
Is Vaccination Necessary for Zanzibar? Tanzanian Vaccines and Preparations

THY’s direct flights to Zanzibar Island, a holiday paradise off the coast of Tanzania on the Middle East African coast, have started.. This beautiful island of Tanzania is a very attractive route for a safe African holiday, especially for those with no previous African experience.. However, when it comes to an African holiday, diseases such as malaria and yellow fever do not scare people.. Well, is a vaccine necessary for Zanzibar? What are the mandatory Tanzanian vaccines? Is the yellow fever vaccine mandatory? Is there a risk of malaria?

In many blogs I read on this subject, I read that yellow fever vaccination is necessary.. I also made an appointment with the Travel Health Center to get this vaccine.. You can get the most accurate information on this subject here.. Usually everyone knows about the Travel Health Center in Karaköy.. However, there are 3 Travel Health Centers on the Asian side of Istanbul and 3 different places on the European side.

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Mandatory Tanzanian Vaccines

I preferred the Travel Health Center in Atatürk Airport, which is the closest to my home.. Here, the doctor said that Tanzania is not included in the World Health Organization List in the country where one has to be vaccinated.. You don’t have to be vaccinated when traveling to Tanzania and especially Zanzibar. Zanzibar is shown as a very safe place in this regard.. However, sometimes the police at the airport may ask for vaccinations in order to get money from you.. Know that they do not have such a right.

There is no such thing as mandatory Tanzania vaccines, but you need to start malaria tablets 1 week before you travel. Of course there is no control. Many people generally do not take these tablets because they are harmful.. I also bought these tablets because I frankly don’t want to take risks.. You consume these tablets with plenty of water for 6 weeks, once a week.. If you don’t drink plenty of water, you can damage your kidneys.

Where is the Yellow Fever Vaccine Made? Where to Buy Malaria Tablets?

Both these tablets and recommended Tanzania vaccines such as yellow fever are subject to General Directorate of Health for Borders and Coasts of Turkey travel health It is supplied and made at free centers. There are 3 of these centers on both the Anatolian side and the European side.. The closest one to my house is at the Atatürk Airport international departure terminal, there is Gloria Jeans Cafe.. You enter here and take the elevator down 1 floor.

Those who want to see where there is a travel health center in Turkey from city to city General Directorate of Health for Borders and Beaches official siteVisit and see.

Preparations Before Zanzibar

There is no mandatory vaccination for Zanzibar. Taking risks while I’ve been to the travel health center I didn’t want it and I got my yellow fever and tetanus vaccines too. You you don’t pay for both. Yellow fever protection lasts for a lifetime, tetanus vaccine for 10 years.. As yellow fever vaccine is attenuated live microbe. towards the day, he could rough up a little bit of people.. I supplemented my body with vitamin C in that process so that it would be more resistant and thankfully I did not see any effect.

In addition to these vaccines, I went to the family doctor and got hepatitis A and B vaccines.. For this, a blood test is done first.. You do not pay for this test and hepatitis B vaccine.. Blood test comes out in a day. If no problem is seen, vaccinations are given.. You need to buy hepatitis A from your pharmacy. Since most pharmacies don’t have it in stock, it comes with an order and costs 52 TL.. Family doctor gives this vaccine free of charge. Both are valid for 10 years.. Hepatitis A single vaccine. Hepatitis B consists of 3 vaccines.. Second vaccination 1 month later 3. the vaccine is 6. being a month. Your doctor already writes the dates you need to be vaccinated on your vaccination report.

Meanwhile, it is recommended that those who stay for more than 1 month and food travelers get typhoid vaccine.. This disease is transmitted by food and water. According to the information I learned from the doctor at the Travel Health Center, it is much better to have all vaccinations on the same day.. That’s what we call advice.

Don’t forget to bring mosquito repellent. Apart from vaccinations and pills, it is useful to take fly repellent sprays and disinfectant soap with you when you go.. You use fly repellent sprays especially in the evening.. Mostly, the beds have mosquito nets to protect them from flies.. Even if you sleep with the window open after using these sprays, flies are not a problem.

I used two brands of sprays.. One is Defender and the other is Dalin.. I think there would be less harmful substances since Dalin is for babies and children. It’s also less irritating to smell.. The price is a little more expensive. I also bought an insect repellent bracelet, but frankly, I did not feel it was very useful.

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