
Land of Forbidden Singapore Travel Notes

Forbidden Land of Singapore; The most developed and perhaps the most livable of the South East Asian countries. Especially those of us who go to countries such as Thailand and Indonesia, do not neglect to make a Singapore Tour whenever we have the opportunity.. Although there are many questions on this subject, let’s first answer those who will say “Where is Singapore” in terms of making a plan; located just south of Malaysia, east of Indonesia. Well, what kind of country is this Singapore ? Why is it so important ?

These beautiful landscapes get me : My compilations of information about Singapore

In this article, you can find answers to all your questions about Singapore nightlife, Singapore food, detailed information about Singapore, places to visit in Singapore.

Singapore is among the visa free countries where every month is hot, entertainment is great, and It is a city-state that can be easily reached from all parts of Turkey as well as Southeast Asia and the world.. (I will explain why I said city-state below). As such, it is a unique center for a few days’ rest between a long trip or connecting flight.. Although Singapore is famous for its “Prohibitions” and “Development” level, it is also a legendary country.

Don’t worry. You can see the detailed list of Singapore bans below.

In my Singapore Travel Guide, which extends from the color of the streets to the smell of the food, whatever i know; I will explain everything from hotel to Singapore visa status, from transportation to Singapore nightlife in this article.. I wish you a pleasant trip to Singapore.

1.Starting to Singapore

Where is Singapore?”, “Where is Singapore capital?”, “How is life in Singapore)?” Let’s start this part of our article with the questions…

The inviting landscape that whispers in your ear that “you have to come” seen on most travel sites, is a vast and spacious city… , delightful people clustered around a beautifully rendered pool, and parks filled with sci-fi-like lighting…

I felt it in sci-fi movies walking under the trees…

Here, with these photos, I included the opportunity to see this magical city, which has entered my blood, in the plans of my Malaysia-Hong Kong trip, I don’t regret it! In fact, I will go again at the first opportunity and I would strongly recommend it to you.. So what kind of city is Singapore ?

Singapore is a city-state, the capital of Singapore. again in Singapore. Although many people often think of Singapore as the Capital of a country, Singapore is actually one city and one country at the same time.. In fact, it is a tiny, tiny country.

Here, this country, which occupies as much as a dot on the world map, is a more developed place compared to other countries in Southeast Asia, since it is a busy port.. It is such a developed country that it competes with many giant countries in terms of economy.. Yes. The income of this country of 5 million people is 486 billion dollars.. In other words, income per capita is around $87,000.

The income per capita in Turkey is around $10,000.. Estimate the economic power.

I feel this beautiful blend of different cultures inside me as I wander through shopping, nightlife, hotels, casinos, Sentosa island built just for fun, and streets where history clings to nature.

I almost enter a country on its own with Changi Airport, which welcomes me the first time I set foot, and I continue to be surprised until I leave. When I get away from the short houses among the streets of the city surrounded by skyscrapers, parks, the ocean, the botanical garden and the islands are in front of me… Now we can start the Singapore tour.

2.Information About Singapore

Singapore, history 11. century city. 14. Although its importance increased with the established principalities in the 19th century, it was completely destroyed and in the 19th century.. It joined the game of attraction between the “world cities” and the port established by the British in the 19th century.

After being under Malaysian and British control for many years, it finally became an independent state in 1965.. More accurately, a “city-state“, that is, a Republic consisting of a single huge, fascinating city; official name: Republic of Singapore

Singapore is located in Southeast Asia, very close to the Equator line. : Where is Singapore connected

This difference in the attitude of the country that prohibits chewing gum has had a great impact on its structure as well; Left-hand traffic, strict rules, people’s very different belief structures are just a few examples. For example, Singapore’s religion is Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity and Islam.

In addition to being a city-state, Singapore also has a very busy Singapore port. It is progressing, developing and getting better every day economically.. Even though it is in a commercially active area, it has become a cultural paradise.. That’s why, while visiting the city, small but beautiful details are always waiting for you around the corner.

