
Kyoto Travel Guide

Kyoto, voted Japan’s most beautiful city, is a place where enchanting isn’t enough. I say this based on the 60+ countries I’ve been to.. Places to visit, temples, streets, parks. This is a place like a frame in a movie that repeats over and over.. So, for you dreamers going on a Kyoto trip, I will tell you everything I know, from Where is Kyoto to Places to Visit in Kyoto, one by one.. Kyoto travel notes begin sir.

1. Starting Kyoto. It is one of the must-see cities in Japan. You can’t see it without seeing it.”

We leave Hiroshima in the afternoon.. The destination, let alone the country, is the city chosen as the best city in the world, still preserving its historical texture and giving you breathtaking moments and landscapes, Kyoto. We’re going on the Shinkansen train again. Again, don’t bother us.

Sitting by the window, watching the tiny Japanese villages we pass by, I also watch the employees who bow down to their waist and greet the passengers each time they enter the compartment.. How can a person be so friendly ?

You are an employee. Okay, you fake laughing, but how come your eyes are smiling so sincerely and warmly? Just like your warm, sincere smile on your face? I’m starting to grumble again. Another deep breath. Again, don’t complain.

We’re looking at the notes together with Ali.. Because we will stay in Kyoto for 3 days and we will visit different parts of it, from temples to Japanese gardens, from bazaars to narrow streets, day-to-day, spread over magnificent routes.. speaking of temple. Watch the video we shot at Nanzenji temple below. You will see how beautiful the temples are in Kyoto.

Our Hiroshima-Kyoto Road Trip

By the way, before boarding the Shinkansen train from Hiroshima, we get some food for the road at one of those famous 7/11 and Lawson convenience stores.. We pay 1,800 yen for our shopping that includes 2 packs of sushi, 4 juices, 2 vanilla cakes (Dude, don’t come back without eating these vanilla cakes. It’s a brand called Premium Sweets), 1 chips and 1 salmon.. Something like $15.

The train leaves Hiroshima at 20:48, as usual, and arrives in Osaka at 22:21.. We have to transfer from here.. Because we missed the direct train to Kyoto.. That’s why we come all the way to Osaka and transfer to Kyoto from there.

Kyoto, which I went to in Japan, Osaka, Kobe, Nara, Hiroshima. I have fulfilled my biggest dream. Millet, for you who dream. Enjoyable reading.

We arrive in Kyoto at 23:00 when we say it was a transfer, a walk.. We’re running off the train. We throw ourselves out of the gardan. Now finally comes the awaited moment. Because we are in the best city in the world,  Kyoto…

2. About Kyoto

The country’s cultural capital. It even means “capital of capitals” in Japanese.. A city with a population of around 1.5 million, serving as the capital for more than 1,100 years.

Kyoto View from Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine

Not only a historical city, but also a financial city. Above all, Kyoto, which has managed to preserve its historical texture, especially in the Gion region, is a city that carries the historical flag of Japan, which hosts more than 2,000 temples as well as hosting the largest number of geisha in the world.

Most importantly, a city that has been the capital for such a long time has managed to preserve so many ancient structures so beautifully and carefully that it has become one of the most exemplary cities in the world.. The city has such fascinating historical beauties that the USA canceled the atomic bomb and aerial bombardment plans.

3. Getting around in Kyoto

First know this; there is no airport here. There are very common bus lines in the city. You can reach everywhere by paying 490 yen for the daily pass.. But let’s summarize everything at zero ;

Kyoto City Bus Stops

How to get to Kyoto by Air;

How to get to Kyoto ? In Osaka You will use the Kansai airport located in. You can arrive in Kyoto in 70 minutes by paying 2,850 yen one way on a special train, Haruka.. Another alternative is the trains known as the Rapid train, which will cost you 1,880 yen and take 100 minutes to transfer from Osaka.

If you are wondering how to find cheap flights to Japan, Best air and train ticket sites see my post.

No, if you say it’s expensive, there is a package called Icoca&Haruka. For 3,030 yen, the Icoca Prepaid card is given to you (with a 500 yen deposit and a balance within 1,500 yen) and you can use this 1,500 yen for transportation within and outside the city.

