ! Forget the awkward document requests and obligations that have become legends, just enjoy this beautiful trip

Update January 2021: When going to a visa-free country during the coronavirus period, the article I wrote about the necessary documents for going abroad in general should be reviewed.

Continuation of the Article: Where to Travel? →


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