“Where is Singapore>?” I’d better give a little more detailed answer when you say. When I look at the world map, it’s almost above the Equator (though not too far in the Northern hemisphere) and in the Southeast Asian region between Australia and China, Singapore.

This beautiful port is also a key point in regional trade. : Singapore places to see

With the effect of its location, it is a hot city in all seasons, but the weather can change instantaneously and it can rain.. It is not possible to encounter another problem after being prepared for this situation at all times.. Of course, this was not a problem for me. You can take your own precautions. Especially in summer, a sweltering humidity and heat hits your face all the time.. For your information…

If you want to have an idea about Asia before Singapore travel guide, you can read Asian Continent Travel Guide.

3.Singapore Prohibitions

The country that prohibits chewing gum, “Singapore the Prohibited Land”… When traveling to a country It would not have crossed my mind to be so careful, but when I read what was written, I said attention! Before you go, I am writing every detail about the country that prohibits chewing gum so you can relax and know the bans in advance…

Although most bans are logical things that are put to regulate daily life Why is chewing gum illegal in Singapore?

If you don’t pay attention to the bans in Singapore, you may lose your holiday budget…

  • Littering on the floor is prohibited; As in most countries, it is prohibited and fined  S$300.
  • It is forbidden to drink alcohol on the street and to spill it. Be very careful and don’t dirty the floor no matter what…
  • peeing in the elevator or leaving the toilet filthy is forbidden. You might think why would anyone pee in the elevator, but similar incidents took place, especially in the touristic area, and even detectors were installed in the elevators…
  • I am not saying for nothing that Singapore is the country where chewing gum is prohibitedSelling gum, throwing on the ground and chewing for non-medical purposes. They found such a solution when it was difficult to clean in a hot climate and when electronic devices broke down; Even if you are stubborn and say you will chew,  S$1000 fine.
  • Duryanla (A tropical fruit) It is forbidden to take public transportation. It smells really bad, it would be cruel to take public transport if it weren’t prohibited.
  • Inappropriate behavior is prohibited.. This can include walking around the house naked, raping, harassing and groping and talking.
  • No smoking indoors, no more than one pack of cigarettes into the country.. Restrictions were also introduced in public areas open to this ban.. Since the tax on domestic cigarette sales has increased, they are trying to make it difficult in every way; what can I say, I support it.
  • Eating/drinking and spitting are prohibited in public transport. This is actually a ban I’ve seen in most countries.

    If you want to chew gum, just S$1000

  • The use, sale and import of drugs are prohibited.
  • Graffiti is prohibited. In a news I read, I learned that an American citizen tourist was imprisoned for this reason.
  • It is forbidden to cross the street except at the pedestrian crossing.. You should be very, very careful about this.
  • It is forbidden to take a taxi outside the taxi stop point.. It is a habit with us, when you see an empty taxi, raise your hand and jump right away, attention! We leave this habit in Singapore and continue to ride from private areas.
  • It is forbidden to write or dirty the car. You have to take good care of both your own car and other cars.. Brands are good and most cars have high value, not a very important rule if you are going to stay for a short time.
  • Same sex is prohibited.. When it comes to nonsense, and when I researched the reason, I read that the government thought it was unnatural and put such a ban. Even if holding hands, there could be a prison sentence of up to 2 years.
  • It is forbidden to carry a gun. A gun can’t be carried in order to avoid incidents. You just have to continue your life in a modern and normal way.. But I would definitely write down these rules and go to Singapore that way.

    You can buy magnets, t-shirts, etc. with the shapes and writings of the prohibitions as a souvenir; I wrote down where to get it, down to the smallest detail…

    4.Singapore travel guide

    Singapore dollar how much TL?”, “Singapore population how much?”, “What is The country that bans chewing gum is?” I can hear you say.