But I say it again; If you have a route in mind according to your own plan, ask the person in charge at the box office before you buy the ticket. very helpful people. They will definitely help you. But if you’re going to travel a lot in the Kansai region, I would definitely recommend getting the JR Kansai Area Pass.

Japan-Shinkansen Trains

So you can get it much cheaper. By the way, if you have JR you can take care of your transportation for free. Finally, there are also buses departing from the airport.. Takes 2,550 yen and 100 minutes but not worth it. In detail, the guys explained it very well on their site.. but english. Click here.

Reaching Kyoto by Train;

There are different trains from Tokyo that take between 140-160 minutes.. One way prices are around 13,000-15,000 yen. But thanks to some packages, accommodation and round-trip transportation prices can cost around 20,000 yen.

Some local trains can arrive in 9 hours and their prices are around 2,370 yen.. If you are coming from Osaka, you can still use the trains. You can get there with Shinkansens by paying 1,420 yen in 15 minutes.

If you say no, it will be expensive, there are trains called Special Rapid. You go in 30 minutes and it costs 560 yen. If you come from Nara, there are Miyakoji rapid trains. You pay 710 yen and provide transportation in 45 minutes.

There are also Kintetsu railways. That takes 35 minutes, but 1,130 yen. As a result ; Friends I always say. There are incredible train lines. If you have JR, you won’t even pay an extra 1 lira for all of them.

But if you don’t, there are Kansai passes valid in this region.. you get from them. It didn’t happen anyway, you’ll be seeing all of these trains at the stations anyway.. I know you’re confused because I wrote too many train alternatives. But believe me, you’ll see how easy it is when you go.

Reaching Kyoto by Bus;

There are buses from Tokyo that take 9-10 hours. It costs between 4,000-5,000 yen. There are also many other places. Click if you want to see it.

Urban Transportation in Kyoto;

The rest of the bus will be a lie in this city. Ok, there is a metro, but 90% of the places you will go will not be going to the metro.. So pay 490 yen and get a daily pass. Get on all buses comfortably. Many tourist offices, which are at the train station, are already helping you with this.

I will be telling you everything in the places to go section, one stop at a time.. If you wish, you can pay 230 yen one way. You should think about this according to the route you will take during the day.

But if you are going to visit the Philosopher’s Road region and the Gion region, you will not need a bus ticket.. The region where you will use the bus the most, I will specify below 1. the day will be on its way. I’ve included the bus stops below so you can see them.

4. Eating and drinking in Kyoto

Where and what to eat in Kyoto? You know, there was a very comprehensive food section in my article “What to Eat in Japan – What are Japanese Foods“. I have already explained everything in detail in this article.


But  I can’t help but give a few clear suggestions for Kyoto.. There are 3 very important areas to eat. One is Gion, the other is Nishiki market, and finally the Pontocho area.

In Gion, you will usually eat at historical restaurants.. Ramen and Setamed Meat Dump (like ravioli) are very popular and the dishes I have mentioned will cost around 1,500 yen per person.

There are hundreds of sushi restaurants in Nishiki Market. there is. Actually, this is an area with some more passages.. You can see plenty of Kaiten Zushi restaurants in this area.

So the sushi system on rotating bands.. I explained this in the “Travel Guide”.. If you want to eat sushi around Nishiki Market, it will cost you around 2,000 yen per person.

Our last area, Pontocho, is located between Gion and Nishiki Market and right next to the river. located next to it, it is a region with charming narrow streets and Japanese restaurants with wonders of design.

I will already be drawing them all on the map in the places to visit section.. Here, there are usually fixed menus.. For 2,500-3,000 yen, you can eat the classic fix menu in the form of soup, main course and dessert.

Actually, just know the dishes, friends.. Don’t get too hung up on restaurants.. All of them already put menus with prices in front of their door.. Believe me, you won’t pay even 1 yen extra.

So just know what you’re going to eat. We had dinner at a Kappa Zushi restaurant.. It was located between Nishiki Market and Pontocho area. We even reached from the Kawaramachi bus stop.. This restaurant was quite affordable and was a Kaiten Zushi restaurant. I advise. I’ve included the video for you to see.

