
List of the Most Beautiful Islands Close to Istanbul

When summer is mentioned, “Islands!” word begins to ring. Come on reading!

So which are these islands located in the Sea of ​​Marmara? What to do, what to eat and drink on the islands, I wrote for you in this article.. I listed the distinguished islands of the Marmara Sea.

Avşa Island

Avşa One of the pearls of Marmara Island. Thanks to the current it receives, its water is clean.. Did you say how to get to Avşa Island? There are many ways. The most popular and logical of these is to reach the island by sea bus from Istanbul.. There are many activities you can do on this island, but the most enjoyable ones are swimming, sunbathing and stress relief.. For those who want to relax a little, the island offers a very pleasant environment and invites you with its beautiful bays.

Avşa Island

Places to visit in Avşa consists of many different spots.. There are many places where you can go and spend your time, such as Wine Factory, Monastery, Çınaraltıkoyu, Mavikoy, Kumtur.. Of course, I will not pass without mentioning the nightlife in Avşa, which is one of the most beautiful of the islands! Because the nights are crazy in Avşa. Avşa, which hosts discos, nightclubs and various bars according to your taste, stands out among the islands close to Istanbul with its unique features.. If you are thinking of going to Avşa, you can stay here at a hotel or rent a house of your own and spend the whole season.

Marmara Island

The island, which took its name from the Sea of ​​Marmara, is also the largest island in Marmara.. Marmara Island offers a wide range of opportunities for those who love nature sports and those who want to take a walk.. You can have a summer vacation with the sea on this big island.. You can go to Kole beach and spend time in the crowd. Those who do not like to be in the crowd may prefer Aba Beach.

Marmara Island has a wide range of accommodation options. On the island covered with red pine, olive trees and plane trees, take care to choose your hotel in a way that will fill you with greenery.. Don’t forget to take advantage of its blessings during your stay on the island.. Although Marmara island hotels are mostly hostels and apartments, there are also luxury hotels.. You can choose according to your own budget and holiday understanding.

Prince Islands

Now remember the sounds you heard while strolling on the beach in Kadıköy.. “Immediate departure from Büyükada and Kınalıada, Istanbulkart is valid for our tours.” If you follow these sounds, you can reach the Prince Islands.. Consisting of 4 islands, this team is a breathing space for everyone living in Istanbul.. City line ferries or touryol engines come to mind when Istanbul islands ferry times are mentioned. In the summer season, sea buses also organize trips to the islands at a much higher speed.

1- Kınalıada

I’m starting to explain the Prince Islands with Kinaliada.. It takes half an hour from Kadıköy and 20 minutes from Bostancı to reach Kınalıada.. Do not forget that Kınalıada, which is a beach all around, is very crowded in summer and there are people trying to rent sunbeds and umbrellas everywhere! If you want to enjoy the sea with your own towel without paying a fee, there are separate – albeit small – areas in the corner.. Another feature of Kınalıada is that it is the smallest of the islands.

2- Burgazada

Burgazada, which is the second island, is second to last in terms of size.. There are places where you can swim on this island, which is home to Kalpazankaya and Sait Faik Abasıyanık.. Although all islands have quite a lot of options in terms of food places, I especially recommend you to try Kalpazankaya Restaurant in Burgazada.. I can say that it is the quietest amongst the islands close to Istanbul.

3- Heybeliada

Heybeliada, which is the third among the Prince Islands, is a big island.. There is even a military school on this island. Heybeliada has all the features of the other islands.. You can enjoy a whole day on this island.. If you are planning to do a tour of the islands, do not think of squeezing all 4 islands into one day.. You can spare 1 day for Kınalıada and Burgazada, and a full day for Heybeliada.

4- Büyükada

A center among the islands, Büyükada has wonderful forests, Hagia Yorgi Church and a unique view.. What to do in Büyükada? Of course, you can rent a bike and pedal wherever your heart takes you.. After climbing the steep slope of Aya Yorgi Hill, you can drink Bozcaada wines and taste delicious appetizers at the restaurant on the hill.. Buy trinkets and sunbathe and swim!

5- Sedef Island

We have the last man in line. Perhaps the sweetest one among the islands: Sedef Island! Although it is one of the Princes’ Islands, Sedef Island, which is not as famous as the others, may have a more untouched nature and calm environment thanks to this feature.. It is not known whether this island is not as popular as the others because it was used as a place of exile in the past.. There are many activities that can be done on Sedef Island.. One of them is to enjoy the sea by setting up on the beach.. Another is to take nature walks and enjoy the pleasure of getting away from the city atmosphere of Istanbul for a moment.. If you go on these nature walks with your picnic blanket, you can have nice picnics without starting a fire.. Photography enthusiasts can capture beautiful shots on this island.

Although Istanbul is a big metropolis, there are holiday destinations very close to it as you can see.. In this way, while the citizens of the city can breathe, the tourists are satisfied with the place to visit.. These are the islands close to Istanbul and everything you wondered about them.. All of these islands are Turkish.. Now it’s time to plan a trip; let’s get to work!

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