    Singapore literally means “Lion City”. According to legend, the prince, who saw a strange animal on the island, thought it was a lion and gave it this name.. The symbol of the city becomes “Merlion” inspired by this analogy.

    The symbol of the city, Merlion, welcomes the visitors in the marina area.. : Where is Singapore

    Of course, it is possible to come across a fish body Merlion with a lion’s head in other cultures as well.. Although there are the biggest ones in Sentosa Island and the Marina, this symbol is spread all over the city as a souvenir.

    Although it is a country almost half the size of Istanbul, Singapore population around 5-6 million. The rate of city population is very high and with its nearly 40 islands, trade-tourism is the main source of livelihood.

    In a small city, this I was impressed by how many cultures there are.

    The official languages ​​of the country are Malay, Chinese, English. Although there is a wealth of official language, I had no trouble getting along with people, they do their best to help. I was able to find sufficient information starting from the airport.. I also liked that they acted much closer when they learned that I was Turkish.. I don’t know why !

    Be sure, a little sincerity and conversation will help you a lot; let me just say in advance, always bargain and be vigilant.

    Singapore currency, Singapore dollar strong> and 1 Singapore Dollar is about 2.5 TL. Singapore became a country where I bought my ticket and set off without having to deal with things like preparing documents and paying fees, since no visa is required. Like Malaysia, Thailand.

    The most suitable souvenir center in the city, Chinatown.

    Singapore Turkey time difference is 5 hours; It is useful to consider this when making flights or plans.. I was comfortable with Singapore being ahead of the clock as I wasn’t too impressed, but if you haven’t made your plan yet, you can read “Travel Tips“. These articles were written by Deniz himself to prepare you for the trip, and believe me, you can find the answers to all your questions one by one in those articles.

    5.How to get to Singapore ?

    How many hours by plane to Singapore Turkey?”, “Where is Singapore airport?”, “Does Singapore require a visa ?”

    Because it is small, it can be easily reached by direct flight from anywhere in the world, does not require a visa from Turkish citizens, and is small, This is a place where you don’t have to spend most of your trip on the roads.

    As a direct flight from Turkey takes 12 hours, you may want to go to your hotel from the airport and have a rest.. Or, if you want to spend some time at the airport, everything has been thought of for you.. Because Changi Airport in Singapore is a port chosen as the best airport in the world.. Since I wanted to leave my things in my room and wander the streets without wasting much time, I set off immediately.. But I wanted to give you some preliminary information.

    Singapore Changi Airport is very close to the city and transportation is very easy.

    After coming to the center, I was able to reach most places on foot.. It’s the best to get to know the streets and culture of the city, but “No, I like a faster trip.” You can reach most places very easily by public transport.. So, what are your transportation options in Singapore?

    Changi Airport is a modern place where you can meet all your needs.

    To get to Singapore:

    Singapore Airport: Flight to Singapore after I took my flight to Singapore Changi Airport, it’s big, beautiful; An award-winning airport where everything is thought for needs such as garden, restaurants, cafes, showers, etc.. There are even trains that provide transportation between the botanical garden, shopping malls, restaurants and terminals inside this airport.. It’s that big.

    For Transportation to Changi Airport:

    • Train (It doesn’t work between 12-5 at night; apart from that, you need to transfer at Tanah Merah station in a short time and go to other stations and there is a charge according to the distance traveled.. Prices are written below.)
    • Bus (It doesn’t run between 12-6 am; it’s cheaper than the train, it costs about S$2 and it’s two different Transportation is provided by bus line-36.36A-)
    • Taxi (It takes about half an hour and costs S$20-40. It is more expensive at night)
    • Limo can be reached. (I didn’t feel the need to write the price of this. Why do you think? )

    Transport routes from Changi Airport to the city center; the most ideal bus or train.

    Because it is easy to get to my accommodation by train, I prefer the train and I get to my room in a short time.

    If you are going to take a taxi here It will be in your best interest to get on board through your hotel, open a taximeter or talk about the price before boarding; otherwise you may have to pay a large amount of money.

