
Language Schools and Costs in Germany

Language Schools in Germany

We came to our article on Language Schools in Germany and the expenses of language schools Since the last time we met, or rather since we uploaded our last article on our blog, unfortunately, summer has not yet come to Frankfurt.. We thought that we would write our next article about Places to go in Springtime in Frankfurt’, but it didn’t happen, it didn’t happen… So you can see we’re in trouble these days.

From how we applied to graduate school before, We talked about the differences between life in Germany and life in Turkey, and Being Permanent After Post Graduate in Europe. It’s time for German!

In our first year in Frankfurt, we never showed any interest in German and left it at the ‘Ali Ata Bak’ level, but in our second year, when we decided to stay in Germany for a while, learning this ugly language became a must! Of course, we can not say that we still speak like a flood, but we have brought our German to a certain level.. When we received a lot of e-mails about German recently, we decided to write how to learn ‘Alamanci’ German!

How to find a suitable German course for you, what are the prices, how long does it take to have an adequate German for study or study, We will talk about how those who come to Germany for language school arrange accommodation and how much this all-inclusive business costs.. Since we are stuck at home in the cold weather in Frankfurt these days and we do a lot of research on ‘language learning techniques’, we can present a bunch of them!

And last but not least; Michael Norton, one of our favorite TED speakers, talked about ‘how to buy happiness’ in one of his talks.. After this age, if you want to stop dealing with German and ‘buy happiness’, you can learn how to do it by clicking here.

Language Schools and Costs in Germany

Let’s start with this, those who want to learn German in Germany generally It is divided into two;

1-) Those who have won an ‘Master’s Program in English’ in Germany and those who want to learn German while doing their master’s degree (or those who want to be accepted into an English job position) those who want to buy and learn German at that time). We go into this category and our job is relatively easy.

2-) Those who want to apply for a ‘German master’s program (or university for younger students) in Germany (because usually this is the case) program) and for this, naturally those who want to learn German first. Think about it this way, English master’s programs in Germany can cost up to 20,000 euros a year, and considering that many of the same programs are free for German teachers, it’s not unreasonable to study in these German programs for free after you come to Germany and spend some money on learning German. , right?

So let’s say you want to do a master’s degree in Germany and at the same time you are looking for a free master’s program because your budget is limited, you need to learn German for this.. You do not want to give money to the language school agencies and you are undecided about which city, which language school you should choose and how much budget you should have.. Welcome, you are at the right address! (It’s like honey ads on low-budget channels, but handle us now)

Learning German in Turkey vs. Learning German in Germany:

Of course you can learn German when you live in Turkey. you can also learn in the city. There is no such thing as impossible, it is possible to find an intensive German program in your own city and reach the level of German you want.. But you have to think about how different the German you learned in a language school is from the German spoken by a native German speaker on the street.. For example, consider how we speak Turkish differently from what is written in books.. In German, the German you learned in the course and street German are very different, and a person who has reached the B2 level in the course may not understand a single word that the German on the street says.. In Turkey, there are those who come to Germany thinking ‘I’ve learned, it’s over now’ but do not understand the question of the German passport police! In summary, learning German by communicating with Germans is very beneficial for you.

For language school, learn a little German and come that way or come with zero German?

First time in Frankfurt? Even at the end of the year our German was at the level of ‘Apo kommee laa kommee’ and frankly we had no problems. Even in small cities in Germany, young and old can speak English. So if you have English, you can also start language school with zero German.. But if you don’t have any English, it would be good to take a German beginner course in Turkey for at least a few months.. So you are comfortable talking to the passport police, the foreigners office or simply when you need to ask directions.. If he doesn’t have that, and you come with zero English and zero German, there’s no death at the end of it.. Of course, an expatriate brother will come to your aid.. Don’t worry too much!

Well, let’s just say that in almost all language schools in Germany, all courses are taught in German, from the beginner level to the last.. So even in your first German lesson with zero (0) German, the teachers don’t speak a word of English and somehow get the job done with gestures and facial expressions.. That’s why you learn fast. Let’s write it even though it’s not related to the subject, you know, we are used to in Turkey, and when you know a question, the teachers say ‘I’m sorry!’ to you or appreciate it.. That’s why teachers may find you a bit of ‘gudubet’ from the very beginning.

What level of German is required for a master’s degree? And what level of German is required to study?

This is a very broad question.. Let’s take an example from graduate school first.. Some master’s programs in Germany can be half English half German and require a certain level in both languages.. For example, here is the language requirement for the ‘Computational Sciences in Engineering’ section.. The program is two years and the courses are taught entirely in English in the first year, and in German and English together in the second year.. That’s why, while applying to university in the first year, it is enough to have an A1 certificate in German, while we want you to get 6.5 in IELTS.. However, there is a similar program here, and while it requires around 6.5 from IELTS, it requires at least A2 from German.. Of course, these are the merciful ones!

TestDAF Exam

There are also graduates whose language of instruction is completely German, and as you can see here, they may want you to have at least B2 level German.. They may even ask you to have a C1 certificate if the department you are going to study is a verbal-oriented department such as law.. In other words, you need to decide on the schools you will apply to and prepare according to their level.. And naturally, you have to take the TestDAF to prove your level.. You can think of TestDAF as the German language test version of IELTS.

