
Izmir Kadifekale

The walls of Kadifekale

When I heard that a German friend who was doing an internship at the company I worked for was going to visit Kadifekale, which is considered the ghetto of Izmir according to some, at the weekend, I couldn’t help saying I’m coming too.. An opportunity that I had been waiting for a long time stood in front of me.. When I told someone living in Izmir I wanted to go to Kadifekale, the reactions I got and the fact that I couldn’t convince anyone to go together, maybe it made me jump like this.

Kadifekale restoration

Friends suggested that I rent a car.. I looked at Vivi, İzmir Adnan Menderes airport car rental options would be reversed.. After a short research, I had planned to go down from Konak and visit the castle at number 33, and then swing down and reach the Agora, until after I talked to a friend who had spent years in the castle at breakfast.. When we specifically recommended that the inside of the castle is quite safe, we would not have any problems, but that we should not get off from the Çimentepe side, I decided that it would be better to go and return by bus, considering the tension and stress that C went through because of his Kadifekale phobia.

Kadifekale masjid / chapel Kadifekale cistern

After meeting with Maike, we jumped to 33 from Bahri Baba park and arrived in a very short time. When we got off the bus, we reached the Castle with a short walk.. As soon as we entered Kadifekale, we encountered stalls selling various products, an information office and a smiling staff.. After getting information about places to visit from him, we started walking around.. A much larger and wooded area than I thought. Restoration work still continues. Some parts of the walls have been restored, but there is a high degree of deformation in the cistern and chapel.

Kadifekale view (foggy)

As it was foggy, we did not have the chance to enjoy the legendary view where Urla, Salihli, Foça and the great Atatürk mausoleum can be seen, but we did not have a chance to enjoy the view in the cafeteria for a short time. we rested for a while and drank tea. I love the decoration of the cafe and its location. Ideal for reading a book and escaping the crowd.

Don’t you think Kadifekale has been misrepresented to us? I’m very curious about your ideas.

The chairs of the cafeteria in rows The cafeteria in Kadifekale

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