    You can read the Flight and Airport Advice article for problems and suggestions you may encounter.

    Singapore by Train: It can be reached by the Bangkok-Penang-Kuala Lumpur-Singapore line, but for this JB You have to reach the Sentral station by taxi etc. it is a difficult road.. I think it would be more comfortable to buy a plane ticket instead.

    To get to Singapore by Bus : Many companies from Kuala Lumpur take a bus here. provides transportation and The Plaza stop is the most convenient for you; Depending on the location of your hotel, you can also get off at stops such as Little India, Woodland and go anywhere you want by public transport or taxi.. Although the buses are not very comfortable, they can be a suitable option when the flight times do not fit.. I’m attaching the Singapore subway map below.

    You can access the detailed version of the subway map by clicking on the picture.

    Singapore City Transportation : Although it is possible to walk to most places since the city is small, public transportation will be your savior due to the heat and humidity.. By purchasing EZ-Pass cards, transportation by trains called MRT or LRT will be the most comfortable and fastest for you.. You get your card by choosing the stations you are on and will arrive at on the metro line, and you can travel with the same card on buses.

    You can make 5 transfers within 2 hours, up to 45 minutes intervals.. This worked for me while I was visiting a short market and I was able to return without paying any more money.. At night, transportation is more expensive and less frequent.

    It’s always reasonable to check your destination on the map.. Since the city is small, if you are a few people, you can reach both more conveniently and more comfortably by taxi.. Of course, the decision is still yours. What if you have a day pass?

    Such icons from transportation or tourist cards remained as memories.

    Singapore Tourist Pass for S$10 per day, unlimited use of lines. The city is actually small. I have never used any means of transportation more than twice a day.. So it didn’t make much sense to buy this card.. Because if you don’t transfer between lines, it costs S$2.. You know, if you go too far, it could go up to S$5, but I’ve never stumbled upon it.

    By the way, Sentosa Island (a must see place). There is a special train for and you can pay S$4 and go.. This is definitely the most convenient mode of transportation.. Also, I loved the view. Since it was cool on the way back, I walked and spent my time. By the way, the Tourist pass was not valid here. If there is a change in this matter, I will update it here.

    Finally, from our Best Flight Search Engines article, which we have prepared in great detail for you, You can find cheap flights to Singapore. In that article, you can see all the search engines we use to find flight tickets.

    6.What to eat and drink in Singapore ?

    <p style="text- align: justify;"When you say strongSingapore/strong, for some reason, not much food comes to mind.. strongJapan/strong is not as famous as Chinese or even Vietnamese cuisine. Perhaps it was forgotten among other beauties.. However, in my opinion, it also has a lot of variety in terms of eating and drinking.. From seafood to salads, from coffee to a variety of drinks, plenty of things await your taste buds.. So, let's answer your strongwhat to eat in Singapore/strong question together./pp id="caption-attachment-11284" class="wp-caption-text"Singapore' Flour beer Tiger and their famous food Chili Crab, you should definitely try./pp style="text-align: justify;"So what's all this variety?? What's next? Very briefly; strongkopi, satay, chilli crab, Asian noodle etc./strong./pp style="text-align: justify;"strongBreakfast/strong/p

    If the day starts with breakfast, let’s start like this: There are a few traditional breakfasts. My favorite among them was the kopi-toast-egg trio.. Of course, we need to explain a little more:

    Delicious breakfast consisting of kopi, toast and eggs

    Kopi is a high-caffeine, full-bodied coffee made from robusta beans. It is usually drunk with milk (coconut milk or regular milk); It is also drunk in different ways such as kopi-c, kopi-o.

    As a coffee lover, I love this photo.

    Toast is actually toast. It is called as kaya-toast and is eaten with oil and lightly sweet.

