
Milan Food and Drink Guide

When you think of Italy, pizza comes to mind first, right? However, the flavors waiting to be discovered are calling you.. If you have come to Milan, forget all the diets you follow and gently let yourself be in the arms of great food.

Come to the Milan eating and drinking notes for those who say where to eat in Milan …

Let’s Eat Sweet and Talk Sweet: Gelateria Le Colonne

I’m officially addicted to pancakes because of the pancakes here.. Gelateria Le Colonne, which I went to on the recommendation of my friends at the hotel, has already taken its place among my indispensables in Milan.. They said that their ice cream is very famous, but in my opinion, their crepes are no less than their ice cream, even better.. I still have the taste of Nutella Mascarpone Crepe.. If I wasn’t going to try the ice cream, I would eat one too.. The prices of the crepes are a little high compared to other places, but believe me, it’s worth it.. Single ones are sold for 3.5 euros, 2-part mixes are sold for 4 euros.. If you want to add extra materials, you have to pay 0.5 euro for each material.. The portions are very large, you can easily fill up.

I tried a mixture of tangerine and apple from the ice creams.. It was incredible that you could feel the taste of those fruits in your mouth rather than ice cream.. 2 balls are sold for 2.50 euros, 3 balls for 3.20 and 4 balls for 3.80 euros.

How to reach?: Corso, within walking distance from the Navigli area Number 75 on di Porta Ticinese street.

Panzerotti Paradise: Luini

I guess there is no one who went to Milan and didn’t notice this place.. I had heard the name of Luini a lot before, which I bumped into overcrowding whenever I passed by.. Do not overestimate the place because Luini is a tiny place tucked into the side streets of the Duomo, not a place to sit and enjoy.. But Milan’s best Panzerotti place. So what is Panzerotti? It contains cheese, tomatoes, etc.. A flavor bomb similar to puff pastry with products like:) There are so many varieties that you can hardly decide which one to eat.. The price of Panzerotti starts from 2.5 euro. I chose the one with mozzarella and tomatoes.. I have no eyes for others.. If you have a scraped stomach before the meal, take a Panzerottii  Dine by looking at that magnificent cathedral opposite the Duomo.. It’s good to even think about it now 🙂

How to reach?: Number 16 on Via Santa Radegon.

Did Someone Say Pizza Slices? Spontini

If you’re asking where to eat pizza in Milan, I think the answer is Spontini… Let’s call it the capital of slice pizza. If we say that, I think no one will object to this idea.. When you go to Spontini, if there is no queue in front of you, no one is lucky.. Even though I went twice, I came back once because of overcrowding, but it’s worth the risk.

I love the soft crust and rich sauce of Spontini’s pizzas.. The flavor in their sauce gives a different taste to the pizza.. There are 3 types of pizza, Mediterranea, Prosciutto and Margherita. I preferred Margherita.. Slices of pizza start from 3 euros, slices of pizza + drink from 4,30 euros.

How to reach?: Via Dogana number 3. (When you face the Duomo, it’s on the back street on the left.)

One of Milan’s Best: God Save The Food

We thought the name God Save the Food, which we saw in many places while visiting Milan, was a slogan at first, but when we were looking for the Carmine church in Brera, we came across this place right next to it.

Since I don’t like the croissant and coffee duo and I plan to have pizza for dinner, I wanted to decorate my lunch with the fajita I saw on the menu.. Although the place was crowded, I did not wait long for the service.. The taste of the fajitas was also very suitable for my taste.. Pizza prices are between 7 and 15 euros. Although the prices are a little higher than other places, the taste was quite good.. The ambiance and location of the place make it even more beautiful.

How to Reach: Piazza del Carmine, 1, Brera

The Nirvana of Pizza: Dry strong>

Seeing all of them praise it on their blogs without exception, I decided to go to Dry. First warning of all before going here is reservations. Although I tried so hard, I could only make a reservation for the next day.. When I went to Dry at 8 o’clock, I realized that these suggestions were not in vain after I saw the queue in front of the door.