If you have a certain level of German, but you are not confident in succeeding in TestDAF, language schools only offer TestDAF courses, enroll in them as well. you can be. We will elaborate below. We haven’t entered TestDAF yet because we don’t feel ready, because if we do, we think we’ll qualify for a Goethe (come) award!. Younger friends who are considering a bachelor’s degree can also look at the language level requirements of undergraduate programs on Daad.de.. For example, the required level for Bachelor of Electrical Engineering is B2-.

For Working German, things are a little easier.. Of course, if your job position is in German, they want a good level of German from you, but they usually do the oral interview in German and measure your level instead of proving it with an exam like TestDAF.. The reason is that you may have taken the TestDAF at a very, very good level, but unfortunately this does not prove that you have the “business German” skills for the department you will study.. So both good and bad! In summary, if you want to apply for a German job position, learn German wherever and how you learn it!

How Long Will I Get to What Level in German?

In this regard actually dear Mark Twain said something like this but don’t take it seriously :); “My linguistic research has shown me that a gifted person can learn English (except spelling and pronunciation) in thirty hours, French in thirty days, and German in thirty years.. So it’s clear that this language needs to be trimmed and repaired.. if it stays as it is, it should be gently and respectfully placed among the dead languages, for only the dead have time to learn it.”

Now you had already intended to go to language school, here we come to decide on language school! Let’s give you an example from the language school we went to; Let’s say you are going to start from scratch, that is, you are at A1 level, and you want to finish B1, that is, B1 at the level you want to reach.

The beginner level called A1 has 3 levels as A1.1 – A1.2 – A1.3 in the course we went to. It is divided into sections and how long it takes to complete A1, which is 3 sections in total, naturally varies according to the intensity of the course.. If you go 3 days – 1.5 hours a week, Monday-Wednesday and Friday, you will learn German for 4.5 hours a week and A1 will be completed in 8 months (uh)! If you sign up for the Intensive program and go 5 days a week, 4 hours a day from Monday to Friday, A1 is over in three months!

After A1, the levels are A1 – A2 – B1 – B2 – C1 going. So, as you can see, getting to an average B2 level depends entirely on your motivation and the intensity of your course.. If you ask us, the most logical thing to do is to choose an intensive course program that you will attend every day, in order to solve the language as soon as possible.

Additional Note on Language Schools in Germany 1:

If you are going to get a language school visa’ to come to Germany, they may require you to enroll in a course of at least 20 hours a week, sometimes you must have already learned the A1 level in Turkey and In Germany they may ask you to start from A2. But the most accurate information for this is of course the German Consulate.. This is not our experience, but the information we heard from someone else.

We will add unnecessary information here with your permission! We said German is not easy, so it is very important to speak and practice while learning, and it is also important to develop a learning method for yourself!

Cognitive psychologists are obsessed with “learning” and some they got theories. According to the schema theory, which is one of them, various information that we have acquired as a result of our past experiences create general outlines, schemas and templates in our brain, and we give meaning and form every new information that comes to us by putting them into these blueprints.. Therefore, it is possible to learn the information in the same template easily; For example, when learning words belonging to a new language, grouping and learning words on a certain topic together is easier, easier to remember and easier than learning words from a random dictionary.. While learning the words in German, remembering this method and memorizing the German of all the items in the room we are in, if you first learn the main structures such as doors and windows, then the coarse items, then the smaller items and then the items in the closed drawers, you will remember it much easier! Our useless information part is over!

How do I decide on the city and language school? How much are the language school fees?

Heh, we came to the place where the zurna calls zzztt! There are hundreds of language schools and how will you decide? First of all, let’s say that language schools are naturally cheap-expensive and there are cheap schools in every city.. In other words, the fees of a ‘cheap’ language school in Munich, which is considered the most expensive city in Germany, and a ‘cheap’ language school in Aachen, one of the cheapest cities in Germany, do not change much.. In other words, it will be your living expenses rather than the language school fees that change your expenses.. And we should add that more affordable language school does not mean less good language school

Our Language School Recommendation – EF Germany Language Schools

Believe when choosing a language school in Germany We did a lot of research and the final decision we made was that we wanted to go to a corporate language school that knows this business.. Here we can confidently recommend EF Germany Language Schools.. The main reasons for us to recommend EF are that they are both institutional and their prices are affordable compared to most schools, and that they have already achieved a certain quality. If you are planning to go to Berlin, you can choose EF’s language course in Berlin or Munich like us.. Both cities have a special place for us! If you are interested, you can contact us here.

We chose the language school, what happens next?

Let’s tell you right away! First of all, let’s say you chose a language school and city that fits your budget as a result of your research on the internet or the suggestions you heard from your friends, congratulations, the hardest part is over! You will now enroll in the language school and apply for a visa after you book your place.