    Eggs boils to your table in a rare form. It comes in water, although they tell you the time, if you are not used to it, you can wait a little longer and eat it fully cooked.. Soy sauce is preferred.. The amount of this breakfast combination varies depending on the place, but it costs around S$6-8.

    Nasi Lemak, which is common in Southeast Asia is also a separate option. A lightly sauced dish of fried fish and rice. Of course, apart from these, you can find the breakfast types you are used to in your hotel or in the center.

    Nasi Lemak, a Southeast Asian classic.

    Lunch and Dinner

    According to the places you go for lunch and dinner you can find nice restaurants; Although there is not much street food culture, you can find local and cheap food in a certain area in places called Hawker Center or Chinatown. Do not worry. I will also mention the names.

    The most famous dish is chilli crab; you can find it in most places. Read on.

    Another Southeast Asian classic; satay.

    Satay, the famous dish of this region, is our skewer made with a slightly sweeter sauce, served with radish or lime It can be different until you get used to it.

    Noodles have many varieties: Juicy-non-water, meat, fish, chicken, vegetarian, according to your taste. you can find many kinds. Meals made with chicken and rice and Nasi Lemak are also common dishes of this region.. My all-time favorite are the seafood ones.

    Besides that, fast-food options, pizza, sushi, almost every dish of the world cuisine can be found here.

    Rambutan, pineapple and other delicious tropical fruits, they’re perfect!

    The end of your meal my word is tropical fruits; There are many different colored sweet fruits, which are my favorite features of this region, and their prices are very affordable.

    • Durian (I couldn’t like it.. The scent isn’t very pleasant either.. They call it fruit that smells like feet. In fact, it is forbidden to ride the subway with durian.)
    • Rambutan (It resembles hairy hair on the outside, and is a soft sweet fruit on the inside),
    • Mango ( No words needed. Mango!)
    • Pitahaya (It’s called dragon fruit in tourist centers. The taste is not intense. It looks so exotic)
    • Finally, papaya (as well as Mango) and more…
    • As for drinks… Kopi is a must!

      A Raffles Singapore I recommend it to lovers of classic, sling, cocktails…

      In addition, when you go to Sentosa Island, you can sip your cocktail in pineapple against the sea, if it’s not enough Singapore Sling pineapple-gin-brandy-fruit flavored local and famous cocktails (This cocktail was made for the first time in Raffles Hotel and of course it’s best to try it there)

      Don’t miss it if you can find such good dark beers besides easy drinking lager beer.

      Local and national beers are Tiger Beer; You may have guessed where the name came from; Made since 1932, this beer is a light-tasting lager and can be found almost anywhere, from markets to bars.. If you say it wouldn’t be bad to get enough alcohol, natural herbal teas can be a good choice; Their bubble tea, called bubble tea, is perfect to cool you off in hot weather.

      So Which restaurant should you go to in Singapore? (Here it is the turn of those “soon”s)

      Long Beach Seafood Restaurant: The best chilli crab

      Chomp Chomp Food Center: Open late and said to have the best satays, which if you like satay like me, this is the place for you. cheap and good option. It is located on Kensington Park Road and you can easily reach it by public transport.

      Finally, 10% tip is added to the automatic prices, and 7% tax is extra in some places. is being written. Sorry.

      7.Singapore Hotels

      Singapore with pool where is the hotel?“, “How to stay the best in Singapore?

      I have to start by saying hotel with pool. Because they are one of the most important hotels in the world.. Don’t worry, I’ll explain it below.

      In Singapore, you need to be careful about hotels and accommodation.. Apart from the cheapest areas, Little India and Chinatown, there are good places in Clark Quay and Marina, but the prices are bad.

      Marina Bay You can watch the sunset in the unique pool view of Sands.

      The most logical places, chosen according to both your budget and location, are below for you so that you do not experience the small problems I experienced in my own travel. I sorted. These recommendations, believe me, are exactly budget-friendly facilities.. You can view the facilities by clicking on their names.

      The hostels are within walking distance of the center and are easily accessible.