Gion streets

Finally, there will be restaurants that hold tea ceremonies, especially in restaurants in the Gion and Pontocho regions.. Prices may vary. Usually between 2,000-4,000 yen. If you want to watch a Geisha show, 10,000 yen might sound like a pretty ordinary figure.

As I said at the beginning, this is the place that hosts the most Geisha in the country, but that’s okay. very very expensive. Geisha will serve you tea and you can listen to music by playing country-specific instruments.

Generally, a 1-hour Geisha service costs around $1,000.. That’s why I say do some research before you go.. But if you want it cheap, there are places like Gion Corner and Minami-za.. a kind of theater. Is that kabuki theater or what is it called?. You can go here and watch this performing art.

5. Where to stay in Kyoto?

Where to stay in Kyoto ? Be sure to try to stay close to the Gion area.. But it will be expensive. We stayed at Smile Hotel Kyoto near Karasuma.. We paid 7,000 yen per night for 2 people. It was a bit expensive, but now we wanted to stay at the hotel and relax.

I recommend Smile Hotel Kyoto in Kyoto. it was pretty good. click to see it.

Hey, by the way, this was a discounted version. Normally it was around 10,000 yen. From where we are, we could reach Gion in 30 minutes on foot and in 5-10 minutes by bus.

Roughly Kyoto: For those who say where is Kyoto

But if you come here and ask, “What’s the average of this job?” if you say; Accommodation per person in hostels is around 3,000 yen. In hotels, 2 people must sacrifice at least 6,000 yen.. These are the best numbers. I say, accommodation and transportation are very expensive in Japan.

On top of that, if you come to this city during the peak season of sakura, multiply these numbers by 2.. to tell me. Click here to see the list of hotels in Kyoto.

See my article on Best hotel search engines on finding hotels.

And friends, if you don’t have a problem with money, you should definitely stay in Ryokans.. Kyoto, the city where it is best to stay in a ryokan. They say so. Some may be a little out of town. But don’t worry, it’s the place to say that buses pass everywhere in this city.. I’m sure it will be an experience you will never forget for the rest of your life.

6. Entertainment – Shopping – Nightlife in Kyoto

I was sure of one thing before I came to this city. This wasn’t a fun city. In fact, many blogs say, “If you’re going to have fun, go to Osaka.. Kyoto is the city of peace.” was saying. That’s exactly how it turned out. But I want to list 3-5 things for you just in case.

Gion Matsuri Festival-Kyoto

Fun-Festivals in Kyoto

Giant aquariums, zoos or entertainment in the city they don’t have parks. What’s the alternative? They have festivals. If you ask me, the most fun thing, as a foreigner, was sharing the values ​​that are very important to all Japanese people together.

We are one of the most important festivals held in July. We came across the Gion festival, which is. Other important festivals are roughly as follows;

Setsubun: February 3-4
Hanatoro: March 14-23
Cherry Blossom Season: 1- April 15 (Days may change depending on the weather)
Aoi Matsuri : May 15
Gion Matsuri : July 1-31 (One of the top 3 festivals in the country)
Daimonji Gozan Okuribi : August 16
Jidai Matsuri : October 22

Speaking of fun. We met a very interesting man who appeared in newspapers and on TV.. It was just random. He greeted us on the way. Then he invited her to his home. He was so drunk he couldn’t stand.

But he was such a sweet, sweet uncle that I think the most fun we had in Kyoto was when we met this uncle.. He showed us individual drawings, photographs of newspaper clippings.. Especially the pictures he drew were incredibly beautiful.

By the way, I can’t describe the place exactly, believe me, wherever you ask for the address.. But I think it was around the Entokuinteien temple. That’s why I just took the video and added it below so you can see it.. Sometimes it’s nice to be spontaneous and get lost. That’s why traveling is so tempting.

Entokuinteien : Kyoto temples

Shopping in Kyoto

Especially those who are interested in Japanese handicrafts will fall under the spell of this city. You will understand what I mean, especially when you wander the streets of the Gion district.. But I want to briefly tell you about 3 regions.

These guys have a very long street and it’s called “Shijo-Dori”. These are the most important streets. stretches as far as Gion. You can shop at thousands of stores that run along its length.. You can visit shopping stores such as Takashimaya and Marui.

