
Introduction to Maldives And Male… Attention Attention!

Flying to Maldives via Colombo, Sri Lanka. After a flight of approximately 1.5 hours, we reach the island country of Maldives.. However, since our arrival is in the evening, we will stay in Male for the first night.. The airport is on the island of Hulhule, while transportation to Male and other islands is provided by motorbikes or small helicopters.. There are only two transportation ways you can use in Maldives anyway; one is a marine engine and the second is a helicopter.

We preferred the marine engine to go to the capital Male. The hotel we have arranged for the first evening is right across the pier where the boats dock.. In other words, we got off the motorbike and reached the hotel easily on foot.

People who come to Maldives usually go directly to the islands without ever stopping by the capital Male.. However, different lives are experienced in the islands and the capital Male.. Completely contradictory to each other.

First of all, the total surface area of ​​Maldives is 90,000 square meters, including its sea borders, and consists of 1,190 islands.. Only 200 of the 1,190 islands are inhabited. Most of the islands are allocated to a single hotel business.. So an island, a hotel…

Maldives is governed by a republic.. Its population is around 450,000. A third of these live in the capital, Male.. It is a 100% Muslim country and Islamic rules are very dominant.. For example, alcoholic beverages are not sold or drunk anywhere in Male.. Of course, the dominance of rules is not limited to this.

You cannot bring Buddha statues, Bibles or Alcohol into the country.. You go through the x-ray device again when you enter the country, and if you have one of these on you, you hand it over to the airport officials to be picked up on your return.. Here, I have to hand over the Buddha statues that I bought as a gift to the police.

The Maldives converted to Islam in 1157.. There is zero understanding towards other religions in this country, which is 100% Muslim.

There is another point you need to pay attention to at the airport; or currency exchange. As you land at the airport, you will see the exchange offices.. Don’t rush to change. Because their own money is not spent in hotels on the islands.. Not valid for helicopter or motor rental. In other words, we can say that their own money does not pass in their own countries.

We exchanged 100 dollars at the first entry in case we needed it.. Since we couldn’t use it during the holiday, we said we would change it at the airport on the way back.. But what is possible. Because they want to see the chip they gave you when you first cashed it.. Of course, there is no receipt that has passed that long.. We say let’s spend it at duty free, but it doesn’t work at duty free.. Only 1-2 small souvenir shops are accepted at the airport.. As such, we have many gifts to give to our returnees.

There are usually coral reefs around the islands, which both act as breakwaters and prevent sharks from coming into shallow waters.. It also causes a white halo around each island.. Especially the view from the plane is quite fascinating!

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