      Singapore Hostel Recommendation:

      • The InnCrowd Backpackers’ Hostel: Around S$15 per person per night with breakfast included. They are also very good in location and helpfulness. Lonely places are running out fast. Don’t forget to make a reservation in advance! It is very comfortable in Little India and transportation.
      • The Bohemian Chic: Located in the Chinatown district, this although the hostel is a bit more expensive, it’s one of the best in the area with a score of 8.8. Approx S$25 per person. Its location score is 9.3!

      Singapore Low Budget Hotel Recommendation:

      These hotels within walking distance of the center are reasonably priced.

      • The Pod @ Beach Road Boutique Capsule Hotel: You can try this capsule hotel for a different experience (Capsule hotels are very common in Japan in general.). S$35 per person per night and very high satisfaction. The only downside is that the rooms run out months ago.. Breakfast included and walking distance to the center…
      • ZEN Premium Little India: With S$45 per person, it is both close to the center and has good reviews. themselves.

      Singapore Mid Budget Hotel Recommendation:

      These mid-budget hotels for Singapore can be classified as top class in terms of quality.

      • Swissotel Merchant Court Singapore: Swissotel quality and comfort for S$100 per person per night. It’s actually not that expensive.. After all, Swiss. what more can i say. You can reserve rooms with a central view and a balcony with a small difference.. Its location score is 9.4.
      • Amara Singapore: Even though it is in another part of the city compared to other hotels, with its modern structure and nice service stands out. S$100 per person per night and next to restaurants with international cuisine.

      Singapore High Budget Hotel Recommendation:

      Top quality and even the best hotels are in the best spots of the centre.

      • Marina Bay Sands Singapore: It’s time for our hotel with the famous rooftop pool.. Perhaps the most famous and beautiful hotel, Marina Bay Sands, with its magnificent view pool, Skypark and many activities.. 57 that can only be used by hotel guests. If you want to enjoy the pool on the ground floor, it is about S$300 per person per night.. If you are here for Honeymoon, you should definitely have this hotel on your list.
      • Raffles Singapore: Central location, amazing cocktails and satisfaction guarantee. S$350-400 per person per night and selling out fast. You need to make a reservation months in advance.

      All of the above Singapore accommodation options are in the city center and can be reached either by public transport or on foot. It allows you to reach most places very easily.. Although it is a bit expensive area among Asian cities, the options I mentioned to you are the best in terms of price / quality. You can be sure.

      8.Entertainment-Shopping-Nightlife in Singapore

      Where to buy what to buy in Singapore? What are the best things as a gift?

      The biggest and longest street for shopping Orchard Road. You can think of it as Nisantasi district of Istanbul or Bagdat Street.. Many glamorous and famous stores welcome you with discount campaigns that you can come across all the time.. Especially to the ladies: This is the address you are looking for.

      Did I mention that Singapore is famous for its nightlife?

      Singapore is the most suitable place for souvenirs and the place with the most variety is Chinatown. Although you can see souvenir shops or vendors almost everywhere throughout the city center, Chinatown will be the best option.

      Merlion, the symbol of the country, can be found in all kinds of goods. I say don’t come back without it. Definitely bargain!!!

      Chinatown is an ideal place for both sightseeing and souvenirs.

      I say it again: haggle with vendors no matter what, you can easily get them for half the price they say. be persistent. If necessary, pretend to go and look at a few places and get an idea.. If they realize that you don’t know much, they will try to screw you.

      Getting to Chinatown is simple: It even has a stop in its name on the subway or bus.. Chinatown will be mentioned again…

      Another cheap option is Mustafa Center. Yes, you know Mustafa. There is a mall and what you look for in it; Of course, don’t expect too much about quality.. I think the only good thing is that you can change foreign currency at a good rate.. There is an easily accessible one in Little India.

      Another place for those who love technology shopping is Funan DigitaLife Mall; Few minutes walk from City Hall. Don’t forget to bargain!!!

