
I Want to Live in Europe, How Do I Migrate?

Glorious days ! There are dozens of people around me who dream of living in Europe. Many people want to immigrate to Europe for higher living standards. In fact, they are not so wrong, because as a person who has been to, traveled and partially lived in almost all of Europe, my observations were always at a very good level.

Today, those who say “How can I live in Europe”) I am writing a guiding guide for , let’s start now

From the Streets of Copenhagen / Livable Cities in Europe / Denmark

Why Migration to Europe?

Actually, this I gave you a little tip Of course we all want to lead a comfortable, safe and prosperous life. What if we found these conditions in our country, but the conditions may not be like that for everyone.. Those who say that they can find these high conditions in another country, in a European country, are more fortunate.

European countries are united in practice together with the European Union and Schengen agreements.. With the removal of borders, everyone can trade freely and open to other countries’ markets.. As a result, the safe and spacious air achieved is also reflected in the living standards.

We cannot explain the living standards in Europe only economically.. For example, even in the Baltic States with relatively small economies such as Estonia and Latvia there is a calmness that is safe and will prolong the life of people.. You can see my travel notes on Estonia and Latvia to witness it more closely.

Me on the Streets of Copenhagen / Cycling Symbolizes Prosperity in Most European Countries

To Live in Europe What is Necessary ?

What do I always say in Gorkemliyollar! First you need a reason. You cannot go or live in another country without good reason.. Even if you say “I have no reason“, you can create it

First of all, you should put your own competences first and think about it. What is my profession, what do I do, what am I good at and what can I do there? If you can find an answer to these questions, you are one step closer to the result.

After we have our mission there in our minds, now it’s time to put it into practice.

From the Ferry to Mytilene / A Member of the European Union in Greece Part

What is an Immigrant Visa?

If we have found a reason to live in Europe and undertake a mission, then it’s time to get a visa.. Getting a visa is an issue in itself.. Most people do forty somersaults even to get a tourist Schengen visa, but you will apply to live in Germany, the Netherlands, maybe France or Norway.

You can apply for a few of these applications. need to headline. If you think that I have a competent profession and can find a job in Europe on this subject, don’t stop to make your application!

But if you are in a situation where you cannot arrange a job in Europe from Turkey with an individual job application read on…

From Italy / Florence, One of the Most Desired Countries to Live In it means you have accepted. For this, they need to see you as necessary to them.

Or in other words, you need to stay in Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland, Poland, Sweden, Denmark… in the European countries that I can count as such. there must be a reason…

So what do we mean by this reason? For example, there may be family ties..But how many people have this feature? The biggest connection for you will be a job where you can work continuously.

Train Network in Sweden is Extensive / From Malmö Train Station <

How to Follow?

First of all, people they know can find a position for themselves. Then it is much easier to apply to the consulates with a document that the company wants you.

Student can also be the beginning of life in Europe. For example, you can go for a master’s degree and take a white-collar step into business life with internships etc. during this time.. They all have perseverance, dedication and competence at their core!

Actually, you understood the logic with these examples! Now you can diversify your immigration procedures to Europe with your own ideas.. You can get information on immigration issues directly from the consulates and follow the current news to see the business areas that countries need.

Bonus: Definitely a Great Place to Live / Iseo, Italy

What Path Should Teachers Follow?

I have to intervene for teachers here Because, although it is not known much, teachers can teach in Europe for a certain period of time with the project of the ministry.

You can get detailed information about teaching abroad from my article below.

Maybe You’ll Meet A Tourist Like Me Who Have Jumped On The Road / Oslo, Norway

Should You Get Consulting?

That’s exactly where we may need some help . Things do not work out in Europe as they do in our country.. Government affairs, procedures and law are very different. In this regard, it is possible to cooperate with companies that have legal representation in Europe.

The most important thing here is to choose the right consultancy firm!

I have introduced 20 of the most beautiful places to visit in Europe. You can find my article here!

From Malmö Gates

Can I Get Citizenship From My Sweden Trip?

The answer is yes ! Why can’t you get it? But you must have passed the residence permit stage I mentioned before. After many years of residence permits and legal immigration procedures, it is not easy to get citizenship…

Of course, it may be compulsory to learn the local languages ​​of countries while getting citizenship. Therefore, getting citizenship while living in Europe It will be good to learn the mother tongue of the country you want.

How Does the Coronavirus Pandemic Affect?

With the Corona virus Covid-19 pandemic, which has affected the world, traveling to many countries has become much more difficult.. However, these travel bans generally apply to touristic trips.. In other words, it does not apply to people who will immigrate, work or receive education in Europe.

However, it has become more difficult than before to find a job in European countries that have had economic hard times during the coronavirus pandemic. .

This is how I finish my guide to life in Europe. Those who have question marks in their mind can contact me instantly in the comment section, I will answer them in detail in a few hours Whether you want to go to Europe and which I have a nice article for those who do not know that they will prefer the country and want to get to know the country better. I wish you all a happy day!

Continuation of the article: Europe In Which Country Should I Live?


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