Registration to the language school is already simple; Language schools have a ‘contact‘ section on their websites, you contact them by e-mail from there and leave the rest to them.. They will tell you the conditions of language schools, fees, alternative programs etc.. gives information about all. Let’s make a supplement, let’s say you know a little German and you want to start from A2.. For this, when you arrive in Germany and go to a language school, they give you a Placement Test and measure whether you are really at that level.. So if you’ve learned German before and you think you’ve completely forgotten it, it might be good to practice a bit from the internet or apps like Duolingo before you arrive in Germany.. Then you won’t fail the test!

Language schools often help you with visa and accommodation.. They tell you about the visa procedure and they also arrange accommodation from time to time.. But if the language school you are registered with does not interfere with these matters, let’s get involved right away!

German Language School Visa Problem

As you know, this is a very delicate matter! How, how much and how easily a person will get a visa changes in every case, and we do not want to mislead anyone.. Therefore, regarding the visa issue, we will copy what is written in the ‘Visa’ section of the language school’s website and talk about it.

Here in this link, they wrote exactly this in ‘Turkish’:

”If you have to apply for a visa to come to Germany, ask the German Consulate what conditions must be met.. Some countries require German infrastructure.. Apart from that, you need to pay the course fee in advance to get a visa application paper from us.. It is mandatory to attend our course as soon as you get a visa for the course.. Remember, you must attend classes for at least 20 hours per week.. If you can’t get a visa, your money will be refunded if you bring the refusal paper to us”

As you can see, from time to time, the German Consulate in Turkey may want you to have an A1 German, but there are cases where it does not (!). Apart from that, you pay the course fee to the school in advance and if your visa is not issued, they will refund the money to you.

Another information we heard about visa is this; if you enroll in a language school for 6 months or longer, they can also give you a work permit that is sufficient to work in simple – small jobs.. However, we do not write more because we do not want to confuse anyone on this subject.

Additional note:

Those who came to Germany with a language school visa and settled with their uncle in Cologne The number of people who got married and never returned to Turkey is more than you can imagine! In fact, a friend we met in the course came with a language school visa, married a German woman and is currently traveling on unemployment benefits.. Therefore, those who get a visa using the language school are required to attend the language school regularly.. Well, naturally!

Accommodation for those who come to German Language School

The most popular accommodation choice for those who come to language school is ‘doing WG’. Making a WG means renting a room in a shared, usually student residence.. You have your own room and you share the kitchen and bathroom.. When you find a room like this, you stay much more convenient than staying in a house or dormitory, and you also have friends at home with whom you can speak German (or English, or even Turkish?), and it is also easier to socialize.


If you want to find yourself a room like this, the most popular site for this is http://www.wg-gesucht.de/. Although room prices vary a lot, we can say that monthly room fees in Frankfurt vary between 200 Euros and 500 Euros per month, depending on the location of the house and the size of the room.. If you’re lucky, you can find it for less than 200 Euros.

Some language schools may have their own dormitories or arrange accommodation for you.. For this reason, don’t forget to ask about the dormitory status while registering at the language school!

I think we’re a little bit upset this time! Finally, we’ll talk about the expenses and close the issue!

German Language School Costs

Of course, there is also the cost part of this job, and we estimate that 99 percent of you (optimistic) He doesn’t think ‘let’s spend and get better’. Financial concerns often make up the bulk of language schooling abroad. Without further ado, let’s get straight to the point.

As we said, since the cost of going to a language school in Germany is something that varies according to one’s life, we will tell you how much ‘minimum’ is required for this job.. The rest can be doubled or even 5-folded depending on your financial means!

For example, for Frankfurt;

Monthly Intensive German course fee (20 hours per week): 125 Euros or more

WG accommodation: Get 200 Euros including your monthly bills. In addition, if you keep your room close to the language school you will go to, you will avoid travel expenses.. If you are going to pay a road fee, the monthly public transport card is 80 Euros.

Personal expenses: If you do your shopping at cheap supermarkets such as Lidl, Aldi and cook at home, if you eat your lunch in the course or if you buy a sandwich, you can eat and drink 10 times a day. You can close it to Euros.

Let’s say you go out twice a week and it’s coffee, beer, Happy Hour cocktails, socializing with friends, and of course you won’t fail to socialize! Let’s write you 50 Euros for these too.

What did he do; in other words, it is possible to close this business for a figure of approximately 670 Euros per month.. With your efforts, this figure can go lower or higher.

Language Schools in Germany Additional note:

When giving examples about these financial issues, it can be a little bit higher. we are climbing obviously! It is such a variable thing, so always keep in mind that our calculation may not fit your market!

Language Schools in Germany Additional note 2:

WG While choosing, you may come across options to stay with a Turkish family.. Maybe it will make sense to you to stay with a Turkish family at that moment.. But at that moment, unfortunately, most Turkish families in Germany still do not have anyone who speaks German at home, and we wish you to stop staying with a Turkish family by remembering the ‘naughty Turkish children phenomenon in Europe’ again!

Language in Germany Schools Additional note 3:

While we can’t say ‘spring has come, springs of hearts relax’ here, we regretfully condemn those who have already spread on the grass in Turkey’s hot weather, and we are silent now!

This is our article on Language Schools and Costs in Germany for now

Good research, everyone!


10 Information about Working and Office Life in Germany!

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