      I strongly recommend you to check our article How Should I Carry My Money on Vacation in order not to have any trouble while shopping and browsing.

      Orchard Road, which is preferred by many for shopping, is generally crowded and famous brands are located here.

      Singapore nightlife , Singapore nightlife recommendations and Singapore nightlife reviews are our next topic.

      Shopping done, food eaten. Now, of course, there is Singapore nightlife! For him, Clarke Quay, which is a very lively and central place, is one of the most famous centers.. Boat Quay and Geylang Street are among the other centers.

      Clarke Quay is the choice of most people because it is by the river, intertwined with cafes and restaurants and is in the center.. Entertainment until late is experienced in this neighborhood. Of course, alcohol prices vary according to places, I say check it before you enter.. (Even the beer prices, usually around $10. So, Singapore nightlife is a bit expensive. FYI.)

      Geylang area is a little more Red Light District, that is, sexually focused center. Zouk and Trace Club, famous for their DJs; Chupitos with its overflowing entertainment; For rock music lovers, Clarke Quay with Crazy Elephant is perfect for nightlife lovers.. These are my favorite nightlife venues in Singapore.

      If you want to follow prices with excitement like you are following the stock market, this is the place. it’s all you.

      Another different concept here is Beer Market. The beer-focused stock market, as its name suggests. A different competition and entertainment awaits you here, with prices varying according to the products consumed.. If you are near the city center and the marina, the Rooftop bar 1-Altitude can be a good option.. But I say it again: Singapore nightlife is quite expensive.

      9.Places to visit in Singapore

      “How to tour Singapore ?”, “How to travel in a country where chewing gum is prohibited ?”, “Singapore Where are the places to visit in Turkey? ” It is time to answer the questions…. You can easily walk around the city and see everything in a few days.. I had seen most places in two days and had a great time.. I have prepared a complete Singapore tour guide for those who have longer time or want to see everything in a limited time.. But :

      1 for Singapore. and 2. my day routes. : Places to visit in Singapore

      As for places to visit in Singapore, in my article “Places to Visit in Forbidden City Singapore“, I explained in the most detailed way and wrote daily Singapore tours for you.. I wanted to explain this in a separate article.. Because I wanted to prepare a very detailed list of places to visit in Singapore.. To view, click.

      10.How many days to stay in Singapore ?

      If you’ve read my post on “Places to Visit in the City of Forbidden Singapore”, you must have noticed that every corner of the city is packed.. If you want to do all of the above, 1 day may be enough for Sentosa Island and 1 day for Singapore centre, but I do not recommend it because it will be very busy.

      2 nights and 3 days. If you plan, you will have a comfortable and nice holiday.. You can see the nightlife both on Sentosa Island and Clarke Quay.

      Sentosa Island is a nice place with Merlion and its pool. moment…

      I stayed for 1 night and 2 days and was able to see most of the places. You can experience both sea, shopping and nightlife in Singapore by arranging different holidays for 7-10-14 days by combining it with nearby countries that do not require visas such as Malaysia, Thailand and Hong Kong.

      To read my 3 and 7 days Singapore tour by describing the places to visit, please see my article “Places to Visit in Singapore, the Forbidden City”.

      If you haven’t arranged your accommodation yet, you can visit “Booking.com“ for hotels and “Hostelworld” for hostels. You can have a look.

      11.What should not be done in Singapore without doing it?

      • Kopi
      • Watching the evening light shows at Gardens by the Bay
      • In Sentosa Island, your beach and k without enjoying the octails

      The garden with the most species of orchids is a must. : Singapore trip

      • Going to the marina and taking a picture with Merlion and getting miniatures from Chinatown for souvenirs
      • Taking an afternoon walk in Clarke Quay and eating Chilli Crab and enjoying the Singapore nightlife
      • The uniqueness of the botanical garden Do not return without visiting the Orchid Garden
      • Hindu and Buddhist temples. As I said, 2 nights and 3 days are more than enough to do all of these.