Charming Streets Between Gion-Kiyamizudera

These are located in Kawaramachi street area. But if you ask me, let alone the stores and stuff.. Cross the river known as Kamo river, which divides this region into 2, and go straight to Gion district, the most beautiful and most historical part of the city.

Very nice boutiques, tiny little shops it will seduce you and believe me you will be much happier and more peaceful. he meanwhile. I hate shopping…

Finally, you looked and didn’t buy anything. don’t worry. You can also shop at hundreds of stores located in Kyoto Station, one of the most beautiful train stations I have seen in my life.. Let alone shopping, there is even a hotel. But in general terms, shopping is also quite expensive, my friends.. Even a magnet is 400-500 yen. But 10 packs of sushi are 500 yen. The choice is yours.

From Gion Festival : Gion squares

Finally, I would like to talk about a region that seduced me.. kiyomizudera From Gion, walk up to this area. It has such beautiful shops, such delicate streets. One wants it to never end.

This was one of the areas I enjoyed the most when it was raining.. Whatever you do, walk between these 2 regions and if you intend to buy local and handcraft style souvenirs, let the shopkeepers of this place win.. guys are so cute. They are very kind. Above all, feel the smell of history in every street.

Young Japanese Girls Wearing Kimono

So what to get? Especially the fans that you will see in the hands of many women are very popular.. With it, you can get handcrafted ceramics, magnets, tea sets, home accessories, paper embroidery, silk crafts, samurai knives.

But the most expensive and most beautiful is the kimono. so local clothes, if you have good economic situation, you can get. But these kimonos cost thousands of dollars.

Kyoto Nightclubs – Kyoto Nightlife

We didn’t go. Because we stayed in Kyoto during the week. Maybe there are places to have fun on the weekend. But we reserved ourselves for Tokyo and Osaka. The most important thing I already knew was that watching Geisha shows in the Gion and Pontocho regions is the best activity.


Well, when it was too expensive, we didn’t want to go. As night clubs and bars; There is a place called A Bar. This is a place to eat and chat.. There was also a nightclub called Metro.. This is also a place to have fun until the morning.

But I say it again. streets are better. You can find nightclub anywhere. But once in a lifetime, you can walk the narrow historic streets of Gion District on a quiet night.. If I were you, I would get lost in the streets of Kyoto and take the train to Osaka for fun.

7. Where are the places to visit in Kyoto?

Now. I say it again: This is a beautiful city that has been chosen as the most beautiful city in the world.. I suggest you plan accordingly.. Now I will tell you the 3-day route that I made myself.. Whether you stay for 1 week or 3 days. But do not stay less than 3 days. So where are these Places to visit in Kyoto?

Our Route We Followed for 3 Days

    • Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion )
    • Ryoan-ji
    • Ninna-ji
    • Daikaku-ji
    • Tenryu-ji
    • Bamboo Forest
    • Okochi Sanso Garden
    • Arashiyama Monkey Park (Monkey Park)
    • Nishiki Market


    • Nijo Castle
    • Kyoto Imperial Palace
    • Ginkakuji
    • The Path of the Philosopher
    • Nanzen-ji
    • Forbidden Shrine
    • strong>

    • Gion
    • Pontocho District


    • Kodai-ji
    • Entokuinteien
    • Kiyomizu-dera
    • Tofuku-ji
    • Fushimi Inari Taisha

    Here are these 3 days We visited the points one by one.. In my opinion, these were the most important places to visit in Kyoto.. If you want to see each point we visited, how we reached, how much we paid at the entrance, if you want to read line by line, please see my Places to visit in Kyoto article I prepared for you.

    8. How many days to stay in Kyoto?

    How many days is it enough to stay in Kyoto? I think 2 days is enough, 3 days decision, 4 days maybe, but I think 5 days will be boring.. This is my opinion. Above, I already gave you the 3-day plan. It’s up to you to make changes 1 day before or after this

    Sudden Rain-Kyoto

    But if you ask me, I’d say stay as long as you can. Because, in such historical cities, beauties that will attract you are hidden in the corner on the coast.. Even if you do nothing, you can get lost in the streets morning and evening.

