
Iskender city Bursa

The beginning of May, the weather still did not warm up to the desired level. I make a sudden decision before the lessons and exams reach a heavy tempo.. I stopped by the city center years ago, but there is not much to remember…

Bus Terminal Bursa at the end of a five-hour bus journey!

The trees around draw attention. Bursa Bus Station with its contemporary look is quite orderly.. Not considered pure concrete. With its appearance similar to Balıkesir Bus Station, it is at least as seated as Balıkesir’s.. Taxis and city buses waiting in the vicinity stop to take passengers to the city centre.

I am waiting for my friend buried in the bus station.. On the one hand, I have a watch on my arm and I try not to feel cold…

The buses that try to provide public transportation service under the name of private public bus are quite old and do not suit the city.. After all, the duality of transportation with this private public bus has always made me think, what is the need? If there will be a better quality service, of course, but it is difficult with this mentality.

Finally, my friend is coming. We continue towards Bursa. We get stuck on the ring road before we can take two steps.. A heavy traffic welcomes you in Bursa. We continue step by step with the comment that it is due to the evening time.

Young plane trees are lined up on the middle pavement along the ring road.. This greenery makes us so happy that it is a different kind of peace.

After struggling with traffic, we come to the green Botanical Garden of Yeşil Bursa.. After parking our car, we are at the historical İskender’s Botanical Park Branch.

We are hungry and eagerly waiting for the next İskender Döner.. As a person from the road, this hunger is a bit different for me, of course.

What makes İskender Kebap, which dates back to 1867, delicious, is the ram fed with thyme from Uludağ.. The fact that the meat in İskender Döner is not made from minced meat and has as little fat as possible is also one of the important factors affecting the flavor.

Yavuz Iskender Kebap registered in the name of Iskenderoglu is banned from selling under the name “Iskender” throughout Turkey.. I haven’t come across a place where this ban is followed.. After all, Iskender has become more of a culture than a brand now.

We place our orders, taking the botanical garden behind us, among an old blue building and the greenery in its garden.. Only 1.5 servings will feed us.. I’m watching the building, which has been turned into a museum, with the cats walking around us.. Everything from the chairs we sit on to the table has a historical meaning.

After a short wait, they return to our table.. I take care to eat it with a great appetite, digesting it and enjoying it.. I’m really hungry.

We’re surrounded by restored buildings. Many of these buildings serve as cafes.. We’re thinking of asking for the bill and heading towards the botanical garden.. The incoming account is astonishing.. The price for one portion is around 25 TL, calculate from there that two people pay. Do not forget that the year is 2006.

We are entering the botanical garden under the responsibility of Bursa Metropolitan Municipality.. Too quiet but very well maintained. The lake in the middle of the park is in the grip of pollution. Frogs and occasional people walking around…

The tulips we see everywhere are remarkable.. He added an artistic meaning to different sculptures.. In addition, no concrete or cobblestone was used on the walkways.. Roads are arranged with a hard soil type. This application, which ensures naturalness, should be an example to all parks!

Children’s playgrounds are also made of wood, although Even though we are not old enough, we are likely to have children.. We are already coming out of a new childhood, we are not late for anything.

When we say Japanese, Italian and French gardens, we wander around different gardens where different cultures are reflected.

This park has become one of the areas that make Bursa breathe. It is possible to clearly see. It is possible to come across green, especially sycamore trees throughout the city.

With the sounds of birds and frogs flying freely above us, we head towards our car by walking over the wooden bridge in the park.

Going Abroad by Private Vehicle

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