
I Want To Go To Canada, What Are The Options?

I never thought of living anywhere other than Turkey, to be honest.. I even love the strange rituals in the lands I live in, I want to return to my country again after dozens of countries I have visited abroad.

But I can understand those who have thoughts like going to Canada or even immigrating to Canada.. Today I will try to tell you about the options for going to Canada.

How to Get to Canada?

As I always say in my articles like this, you should first know why you are going.. Do I want to visit this place as a tourist or to improve myself as a student?

Maybe I want to live there. Once you decide that it will be much easier to go to Canada

Representative Canadian Flag

Being a Tourist in Canada

This is me! I want to be a tourist in Canada as in all countries of the world.. From Montreal to Toronto even Vancouver…. First of all, you should save enough money and check flight tickets.. Then you need to apply for a visa to Canada.. You can follow my article titled I want to go abroad for this type of Canada trip, which includes standard travel plans.

Student in Canada

Canada is one of the most beautiful countries to study.. The French and English spoken in the country actually show their mixed culture. This mixed culture and language will provide you with a much better education.

We must have some money to go to Canada as a student.. Of course, as I always say, if we are good students and we have achievements and features that distinguish us from others, maybe we can win a scholarship!

Those who want to study in Canada should first search the relevant agencies, and contact the guidance services at their school should convey the subject.

Melbourne Overview

Immigration and Work to Canada

I don’t want anyone to leave our country! But I can’t say thick, especially Canada’s living standards are really high.

If we want to immigrate to Canada or to live there, the surest way is to find a job there ourselves.. If we go to Canada with what we have obtained here, they will have a much higher chance of accepting us.

Canada also carries out asylum-like practices.. Canadian consulates in our country receive applications in this regard. In these applications, again, your socio-cultural status in our country, your profession, your qualifications are considered important.. In addition, you need to give the impression that you can live there harmoniously in these meetings.

How Long is it to Go to Canada?

I wrote this title for my tourist and traveler friends like me.. In the world of 2022 we need to put at least 7-8 thousand liras in our pockets to go to Canada.

Round-trip flight tickets can be bought in the 4 thousand lira band.. Together with the visa and passport costs, we can close this item for around 6 thousand liras.. I see the remaining 2 thousand liras as enough to spend at least 1 week there.. You can apply these prices of course with a thrifty travel plan.

From the United States Near Canada / New York and Me

Is Life Expensive in Canada?

Life in Canada is expensive yes! For us, where is life not expensive…

But not so much that we can live on. After all, we are people who love to travel. If necessary, we shop at the market, we eat cheese between bread, but we still have fun! Do not hesitate to go to Canada with this item.

About Canada Visa

Last and most importantly, there is a Canada Visa ! Turkish citizens need a visa when they go to Canada.

strong> This visa is one of the most feared visas with America But don’t be afraid of getting a visa. I will write a comprehensive article about Canadian visa soon.

Canada Travel in the Coronavirus Pandemic

“Those who will go to Canada during the coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic should be more careful In this process, travel rules change from day to day and require a good research.

In this process, those who will go to Canada may have to enter a mandatory 14-day quarantine. Also, a PCR test with a negative result and a vaccination card showing that you have been vaccinated against coronavirus may be requested upon entering the country.. Those who will go to Canada during my education should follow the current rules.”

For now, I remind you that those who have an American visa like me can get a Canadian visa for a special program much easier, and I end my article here.. Finally, never limit the world to one country! All together to Görkemliyollar

Must read! A Story From Immigrants in Australia!

How about reading the story of a young man in his 20s, who immigrated to Australia, where many people want to go, like Canada, and built a life there? ? In my interview with Oya, We talked about life in Australia, we learned about travel advice in Australia, there is everything you can understand, you can’t read it without reading it

Continuation of Article: I Want to Go Abroad, Where Should I Start?

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