
Laos Nightlife : Laos Women – Men – Bars and Nights

Laos nightlife is not like Thailand next door. They mostly have fun in small pubs or bars. I say this as someone who has seen the most touristic cities in the country, such as the Capital Vientiane, Vang Vieng and Luang Prabang.. In fact, Laos also said, “Laos nights are legendary.. Come on, come to our country.” There is no claim as. In this context, I have described my observations below on Laos nightlife, Laos women and men, prices in Laos.

one. Laos Nightlife Prices

They don’t want an entrance fee to many places in Laos nightlife. There are no such developed nightclubs anyway.

As I said, it’s always in the style of pubs and bars.. The country is developing very fast though.. There is an incredible influx of Asian and European tourists. Who knows what will have changed before you leave !

Also, in many places, drinks are sold at moderate prices.. By the way, Laos currency LAOS MODE. $1 is around 8500 Kip.

Laos nightlife. All information about Laos women and men

As for the prices:

  • Beer at the venues 10,000-25,000 Kip
  • Cocktails around 25,000-30,000 Kip

By the way, all imported drinks are very expensive. Jack Daniel’s whiskey was around $40. “Well, there is a local drink in this country, isn’t there something more affordable? you will say. There are of course. I will tell them now. Let’s talk about Laos drinks and beverages.

There are hotels in Laos for 5 Euros per night.. click to review

By the way, a quick warning about Laos nightlife: Most venues unfortunately close before 12pm. FYI…

2. Beverages of Laos

In Laos, Lao beer, the country’s famous beer, is sold everywhere. The price is usually around 5,000-10,000 Kip.. It tastes fine. we liked it a lot. Almost all businesses sell this beer anyway.

Lao whiskey is also very famous in Laos. $1 a bottle. It is made of brass. But it’s troublesome. If you drink too much, you can even become blind.. So stay away. They always try to sell. I say don’t buy it.

Famous drinks in Laos. There are scorpions, snakes and similar animals inside.. Alcohol content is around 45%. It should never be tasted…

However, drinks containing scorpion are also very famous.. Bought for more souvenirs. So never drink. You may be in the hospital. I didn’t try it out of fear.

Coffee is another most consumed beverage in Laos.. This culture inherited from the French. Already, the country produces coffee seriously.

Read THIS ARTICLE before buying a flight ticket to Laos

3. Laos Nightlife Places

We had the most fun in 2 cities. These were Vang Vieng and Vientiane. Of course, Luang Prabang is also quite a beautiful city, but as a nightlife, it wasn’t much fun.

I created Laos nightlife recommendations and guide for 3 cities below. Let me first start with Vang Vieng, the city where backpackers like to have fun the most.

4. Vang Vieng Nightlife

Sakura Bar and Earth Bar are the most preferred bars by young people in Vang Vieng.. Anyway, Vang Vieng is purely backpack traveller’s town. It is a very scenic and quiet place.

In almost all places, you will see South Korean tourists. These guys love to drink. They don’t stop.

As soon as they see that you are Turkish, “We are brothers.” they hug. We supported them in the Korean War.. That’s why South Korea is one of the rare nations that loves us so much.. Anyway, I won’t digress.

Bars in Vang Vieng. Laos pubs and nightclubs

After the night is over in downtown pubs in Vang Vieng, everyone joins the Jungler party in the jungle. These parties are usually attended by young people.

They get into minivan-style vehicles and attend the party in the forest at night, and the party ends at sunrise in the morning.

5. Vientiane Nightlife

In terms of nightlife in Laos, the other city I suggested was Vientiane. Anyway, Vientiane is the most developed city of Laos in every respect.

Here, the places around Vientiane Night Street were beautiful. In fact, many restaurants are open in the evenings in this region.. I wouldn’t be wrong if I said the most beautiful area in Vientiane. Bars and pubs are all around here.

The city where Laos Nightlife is the most intense Capital Vientiane

However, for a drink ;

  • Bor Pen Nyang Bar
  • Dresden Lao has very nice bars.
  • There is also SKY Bar. This is, I think, the most luxurious bar in Laos.

6. Luang Prabang Nightlife

Luang Prabang became my favorite city in Laos. Especially the historic old town area is great. It is already under Unesco protection.

I saw less youth crowds in Luang Prabang than in Vientiane and Vang Vieng. In fact, mostly middle and old people visit this place.

Before coming to Laos, check all transportation alternatives from FROM THIS SITE. I think the best site in this area is 12goasia.

The places I recommend you can go to in the city are;

  • Icon Klub
  • It can be Dao Fah Night Club. These are the places where especially the local people spend a lot of time.

But I say it again: Most places close their doors before 12.

7. My Laos Nightlife Warnings

Laos women can stop you from prostitution, especially in Vang Vieng. Stay away.

They may also try to sell drugs. NEVER CONTAIN. If you get caught, there is a prison sentence.

Do not drink the drinks offered by people you don’t know.

Never drive drunk.. There is not even a proper health system in the country.. If something happens to you, you will try very hard.. Oh, be careful.

Must Read Before Planning a Laos Trip

  • Laos Trip Recommendations
  • Where Laos is and How To Go
  • How to Get a Laos Visa

As I explained above, there is a lot of information about Laos nightlife don’t have high expectations. For this, your address is Thailand Nightlife. Laos stands out with its calmer bars and small venues. You can also follow me on my social media account below and ask your questions.. Imagine. Think about it…

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