
Maiden’s Tower

The Maiden’s Tower, which has been the subject of movies with its architecture and beauty, and poems and books with its legends, is one of the most popular historical buildings in Istanbul.. There are many rumors about the tower, which has been used for different purposes throughout its history.. Before visiting this building in the middle of the Marmara, which amazes travelers with its lively history and unique view, it would be useful to get acquainted with it before visiting Istanbul..

  • Information About
  • History
  • Where
  • <

  • Entry Fee
  • Visiting Hours

The tower serves all day of the year both as a museum and as a restaurant. gives. By climbing the tower, it is possible to see the Marmara Sea in Istanbul with a 360 degree angle and enjoy the Bosphorus.. You can go to the tower on the Üsküdar coast in a short time, accompanied by boats departing from there.. Apart from this, you can also eat in the tower, visit the museum and enjoy the view to the fullest.

Information About the Maiden’s Tower

In Üsküdar district of Istanbul The historical building, built inside a small islet, is about 18 meters high and consists of 5 floors.. The historical building is the last Byzantine structure that has survived to the present day.. The history of the Maiden’s Tower dates back to BC.. In ancient times, this historical building was named Damalis, the wife of King Charles of Athens.

The Ottomans named the historical structure “Maiden’s Tower“. It was known as “Arcla” (Small Castle) in the Byzantine Period.

This historical building has become unusable as a result of earthquakes and fires from before Christ to the present day. II. During the reign of Mahmud , the Maiden’s Tower took its present shape after the restoration works.

History of the Maiden’s Tower

When the sources on the historical building are examined It is thought to have been built for the first time in 410 BC.. The Maiden’s Tower was built by Alcibiades of Athens to control the ship traffic in the Bosphorus and to collect taxes.

There are 2 factors that play an important role in the current shape of this historical building.. II. It is the Roman Period with Mahmud. By order of the Emperor Manuel Comnenos, the surrounding of the tower is rocky and designed for defense around the city.. The Maiden’s Tower has been a shelter for the Venetian fleet to save it from the Ottoman siege in the last days of Byzantium.

This historical structure was used by the Naval Forces Command for Maritime activities in the Republican Period. Between the years of 1995 – 2000, this historical building has undergone a large-scale restoration process.. After the restoration works are completed, this historical building is now operated as a museum and restaurant.

The Story of the Maiden’s Tower (Legend of the Maiden’s Tower)

Istanbul’ Although it is located in the heart of flour, it is positioned at a point where people cannot easily reach it.. One of the two important legends known among the people belongs to the Byzantine period and the other belongs to the Ottoman Period.. After the Byzantine emperor was so happy, the eldest and mighty of the scholars told the emperor that his daughter would be bitten by a snake and died before she was 18 years old.. When the princess turned 18, the emperor’s daughter was bitten by a snake in a flower basket that came to the island.

Another legend that you can often hear among the people comes from the Ottoman Period.. Battal Gazi, who came to besiege Istanbul, set up his headquarters on the shore and waited here for seven years.. The Byzantine Emperor was afraid of this situation and placed his daughter in the tower.. After Battal Gazi learned this, he entered the Maiden’s Tower silently and kidnapped the emperor’s daughter.. Thereupon, it is the starting point of the phrase “The one who took the horse has passed Üsküdar”.

Maiden’s Tower Restaurant

After the restoration works carried out between 1995 and 2000, this tower was opened to serve first the museum and then the restaurant section.. Maiden’s Tower has both a bar and a restaurant section serving 7 days a week.

You can have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the Maiden’s Tower against the Bosphorus.. In addition, there is a bar section where you can serve cocktails on your special days.

Breakfast service starts at 09:00 on weekdays, starts at 10:00 on weekends and closes at 13:30.. Lunch service of the restaurant starts at 12:00.

You can visit the website of the bar and restaurant section to see the menus and make an online appointment..

