
Mardin and Midyat from the night

After a tiring day in the heat in Mardin, we came to the Teacher’s House to rest for a while; We set out to take a night view of Mardin, which is expressed as “a cemetery in the morning, a necklace in the evening.”. Even though I can’t eat much due to stomach ache, I wake up a little bit with the atmosphere of the environment and the beauty of the conversation.

After having dinner, we move towards Old Mardin.. Our aim is to see the night view of Mardin from different angles.

The person who showed us around and has been living in Mardin for many years is first going to a Mardin wedding.. We watch from afar the open-air wedding held in one of the most prestigious hotels in Mardin, where the Mardin protocol came with official vehicles.. The Mardin Castle reflected by the lights behind the hotel and the unique view of the Mesopotamian Plain under the lights of Syria’s border city directly opposite the castle…

After watching the marvelous view of Mardin Castle and taking pictures, we call our fans and make them jealous by saying that we are in Mardin.

After saying goodbye to the view, we go to the famous Erdoba Mansion and spend our first and last night in Mardin observing the Mesopotamian Plain.. By the way, we get a little angry when the drinks we want to cool off while watching the view do not come, but there is no point in getting nervous under this view…

After midnight, we come to the Teacher’s House and rest until the next day.



We are on our way to Midyat, the town of Mardin, which is especially famous for silver processing.

Buildings made of Midyat’s famous stone , monuments and fountains give aesthetic views all over the district.. After arriving at the square, we park our car and start walking to look at the bazaar where the silversmiths are located.

Again, we are attracted by the handmade silverware, which is sold at inexpensive prices in the tolerant streets intertwined with mosques and churches.

Silver shops lined up side by side reminds us how important this sector is for Midyat.. We decide to take a little water and end our short tour in Midyat before we can stand still under the heat.

There is Hasankeyf waiting for us…

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