
Manyas Bird Sanctuary: All Information to Guide Your Trip!

Today’s route includes Manyas Bird Sanctuary, one of the most important natural beauties of our country.. Especially as someone who was born and raised in this region, I will introduce you to this unique place and tell you about the places to visit in Manyas Bird Sanctuary.

Where is Manyas Bird Sanctuary?

Manyas Kuş Cenneti National Park is located in Southern Marmara about 15 kilometers south of Bandırma. Lake Manyas, from which the park takes its name, is one of the four large lakes of the Marmara Region.

With the region’s temperate transitional climate, this is one of the spots where hundreds of bird species stop during their migration.

Bird Sanctuary General View

A Brief Information About Manyas Bird Sanctuary

As you can understand from its name, this place with its special habitat is home to 266 birds, 118 plants and 23 fish species that are worth seeing. Not only the national park, you can watch birds and other creatures from most points around Lake Manyas.

Bird Sanctuary National Park Entrance

How to Go to Manyas Bird Sanctuary?

Manyas Bird Sanctuary National Park, 20 of Bandırma – Balıkesir Highway. located in kilometers. You have to have a private vehicle to reach here.

Those who want to reach via the Istanbul – Izmir Highway should take the Bandırma – Çanakkale direction from the junction in the Susurluk area.

Bird Paradise Sign

Manyas Bird Sanctuary National Park Entrance Fee

You must pay a fee of 10 TL for 2021 to enter the park, which is operated and protected by the Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs.. The amount taken from the students is 5 TL.

When to Visit Manyas Bird Sanctuary from the vicinity of Manyas Lake

When to Visit the National Park?

You can visit the National Park between 9 am and 6 pm on the rest of the week except Mondays.

In order to see many bird species in the Bird Sanctuary, you should prefer the months of April and May, which are the migration periods of the birds..

From the Watchtower

The Major Bird in Manyas Bird Sanctuary Species

Crested Pelican (Pelecanuscrispus),Cormorant (Phalacrocoraxcarbo),Small Cormorant (Phalacrocoraxpygmeus),Nocturnal Egret (Nycticoraxnycticorax), Peregrine Heron (Ardeolaralloidesta(Grayfish), Egret) Çeltikçi (Plegadisfalcinellus), Khashoggi (Platalealeucorodia), Whiskered Tern (Sternahybridus), Crested Grebe (Podicepscristatus)

Birds I Have Observed Live

What to Do in Manyas Bird Sanctuary ?

Millip> Last time you enter the Park Zone You can experience the nature in the protected area.

The museum and watchtower within the park are other points of interest.

Walking Paths in the Park

Bird Sanctuary Museum

There is also a small museum in the National Park.. You do not pay any extra fee to enter. Here you can closely examine the important bird species and get information.

From the Bird Sanctuary Museum

Bird Sanctuary Watchtower

In my opinion, this is the most enjoyable part of the park.. You have the chance to see the bird species from the top of this tower, which has a nice wooden view.. On the way here, you have the possibility to rent binoculars for free from the museum area of ​​the park. It’s great to watch nature from the watchtower with binoculars !


Accommodation at Manyas Bird Sanctuary

Unfortunately, you do not have the option of any accommodation under the roof of the national park. There are accommodation options in the city of Bandırma, 20 kilometers north of this region.

I Watching the Environment with Binoculars from the Watchtower

The Future of Manyas Bird Sanctuary

In the short period I observed, this region is from nature compared to the past. I saw you go a little far. Especially the garbage you can see around Lake Manyas can drive away bird species from here as time goes by!

Be aware of this during your trip, take care to keep the surroundings clean please.. As Atatürk said;

Bird Sanctuary from the National Park

Visit in the Pandemic Period

Because Manyas Bird Sanctuary is a national park affiliated to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, National Parks serve. You can visit anytime. For now, it is possible to accept visitors on a limited basis, except for closing periods.

I am ending my travel guide here, where I describe the places to visit in Manyas Bird Sanctuary.. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me in the comment section below I am happy to answer all of them one by one. Along with this article, I recommend you to read the places to visit in Bandırma, stay with love!

Continuation of the article: Where are the places to visit in Bandırma?

Day Trip Series – 1 : Karlovy Vary

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