      12. What route to follow in Singapore?

      Since the city center and places to visit are intertwined, after you reach Singapore Airport, you can reach the city with one of the options I specified and start traveling.

      Sunset with Gardens by the Bay and Marina Bay Sands.

      Marina area, Sentosa Island, Chinatown, you can visit these places in the morning and have dinner at Clark Quay. I would also like to state that you can easily reach Kuala Lumpur and other cities from Singapore, and you can have a very nice holiday by combining it with other places.

      Your route To spend your time in the most economical way, do not set off without looking at our article 10 Ways to Travel Economically!

      13.Why go to Singapore?

      • Visa Free. You can go through passport control without any problems when entering the country.
      • The center of South East Asia Singapore and Australia It can be called a center for transportation to remote areas as well as to slightly more similar areas such as Indonesia.. The airport is very active, big and easy to reach.. Direct flights are also possible with THY.
      • Modern and exotic culture are intertwined. Legendary beautiful nightlife and restaurants in the city center; A great holiday on Sentosa Island, Singapore Universal Studios awaits you, and right next to it, local delicacies and temples are intertwined.. If you are interested in Buddhism, a unique culture awaits you.

      You can celebrate different cultural days in Singapore, too.

    • Delicious. Especially Kopi (Local coffee) and Chilli Crab are must-haves.
    • Full and small. Everything is close to each other, even if you feel in different places, you can reach most places even by walking.
    • Fun. Sentosa Island is an island built only on entertainment and pleasure, and nightlife in the city center is just for you.
    • Peaceful. If you want to relax in the botanical garden and watch all kinds of plant species you have never seen before with the sound of water, this is the place for you.
    • The cleanest country in the world. surprised? All this prohibition and care is always for you.

    Why not add other countries to your holiday while you are in Singapore? For other countries in the Asian continent, you can click here.

    How much does it cost to travel to 14.Singapore?

    Is Singapore expensive?“, “How are the living costs in Singapore ?”. My answer is yes it is expensive. One of the most expensive cities in the world. However, I have written every detail and cost in order for you to travel in the most convenient way.. I hope it will help.

    Why not enter the new year in Singapore? Is Singapore expensive : Yes. Quite expensive

    • How to get to Singapore: Direct flights start from 2’500 TL with THY and Singapore Airlines, unfortunately that ! On connecting flights, you can find discounted tickets up to 1’500TL from companies such as Qatar Airways and Emirates.. You can walk to most places in the city.. But still, 10 or S$15 may be the transportation cost you will spend in the city for your entire trip.

    As for air tickets, definitely the Best flight and train ticket sites

  • Do not believe those who pretend to sell tours when you visit any place and say that it is closed and this place is better. If you are wondering when and where is open, it is already written on the internet or at your destination.. Scammers use this tactic a lot.. And it’s very…
  • If you’re going to take a taxi, don’t use a taxi without a meter or any other taxi you don’t agree with.
  • Check the hotel fee when you book and take a good look at what’s included.
  • Singapore is also quite expensive in terms of living conditions. So, if you have a dream of settling in Singapore, please do your research well.. It looks beautiful from the outside, but it is difficult to live inside.

Singapore amazed me with every street and garden.

Singapore was a beautiful country that exceeded my expectations. The nature and especially the botanical garden impressed me a lot.. While the artificial trees in the city center take you to sci-fi movies, its coffee and food reminded me once again how beautiful the world is.

Singapore places continue my post.

It is difficult for most cities to find a balance between modernism, future, cultural preservation and exoticism.. I think Singapore appealed to me so much because it did it. Although it may seem like a small transit point, to me, Singapore has the diversity to offer you everything you would expect from a vacation.. Of course, except skiing. Whether you fill a backpack or suitcases; think to the road and wander the streets, all countries and the world are waiting for you to be discovered! Imagine. Think about it.

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