    9. What should not be done in Kyoto?

    • Fushimi-inari, Kiyomizudera, Yasaka Shrine, Nanzenji,Ginkaku-ji , Kinkaku-ji, without seeing the temples of Tenryu-ji
    • Without walking on the path of the philosopher
    • Without getting lost in the streets of the Gion district
    • Without wandering through the bamboo forest in Tenryu-ji
    • Without eating ramen
    • Without wandering the area between Gion-Kiyomizu-dera
    • Without researching Zen philosophy
    • In restaurants with magnificent gardens in the Gion region without coffee
    • Without staying in a Ryokan if you can
    • Without having a picnic under the cherry trees, in spring or autumn
    • Without having a dinner at Nishiki Market
    • Without attending the Gion festival held in July
    • Without seeing Gion, at least without seeing one of the other festivals
    • Without shopping on Shijo-dori street

    turn my friend. I can add many more. But I think that’s enough to summarize the situation.. Be sure. Kyoto will take your breath away. Among the cities I have been personally, Kyoto is one of the top 5 cities.

    10. When to go to Kyoto?

    “The period from late March to early April or from mid-October to mid-November is the ideal period.” I said in my Osaka-Kobe-Nara articles. The same is true in Kyoto.. But if you come in July, you won’t regret it.. Because, as I said, one of the most important festivals, the Gion festival, is held.

    Garden of Ginkakuji Temple

    Also, even if it’s raining, it’s very enjoyable to visit temples and streets with your umbrella in hand.. Believe me, I didn’t know summer rain was this beautiful. I learned it in Kyoto…

    11. What are my suggestions for you that I did not do in Kyoto?

    • I didn’t go to that famous Tea Ceremony. They said it’s too expensive. If you go, you can find many venues, especially in the Gion region.
    • We couldn’t go to the plays in Gion Corner or Minami-za theaters.. Even geishas put on performances around here.. Therefore, it is one of the activities that must be visited while you are there.. Click for Gion Corner. Click for Minami-za.
    • We did not stay in a ryokan. It was quite expensive (around 400-500 TL per night) If you have the opportunity, definitely stay for 1 night. It can be an interesting experience.
    • We did not go to temples such as Saiho-ji, Katsura Imperial Villa, Toji. You can add them to your list.
    • We did not experience the nightlife.. If you want to live, I have already explained above in the nightlife section.. But let me state it again. If you are looking for nightlife, your address must be Osaka.. hop on a train. You’ll be back in the morning. Have no hesitation about transportation.

      Gardens of Restaurants

    12. My warnings about traveling to Kyoto

    • If you’re going in the summer, make sure to always have your umbrella with you.
    • Temples are usually 17:00 closes at. Plan accordingly.
    • Taxis are very expensive. Don’t forget.
    • Make sure to get the bus map of the city from the tourist office. It will be very useful.
    • If you are coming during peak periods, book your hotel well in advance.
    • Temples are usually 400-500 yen. So 4-5 dollars. So it’s okay if you don’t see all of them.
    • There is usually no bus-metro at night.. Let me know.

    Streets of Pontocho

    Kyoto… There is nothing better than following one’s dreams in this life.. That’s why I named this site “Birhayalinpeşinde”. The reason is the traces these cities left in my soul and mind, the endless desire and dream of travel, and the love of travel that I have always followed and will run.. Kyoto and many other cities like Kyoto are still in my mind like it was yesterday.

    Hard to type. But the feeling they left on me is indescribable. I hope you weren’t too offended by my poor writing proficiency.. I hope you found everything you were looking for about Kyoto in this article.. It was one of my very long posts.. Because this is Kyoto. It is one of the beautiful cities where you should not miss anything, where you cannot wake up for weeks or do not want to wake up when you return.. It’s a completely different world.

    You can move on to my other articles about Japan
    1 .10 things you should do in Japan
    2. What to eat in Japan
    3. Transportation in Japan
    4. Where to go in Japan

    Our next stop is the end of the road. The last stop of the dream we don’t want to end. One of the most populated but most modern cities in the world. Capital of economy, technology, country. Tokyo.

    A Sweet Serenity with a Caravan Gökçeada

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