
Konya in the footsteps of Mevlana

A more detailed version of my article published in Hürriyet Seyahat

Mevlana of 744. While people from many countries flocked to Konya for the night of reunion, I said that I must go to Konya, which I have not been able to go to for years.. Lands where Mevlana’s philosophy reigned in Konya. “When everyone in this world is trying to be something, you become nothing.. Let your range be gone. Man should not be different from pottery. Just as it is not the form outside but the emptiness inside the pot that holds the pot, it is the consciousness of nothingness that sustains the human being, not the self-conceit.” Hz. Mevlana. Let’s see what I did with what my eyes saw and my stomach filled on this path I set out to be NEVER with this philosophy.

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Konya Tavusbaba Tomb

As always Waiting until the end and always asking “Is there a place?” I fell on all fours again after the rush. In every speech to go to the whirling dervish shows, my answer is, “No, I will watch on the spot, I will go to those lands”, which sets me on the road. Nevizade becomes a restaurant. While we are waiting for a breakfast in the usual olive cheese tea trilogy, we have a wonderful breakfast with roasts, omelettes and sausages at the end. They have spent the whole night on the road, feed us well, strengthen us, and send us off for our Konya tour.

After that, we are at Tavus Baba Tomb. This is a shrine where there is almost no information, whether it is a woman or a man.. People wrote on the walls for vows, despite the warnings not to spill salt.. This is a tiny corner of Konya, around which water flows and attracts many visitors.

Konya Tropical Butterfly Garden

We are at Konya Tropical Butterfly Garden. We take off whatever we have on us with the knowledge that it is very hot inside.. Entry 10 students 5 TL. They created a lush paradise.

As soon as we walk through the door, we pass out with butterflies flying.. This is my second butterfly trip this year. The first one was the butterflies in Rhodes, but almost all of them were asleep.

  • Click if you want to read my Rhodes Island adventure too.

The colorful variety here We’re going to take pictures of butterflies flying around, we’re going to shoot a video, and we’re getting dizzy.. That butterfly in blue that flies as if in a hurry; not possible to capture for photo. I caught 2 seconds in a video.

It’s really hot inside and there are a lot of people.. Wandering around I see an orange butterfly on the ground. I’m trying to fly it so that it doesn’t get crushed in this crowd of people, but it doesn’t fly.. God wanted an eye calculation, I have butterfly-sized photos.

They have prepared themes that show how butterflies come out of the cocoon.. There is also an insect exhibit with giant insects. They’ll be in my dreams for sure.. Many butterfly-related objects are sold inside, too.

Sille, Aya Elenia Church

Our next stop is Sille. This is an old Greek village.. First we go to Aya Elenia Church. 327 years after the death of Jesus, Helena, the mother of the Byzantine emperor Constantine, stopped by Konya on her way to Jerusalem for pilgrimage. has given. It has been painted and now serves as a museum.. It is open to visitors and free of charge.

It has been restored so beautifully that everywhere is sparkling.. We can’t get enough of taking pictures.

Sille, Time Museum

There is a time museum on the opposite hill. We climb there and see objects used for time in history. This place used to be a chapel.. It was arranged and used in this way.

There is a madrasah on the hills in the back, but we don’t have time to climb there.

Even from the time museum. When you look away, the rocks are carved like in the ancient city of Dara.. Seems closed to visitors. They will be opened in the future for sure.

  • Click if you want to read my adventure in Dara Ancient City.

Sille Sokakları

Sille streets like a movie set. Besides the abandoned ruined houses, there are also very beautifully restored houses.

Very nice cafes on one side and on the other hand, we say goodbye to Sille by walking by the water’s edge.. we are so hungry. I already love Konya’s meaty bread.. It’s great to taste it while you’re there.

We also visit the Ince Minare Museum across the Alaaddin Hill. Museum passes pass, entrance is 5 liras. We cross the street and walk to Aladdin Hill, but the section with the tombs is under renovation.. It’s very cold.

Here are the tombs of eight prominent rulers of the Seljuk state in my history books. Three Gıyaseddin Keyhüsrev and Alaeddin Keykubat are buried here.


Now Maulana time. A flock of people enters through Mevlana‘s door. Entry is free. We enter his courtyard with an apocalyptic crowd. You buy galoshes as you enter.

People are crying and praying right where Mevlana’s tomb is located.. Some are seated. An officer constantly warns them to move forward. On the walls of the area inside, places were made for people to pray.. Sufi music accompanies us.

In the rooms surrounding the large courtyard outside, artifacts and clothes belonging to this place are exhibited.. You have to queue to get in and see. Too crowded. We can’t stay long in front of the tomb. There are constant announcements. You can’t experience much spirituality in such an apocalyptic crowd.

We are going to Özmeram Restaurant to have our dinner.. Everything is prepared for us. Food is great. According to them, I like flour halva very much.

Şeb-i Arus Festivals

The night of 744 vuslat, which is our purpose of coming here, Şeb-i Our journey to the gym begins for the Arus Festivals. A traffic that is as dense as the traffic of Istanbul, again a crowd of apocalypse.

We finally find our place by asking with the ticket we have.. The living room is too hot. Announcements are made in three different languages. Hymns, prayers and finally the whirling dervishes that I’ve been waiting for come out.

Since we are too far from the stage, we go downstairs to empty seats.. Whirling dervishes are in no hurry. They are slowly fulfilling their rituals. The performance team, consisting of young whirling dervishes and old whirling dervishes, receives a lot of applause.. Whirling dervish, the youngest one, washes the hall with applause.

We had such a busy day that we wouldn’t know where we lie down to do everything.. On this journey I set out to be Nothing, I honestly can’t reach this philosophy in such a crowd.. We say goodbye to Konya with the peace of highlighting one more thing I want to do.


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