Maiden’s Tower Restaurant Fees

Would you like to go to the Maiden’s Tower and enjoy the view with a nice breakfast or dinner? You can have breakfast or have a meal in this place, which is everyone’s dream.. So, how much will this cost you? If you go with your girlfriend, we wanted to inform you from the beginning so that you do not become disgraced.. Regarding the Maiden’s Tower fees, the breakfast and dinner prices are as follows:. Here are the food prices at the Maiden’s Tower;

  • Maiden’s Tower Breakfast Prices: You can go to the museum between 09:00 – 13:00 on weekdays and you can have both the entrance to the museum and breakfast. This price is charged to you as 75 TL.. However, if you want to go on the weekend, you will be charged 95 TL on the same date.. With this application, which is a kind of tradesman application, it is desired to attract customers into the unpopular week.. However, do not forget that you need to make a reservation for breakfast.
  • Maiden’s Tower Lunch Prices: There is no fixed menu as you have lunch at the cafe. Therefore, you can eat a meal of your choice from the menu that comes to you and decide the amount you will spend there.. Rather than having lunch at the Maiden’s Tower, we expect you to have dinner.
  • Maiden’s Tower Dinner Prices: Meals are served as a menu in the tower, which serves as a restaurant from 20:15 in the evenings.. You can even make a marriage proposal to your girlfriend with a great meal where you can taste the flavors of world cuisine.. The prices of the menus, which are served in 2 different ways in the evening, vary between 225 and 275 TL.. The restaurant, which charges extra for drinks, also does not host children under the age of 7, wearing shorts, capris, etc.. If you are going to make a marriage proposal to your lover or something, the right address and place will be there for dinner.. We think that there is no girl who will say no to you in this environment.. At the same time, we recommend you to see the view, as Istanbul will be bright in the evenings.

    Where and How to Get to the Maiden’s Tower?

    Maiden’s Tower, built in 410 BC, adds a unique beauty to the beauty of the Bosphorus for more than 2000 years. The Maiden’s Tower is located approximately 200 meters off the Salacak Beach in Üsküdar.

    You can easily access this historical building by boats departing from Salacak or Kabataş

    Boats departing from Kabataş depart at 12:00 on weekdays and at 10:00 on weekends.. The last flight is at 19:00, once every 45 minutes.

    For those who want to reach Salacak, every 15 minutes from 09:15 to 18:30 during the day. One of the departing boats can use the boats.

    Travellers who want to reach this historical building in the evening should make a reservation in order to reach this historical building by boat.

    Girl Tower Entrance Fee 2020

    The entrance fee of the Maiden’s Tower, located in the part of Istanbul opening to Marmara, is 30 TL for adults and 15 TL for students. In addition, there is no charge for people with a disability of more than 60%.

    Do not leave the capital without visiting this tower, which stands out with its history and unique beauty, of Istanbul.

    Maiden’s Tower Visitor Hours

    This historical building, which has both a museum and a restaurant, is located 365 days a year from 09:00 to 19:00 You can visit between hours.

    You do not need to make a reservation to see the sections other than breakfast.. If you want to take advantage of the restaurant section, you should make an appointment on the website.

    5 Interesting Facts to Know About the Maiden’s Tower

    The one that is not spoken much about the Maiden’s Tower, but is well received by researchers. There are some known facts. Below we will share with you 6 interesting information that we have chosen from among them.

    • The Byzantines took 12 steps to protect the city from enemy ships.. He built two towers in the century.. One of them was on the Topkapı coast and the other was on the Üsküdar coast.. These are the works that are among the scenes we see in the movies and do not allow the ships to pass by stretching the iron rope. >
    • Conqueror Sultan Mehmet, on the other hand, turned this place into a castle in order to take advantage of the natural position of the tower and surrounded it with cannons.. Thus, this naturally built place has become the most important means of protecting Istanbul from the sea.
    • The names given to the Maiden’s Tower throughout history are as follows: Arkla, Damalis and Leandros.

    The tower has always managed to be one of the most important symbols of its era.. Sometimes it defended the city, sometimes it was used as a place of exile and a quarantine room.. However, somehow it has always managed to maintain its function.

    How Does the Maiden’s Tower Stand on the Sea?

    As we saw the visible face of the iceberg, we realized that this tower stood on the sea without sinking. we think. But the reality is not quite like that, the winter tower is beautifully positioned on the cliffs.. In fact, as we can see from the time we look at history and satellite images, the Sea of ​​​​Marmara is getting smaller and smaller.. For this reason, we can say that the tower was right at the bottom of the beach when it was built.. This tower, which has been disconnected from the land over time, seems to be standing on the sea by those who see it now.

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