
Milan Travel Guide and Places to Visit

Milan Travel Guide and Places to Visit in Milan

Milan Travel Guide is here! We have mixed feelings about Milan, Italy’s very ‘chic’ city. Milan is first and foremost a city built with care.. It is not a city like Venice where you can get lost in its streets, equipped with history like Rome or shabby like Naples, on the contrary, it is a regular and planned city.. In other words, whether you will like Milan or not depends on what exactly you expect.. You will say, ‘Isn’t it like this for every city, brother?’. Well you are right. But in Milan, it’s a little bit more.

As a couple who don’t understand the need for people to buy more than they need, we did not feel ‘in the center of fashion’ in Milan, but still enjoyed strolling its streets, taking pictures and visiting its museums. we enjoyed. We spent our last day in Como and made a nice closing.. In the meantime, we walked a lot, talked about the abundance of ‘women in fur‘ in Milan and ate a lot.. Therefore, we can say that; yes Milan is not a perfect city, but seeing beautiful streets and well-dressed people never hurt anyone In short, if you have a few days, you can go to Milan and enjoy it.

Then let’s get to the details!

When and How to Go to Milan and Is It Expensive?

Expensive. Point.  Unfortunately, Milan is really an expensive city and its nature is like this.. More precisely, let’s say: Restaurants, taxis and hotels are really expensive in the city, as Milan was designed from the very beginning as a city at the ‘heart of fashion and luxury’.. But of course, there are local places where you can eat cheap, and if you “study well and go”, it is possible to eat and drink cheaply.. Prices of coffee shops and dessert shops are the same as in Europe.. In addition, public transportation prices and museum entrance fees are also ‘normal’.. Therefore, even if Milan is expensive, it is possible to travel on an average budget.. Don’t let its expensiveness scare you.

As for the air; What you call Italy is the Mediterranean climate, it is known that the winter is not too cold and the summer is not too hot.. But let’s face it, since Milan is quite north, we can say that the weather is better than Germany.. If you are going in winter, it is useful to calculate that the weather can be very cold.. Other seasons reminded us of “Spring Begins in Europe in May”, the last election slogan of Germany’s Green Party! Indeed, in Milan and its derivatives (See. Germany) spring starts in May and the weather remains normal until September. Of course, if you are going in the summer time, we will not upset you by saying that it is tourist time and that tourist time means ‘everything gets expensive’!

Flight Alternatives to Milan

As for plane alternatives, if you are ready, we will not upset you. we are telling a horror story; Bergamo Airport! Pegasus and other European ‘low cost’ airlines land at this airport, and if we don’t say it, we’re left with the most disgusting airport in the world! We didn’t notice this much on the way back, but on the way back, we experienced disgrace after disgrace at the airport and dozens of passengers like us got on the plane with their hair on the road.. Do you think we have to wait for 2 hours during ‘check-in’ even though we do online check-in and we don’t have any luggage, do you think all airports in Europe don’t allow us to take our tripod on the plane, do you think it’s the weirdness of the Pegasus staff at the airport, whatever you say, you’ll never go to this airport again. We are determined not to come!

If you are returning from here as ‘convicts’ like us, make sure to be at the airport at least 2 hours before your return flight so that your flight does not miss due to the ‘extreme slowness’ of the Pegasus staff.. It takes 1 hour to get to the city from this airport and there are buses right at the exit.. Around 5 Euros one way. There is no need to buy a ticket in advance, they do not let you on the bus if you have already bought it but not printed out.. Even if you ask me to show you the ticket on the phone, they do not accept it.. If we’ve said enough, let’s move on to the next airport.

Malpensa Airport

Milan’s ‘regular’ airport Malpensa is the airport you will land at if you are flying with THY. From here, the city center takes about 1 hour and there are airport shuttles just at the exit.. You can buy a ticket for 5-6 Euros and get on the first bus without having to buy it in advance.. Both Malpensa Airport and Bergamo Airport are far from Milan city center, so we recommend that you stay away from taxis unless there is a vital situation(!). From both airports, the city center will cost around 100 Euros.

Accommodation in Milan and Affordable Hotels in Milan

Milan accommodation options are plentiful, but there are also other An expensive city compared to regions of Italy. If you are on a budget, you can choose Brera or Navigli for accommodation.. From these regions, you can walk to all places to visit and hotel fees will not be as expensive as the Duomo and its surroundings.

The most recommended hotel to us in Navigli was TortonaDistrict 52, because it is extremely good in terms of price and performance.. If you’re looking for decent central nice accommodation and there’s still room here, run! We left the link here. For a little more luxury but still convenient accommodation around Navigli, you can look at Isola Libera.. we were here. There is Art Hotel for those who want to get a concept hotel for whatever money I will give.. Here is the link.

If you want to stay in the Brera area, we would recommend Hotel Ritter.. The reason is that it is quite good in terms of location, price and comfort.

Let’s say Navigli and Brera are beautiful, but once you’re here, you want to stay close to the Duomo, we have a recommendation for you, you can take a look at Suite 11.

