
Information About the Pyramids of Giza

I thought I’d give you some information and surprise you a little about the Gize Pyramids, which can be the only reason in itself to go to Egypt.

With its own culture, it has become a tourist destination in its own right. The Pyramids of Giza are among the architectural wonders that will fascinate people in Egypt.. As the name suggests, the pyramids in the Egyptian city of Giza have aroused curiosity in the minds of people for centuries with the secrets they kept about how they were built, considering the technology and possibilities of the time they were built. but still, these magnificent structures are still enough to fascinate everyone who sees it.. Moreover, let me state that all questions are still unanswered, and let me begin to explain these magnificent structures for those who want to know more about them.

Where is Giza?

I give priority to the location of the pyramids. It is located 20 km from the city of Cairo, on the west bank of the Nile River.. The population of Giza, located southwest of Cairo, was close to 5 million in 1998.

The Trilogy of Pyramids and Sphinx of Giza

The Pyramids of Giza The reason why it is plural is that it is indeed more than one.. The Pyramids of Giza, consisting of 3 separate pyramids, are the pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and Mikerinos.. Estimated all of them. It is thought to have been built around 3000 BC.

The Pyramid of Cheops is also known as the “Pyramid of Khufu” or the “Great Pyramid”. Among the more than 100 pyramids found in Egypt and the pyramids in different parts of the world, these three are the largest.. They are all named after the rulers who had them built.. Although the three of them are mentioned without being separated from each other, only the Pyramid of Cheops is among the 7 wonders of the world.

There is a Sphinx of Giza in addition to the pyramids at Giza.. This giant structure, which is as remarkable as the pyramids, is 73.5 meters long, 6 meters wide and 20 meters long, thus maintaining the title of being the largest stone sculpture in the world.. So, when you go, you will see not only the Pyramids of Giza, but also the Sphinx Statue, and witness how fascinating Ancient Egypt was.. Of course, priority is the pyramids and I want to give you information about all of them.

Cheops Pyramid

Egypt’s 4. The pyramid built for Khufu, the pharaoh of the reigning generation, is the largest pyramid in the world.. The height of Cheops Pyramid is 138 meters. The area it covers is an area of ​​50,524 square meters.. More than 2,000,000 granite stones were used in its construction.. Although the construction of this pyramid took about 20 years, this time still remains surprising for the technology of that time.

There is also a room belonging to the Pharaoh inside the pyramid.. His treasures, belongings, his and his wife’s mummy are in this room.. In addition to this room, which is approximately 50 square meters and reached through a passage, there are also two rooms belonging to the queen.

The Pyramid of Khafre

Actually, Khafre’s name, again one of the Egyptian Pharaohs, It is thought that his son, Mikeranos, ensured the completion of the building, since he started to have it built but died before the work could be completed.. Among the Pyramids of Giza, there is usually “2”. The height of the Khafre Pyramid, known as the “pyramid”, is 143.5 meters.. The stone at the top weighs 36 tons and even today there is no definite information about how it was placed there.

The inscriptions that can be seen in every pyramid are not found here.. Some statues are also known to have been stolen.. However, the temples were much better built and delicately designed than those in the Pyramid of Cheops.. One of the two entrances of the temple faces the East face.. One of the 23 statues of Khafre, found in the corridor stretching from here, is on display at the Egyptian Museum today.

Mikerinos Pyramid

The burial chamber is located below in the 66.5 meter high pyramid, unlike the others.. Although it still has a fascinating appearance like the other two, I can’t say that the Pyramid of Mikerinos received great attention.. Mikerinos, whose name means “The spirit of Ra is eternal”, is the smallest of the Pyramids of Giza, which was started in time and completed thanks to his son.

Secrets of the Pyramids of Giza

It would not be wrong to say that the Pyramids are fascinating not only architecturally but also in many other ways.. Just as the question of how the pyramids were built is left unanswered because of many features that still cannot be explained scientifically, what happens in the pyramids remains unexplained.. Here are some of them;

  • Devices such as radar and sonar do not work in them
  • The sun shines in the room where the pharaohs who built the pyramids ascended the throne and were born.
  • Plants are pyramids. they grow faster in. Apart from this, it is observed that any wounds such as cuts and burns heal faster inside the pyramids.
  • The Cheops Pyramid is located in the center of the earth’s land mass.. Such a positioning was impossible with the science of that time.
  • The longitude passing through Giza divides the world’s continents and seas into two equal parts.. It is also very unlikely to think that the Egyptians could have known this geographical reality.
  • The interiors of the pyramids are cold in summer and warm in winter.. In addition, the garbage placed inside is mummified without any odor.
  • There are still many undiscovered parts. Although archaeologists tried to reach some rooms that could not be entered, they either lost their way or could not find a way to enter the rooms.

The history of the Giza Pyramids is the only one I can give you some information about. it’s not enough on its own. That’s why it’s good to get up and go to Egypt.. But before you go, be sure to check out my Egypt Travel Guide article!

egypt pyramids

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