
Luxor Karnak Temples

“As the archaeologist Champollion said, “Mystery has only one name and that is Egypt.”

In order to see some of the monuments of Ancient Egypt that make up the country’s panorama, Luxor city Karnak Temples and the Valley of the Kings are among the top places to visit.

El Luxor (formerly Waset) 12. It is an ancient city built on the ruins of Thebes on the east bank of the Nile River, which was the capital of the governorate of Luxor in Southern Egypt during the dynasty.. Its city was known as Thebes by the Ancient Greeks.

Home to the most elegant historical monuments of EgyptLuxor , 2 after Abidos in Egypt. It is the oldest city. The city, which has the largest open-air museum in the world, consisting of the towns of Luxor and Karnak, welcomes thousands of tourists every year and turns people’s heads with its mystical texture.. Today, it is one of the cities that attract the most tourists in Egypt after the Pyramids of Giza.

Temples of Karnak BC III. During the reign of Amenhotep, he was in the middle of the city.. It was started to be built by Pharaoh Tutmosis III during the dynasty.. Then, Tutankhmanon and Horemheb made additions to the temple and Ramses II completed the temple.. Each pharaoh (about 30 pharaohs) added something to the temple to do better than the previous one and to leave traces of himself.. Therefore, it is possible to come across the traces of many pharaohs during the temple tour.. During each pharaoh period, a total of 80,000 people, including different workers, artisans and stone masters, worked in the temple.. Their sweat should not be overlooked.. It took more than 2000 years to build the Karnak Temples, which is almost an open-air museum as well as the largest ancient religious building in the world.

The temple is actually more than one god Although attributed to the god Amon, it was used as the abode of the god Amon, his wife Mut, and his son Khonsu.. During the Ancient Egypt period, the Pharaohs and their wives adorned at the Karnak Temples for the Opet festival, and from there they went to the Luxor Temple.

Ancient temples in Egypt consist of 4 sections.. The Temples of Karnak also consist of 4 parts.

Leaving the obelisk at the entrance of the temple behind us, passing the road with the ram-headed sphinx, we pay our attention to the world’s largest pylon with a width of 113 meters.. The pylon with no hieroglyphs on it, which was built with the construction logic of the pyramids, could not be completed.. Flags were waved from the small glass panes we see on the top of the pylon in the Ancient Egypt period.. By the way, the stone blocks on the way with the Sphinx are an indication that this place was once a port.

A large courtyard is reached as soon as you pass the pylon.. The history of this courtyard is 1800 years.

To the left of the courtyard is the Temple of Seti II, to the right is the Temple of Ramses III, and behind it are the temples of Opet and Khonsu.. On the right are 2 standing statues of Ramses II.. The statues with their left feet in front represent life, and the statue of Ramses II, with their hands tied, represents death.

1. the courtyard is called the Abyssinian Court. It is the section where row-by-row Krio Sphinxes (running-headed sphinxes) are stored.. one. human-headed sphinx (Anrosphinx) in the courtyard. This is the sphinx I. Nectanebo had it built between 380-362 BC.

After the courtyard, behind the statue of Ramses II and his daughter Queen Bintanat at his feet,. The place you reach as soon as you pass the pylon is the hypostyle hall.

There are 134 columns in the Hypostyle Hall, spread over an area of ​​5,000 square meters.. 12 papyrus-shaped columns in the center of the hall have a height of 21 meters, while 122 of them are 15 meters high.. The construction of this hall was started during the reign of Amenhotep III, the reliefs on the north wall of the hall were made during the reign of Seti I, while the columns and half wall on the south were made by Ramses II, son of Seti I (1290-1213 BC). h5 style=”text-align: center;”>Great Hypostyle Hall

Cartridge in one of the columns. There are 2 cartridges for each pharaoh. The birth names of the pharaohs and their names after they became kings are written inside the cartridges.

Just after the Great Hypostyle Hall, there are I. Tuthmosis and Hapshetsut obelisks behind it.. The Hapshepsut obelisk was built in 1473-1458 BC, has a weight of 320 tons and a height of 30 meters.. The shorter one (1504-1492 BC) next to it. The obelisk, which belongs to Tuthmosis, is 22 meters high and weighs 160 tons.. Obelisks in Egypt are generally known to be made from a single piece of granite stones obtained from the city of Aswan.. Of the hundreds of obelisks he had in Egypt, only 9 survived.. The rest were demolished, destroyed, and some were taken to the cities of Istanbul (Suntanahmet), Rome, Paris (Concorde Square) and New York.

From Great Hypostyle Hall after III. The 14-columned small hypostyle built by Tuthmosis is as worth seeing as the large hypostyle. Karnak Temple once used as a hideout for Christians. Christians continued their lives here during the time they were hidden in the temple.. However, because they did not pay due attention, the fire they burned has seriously damaged the ceilings of the temple.. Not only did they damage the temple ceilings, they also scraped the reliefs on the walls.

Hieroglyphics with no arms and legs, big penis and viagras in front. His story is as follows: God Ra (Amon Ra) who killed all men before the war, taking care of women doesn’t just kill a man. Finding all women pregnant after his return, God Ra cuts off an arm and leg of the man he did not kill but left to take care of women, so that his body balance would be disturbed so that he could not have intercourse with women again.

Hieroglyphs of the sandals and those carrying the Pharaoh
Feel the art of carving on stone on columns!
Holy Lake

At the end of the temple, we encountered a lake 130×77 meters wide. Priests bathed in this lake, which was filled with Nile water in ancient Egypt, and ceremonies were held here.

Scarlet Beetle

Red granite marble, right across the lake statue represents Goddess Khepri and rebirth, death, masculinity with the son of the sun in ancient egypt. It is a symbol frequently seen in Egyptian traditions.. The Egyptians used to make wishes by turning 3 times counterclockwise around the insect.. Now it’s nothing but a festivity for tourists

Numbers in Ancient Egypt

We had the chance to take a short trip to the History of Ancient Egypt with our FTS Travel Agency and our history enthusiast guide Muhammed. We had an unforgettable day with our guide telling us all the details about Egyptian History without getting bored and his pleasant conversation.

Visiting the Karnak Temples, the world’s largest religious structure and also an open-air museum

We reached Luxor, which is 289 km from Hurghada, in approximately 4.5 hours by private vehicle.. First, we learned how to make the Karnak Temples and then Papyrus, and after we fed our hungry bellies, we set out for the Valley of the Kings.. On the Valley of the Kings road, we visited the Giant Memnon Statues on the right side of the road and then visited the Medinet Habu Temple and the tombs in the Valley of the Kings..

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