Milan City Transportation

As Milan is a flat-footed city, it is possible to walk around the city.. But if you want, you can buy a 24-hour collective ticket for 4.5 Euros and get on and off as much as you want.. You can buy this 24-hour unlimited ticket from the kiosks in the metro.. There are those who try to sell more expensive, watch out for them.. A single boarding ticket is 1.5 Euros. Finally, let us remind you that there is an unexpected amount of traffic in Milan in a classical European city.. If you are going to take a taxi to get somewhere, it would be good to calculate the traffic.

Milan Travel Guide – Milan Places to Visit

Yes, let’s admit it; Milan is a visually weak city compared to the rest of Italy. But that doesn’t mean Milan equals fashion and shopping.. There’s definitely more to the city than that.. You don’t get bored when you say Duomo, pizzerias, museums, and if you find time and go to Como, there is no one happy for you.. We tried to enjoy the city instead of approaching the city with prejudice, saying that there is not much to see.. We were very satisfied and now we write about the places we visited with pleasure.

Every city has a cliché, so let’s start with cliches;


If we don’t start with the Duomo, which is the background material for Milan profile photos. 13 to the construction of the Duomo, Italy’s largest gothic style church. It was started in the 19th century, but since the construction process turned into a snake story, it was built in the 19th century.. It took a century. The interesting thing about the Duomo is that it was planned as romanesque and then converted into gothic and completed 300 years after the gothic period ended.. That’s why Italian architectural historians call the Duomo fake gothic.

As you know, our male architect, when he sees a cathedral like this, he immediately wants to go to the top or something.. We studied our lesson again and went and bought our tickets here before we left.. If you want to go to the top of Milan, there are two alternatives; elevator or stairs. If you want to take the elevator, the tickets are a bit more expensive (we took the stairs.) If you say, ‘Is it beautiful, is it worth the money to go to the top?’, you can visit Dom Cathedral in Cologne or Barcelona before. If you’ve seen the ‘Sagra da Familia of Istanbul, we can’t insist that you leave, but if you are interested in architecture and you haven’t seen these two yet, it will definitely impress you.

Isn’t there a Duomo in this big city? There is another cathedral-basilica or something If you are going to see the Last Supper, there is a ‘Basilica di Sant’Ambrogio‘ right next to it.. One of Milan’s oldest basilicas. You can stop by the Last Supper on your way to or on your way back.

Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II:

Milan’s most famous opera house La The tunnel, which was made to reach Scala more easily, later turned into this shopping center with extremely stylish and expensive shops and cafes. At the intersection of the corridor, that is, just below the place corresponding to the glass dome, a mosaic with the figure of a bull was carved on the floor.. We didn’t understand why this figure was invaded by Japanese tourists when we were there, we later learned that there is a belief that this figure will bring blessings to people when it turns three times on it.

We think we don’t need to tell you how expensive the stores inside are! That’s why we went to see ‘La Scala’ by fulfilling the requirements of being a tourist and taking the ‘necessary’ photos.

La Scala:

To the left of the Duomo When you look from the outside, the opera house ‘La Scala’, which you come across in the square you reach after passing through Galeria Vittorio Emanuelle on the side, does not look overly magnificent, on the contrary, you think it is a modest structure.. But its stage is one of the biggest in Italy and at the same time it is considered to be the most ‘prestigious’ opera house in Europe (it was the meeting place of the noble Milanese).. In the travel articles we read before we went to Milan, things were written about La Scala such as “opera tickets are very expensive here”, “they sell out early”, “the cheapest ticket is 180 Euros”.. Frankly, we had no intention of watching an opera here, but we decided to take a look at the ticket prices and saw that there are even opera tickets for 25 Euros.. The ticket you buy for 25 Euro is the last ‘zone’ ticket and you watch a little ‘cheap meat stew’, but as it is said, you are not condemned to crazy prices and it is possible to find an opera ticket even 1 month later.. It is not necessary to buy 3-4 months in advance.. In this respect, if you are interested in opera, you can try your chance to buy cheap tickets here.

Santa Maria Delle Grazie – The Last Supper (L’ultima Cena):

Here we are, seeing the ‘The Last Supper‘! You know the story; In ‘The Last Supper’, Da Vinci draws the last supper Jesus had with his apostles before he was crucified, and the work is not a ‘painting’ but on the wall of the refectory of the Santa Maria Church exists. So it’s actually a fresco.

If you’re determined to go here, you need to buy tickets online in advance.. Especially in summer, due to the influx of tourists, tickets can run out even 1 month ago and you are left with the black marketers(!) you know.. Since Italians are also ‘business-minded’ people like us, they can buy tickets on the ‘official’ ticket site in advance and sell them for twice as much at the door on the day of the ticket or online. If you want to buy tickets to the Last Supper, the only official website is here

If you came across this article shortly before you went to Milan, it is not the end of everything.. You can go to the church early in the morning and try your luck.. Sometimes there are people who buy tickets and don’t come, and they can get last minute ones instead.. Also, if you’re a student at an art school in Europe, you don’t pay for the ticket (we were very happy that the ticket to Umut was free).