Milan’s famous pizzeria Dry every day at 7:00 pm. It serves between -01.00 hours.. It is obvious that it is highly sought after by everyone, local and foreign.

I tried Bianco from pizzas with the recommendation of the waiter and Rouge 2011 wine with his intense insistence.. From here, I would like to thank the waiter who insisted on Bianco and Rouge 2011, because Bianco was the best pizza I’ve ever eaten.

The ambiance of the place was perfect.. They also praised their cocktails a lot, but I couldn’t try them because I couldn’t find the opportunity.. I definitely recommend it to those looking for a stylish and delicious dinner at average prices.

How to Reach?: Via Solferino 33 (between Moscow Metro and Garibaldi Metro, very close to Corso Como and Eataly. )

An Italian Classic: Eataly

They don’t call it “Eataly is Italy” for nothing. Eataly fully deserves this slogan. Here, you can find all the flavors of Italy from pizza to pasta, from dessert to ice cream at affordable prices.

You can easily try the traditional Pizza wine duo here.. It’s up to you to choose which one you choose, but it’s a good idea to try the barrel wine.

Don’t just think for dinner, if you’re close to the Garibaldi region, you can go to try the tiramisu and coffee duo.. It is among my favorite places in Milan.

How to Reach?: Piazza Venticinque Aprile 10 (between Moscow Metro and Garibaldi Metro, very close to Corso Como and Dry.)

Shopping and Dining Paradise: 10 Corso Como

If you are looking for a stylish and comfortable place, 10 Corso Como is the place for you. let’s get to . I never thought I would feel so comfortable and peaceful. It managed to conquer my heart with both its restaurant section and its store.. In the place where you can relieve your tiredness after shopping, you can remember that Italy is a coffee paradise, enjoy a coffee, and stop by for an afternoon drink.. Americano is 2 Euros, Spritz is 5 Euros.

The store has beautiful clothes, shoes, books and household items.. Although the prices are high, it is worth visiting.

How to Reach?: Via Enrico Tazzoli. (100 meters ahead of Garibaldi metro station.)

Indispensable of Happy Hour: Navigli

Almost the student population in Milan they all hang in the Navigli area. The area formed by the spaces arranged around a small canal in Navigli Milano. Don’t mind what I call a canal, as I later learned it was 50 km long.. As I learned from the street vendors selling antiques while I was walking around Navigli, there is an antique market where products are sold at very reasonable prices on Sundays.. He said if you will come, come on Sunday.

Let’s come to the food part, you don’t have to go hungry here because there are countless places and almost all of them have happy hour service between 19:00 and 21:00.. You can buy your drink for 10 euro and eat as much as you want from the open buffet aperativo section offered by the venue between those hours.

The venues are all similar, but we preferred Birreria La Ringhiera.. The environment is nice, the food is hearty. My drink is a large spritz, a traditional flavor. Price is 10 Euros per person. You can also try prosecco if you wish.. Acidic white wine is also very enjoyable to drink.

For a different alternative, you can take your pizza and drink and sit by the canal like everyone else.. It’s up to you to enjoy the night in the bars after dinner.

How to Reach: You can get to Navigli after a pleasant 10-15 minute walk by getting off at the Porta Genova or Porta Ticinese metro stations.

Things You Should Be Considered About Eating and Drinking in Milan

There are coperto restaurants in many cities of Italy has an app. For those who say what is Coperto, to explain in more detail, it is a kind of table layout application.. For example, if you want to drink your coffee sitting down, the price is 6 Euro, while standing price is 1 or 2 Euros.. Most restaurants charge extra in the form of charges from 2.5 to 5 Euro. It is useful to pay attention to this application. It may be useful to know this, especially if you are going to stop by a place just to drink coffee.

When you come to Milan, it is not possible to return without a Lake Como tour.. You can get detailed information by reading my Lake Como Travel Guide.

You can also read my Milan travel guide article that I mentioned in detail about places to visit in Milan.

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