A Little Information About The Last Supper

Before you see the artwork If you read one or two details, you will have a more enjoyable trip.. Let’s write it down right away;

The church of Santa Maria Delle Grazie offered Da Vinci to make such a work, and Da Vinci accepted this and completed this work on the wall of the church’s refectory between 1495 and 1498. A ‘fresco’ around 3 meters – 5 meters. Work II. During the World War II, it was not damaged because it was well preserved, but it was damaged due to the technique, paint and moisture used in the work.

At the time the fresco was made, there was the kitchen of the monastery behind the wall where the work was made, and the work began to deteriorate due to moisture while Leonardo was still alive.. After undergoing numerous restorations over the years, the Priests said ‘this fresco will not be the man’ and built a door in the lower middle part of the work to get into the kitchen, and now there is a huge door in the middle of the work, in the part that coincides with the feet of Jesus!

It’s said that the worst restoration was the last one and they messed it up when they were trying to fix it.. For example, the hand of an apostle turned into a loaf of bread as a result of restoration! Anyway, what shall we do? Especially when we have examples like the one in the photo.

We will never go into the theories about the work (we don’t understand it anyway), but we liked the story of Leonardo’s completion of the work.. Paulo Coelho explains in ‘The Devil and the Young Woman’; He had to portray it in the body of Judas, who decided to. One day, during the choir’s concert, he used a member of the choir as a model for the depiction of Jesus.. After 3 years, he had ‘nearly’ completed the work, but he could not find the model to use for ‘Juda‘. When the church pressured him to finish as soon as possible, he wandered the streets looking for models..

After searching for days, she found a man in rags lying on the sidewalk in a drunken state.. He told his assistants and had this man carried to the church, and looking at this man he began to draw Judas; Because he had seen in the face of the man unbelief, sin, and selfishness.. When Leonardo had finished, the drunken man was slowly sobering up and said with a face filled with surprise and sadness that he had ‘seemed this work before’.. When Leonardo asked ‘when’, he said ‘three years ago’, ‘before I lost what I had in my hand.. At that time I was singing in a choir and had many dreams. An artist invited me to model for the face of Jesus.’

The face of ‘good and evil’ is the same. It all depends on when people get on their way.’

Museo del Novecento:

Italian-dominated in this 5-storey museum right next to the Duomo Square. 20. century works are on display. Entry is 10 Euros and discounted for art students. Frankly, we didn’t enjoy it much.. Both the exhibitions were not well organized and the modern art section was so ‘modern’ that we did not understand a bit.

Anyway, dear, maybe it didn’t appeal to us.. right? By the way, you don’t need to buy tickets in advance, you can buy them at the door.

Pinacoteca di Brera (Brera Painting Museum):

We loved it here! Located in Milan’s Brera district, this picture gallery’s collections include works by famous Italian artists such as Raphael, Caravaggio and Titian, and Fatih Sultan Mehmet The most famous works of the painter Bellini who made the famous portrait of are also here.. That’s why some call it ‘Italy’s Louvre.

Entry is 10 Euros.. If you have limited time, you can skip the Museo del Novecento and come here.

Castello Sforzesco:

We couldn’t imagine a European city without a ‘castle’.. This is Milan’s castle.. This castle, which resembles the architecture of Eastern Bloc countries, also has many museums and the entrance fee is 5 Euros.. If you have time, you can visit both the museums and the Sempione Park at the back.. This is Milan’s largest park and it gets very crowded in summer.. Even when we went to Milan in December when the weather was zero (0), there was so much dust walking, running and doing pull-ups that we couldn’t think of summer time.

Anyway, parks are always beautiful.. We also loved it as a park-garden-loving blog.. We would have liked it more if we had gone in summer and when the weather was nice.

Colonne di San Lorenzo:

San Lorenzo Basilica right next to it This column in front of it and the squares in front of it are the popular places for students in Milan.. There are 8 universities in Milan, imagine how many students there are! The police were clearing the square after a certain hour, but until that hour, the young people were having fun with a musical hook.. Even though we went in cold weather, the square was rude.

Brera District:

We said that we enjoyed walking around the streets more than historical buildings in Milan.. Here is the Brera region, the most enjoyable region of Milan for us.. Narrow streets are full of boutique cafes on the left and right, third wave coffee shops and restaurants where you can have ‘happy hour’ (we’ll touch on this part).. Apart from that, small boutiques, luxury shops and markets are also here.. You already start walking from the very beginning, time passes by going in and out of the shops, having a coffee when you are tired and resting.. In short, we loved you, Brera.


Continue with Milan Travel Guide! Navigli is another ‘cute’ Milan district. Navigli, where young people and students flock especially after work hours, is mostly filled with cafes, art galleries and “aperativo” shops set up around the canal.. We can say that it is one of the most adorable corners of Milan.

If you say what exactly is going on with ‘Aperativo‘, like this; Like us, Italians have a culture of snacking while drinking, and they eat ‘aperativo’ just like we eat peanuts.. While dining at most places in Navigli is an expensive activity during the day, happy hour starts at 6 p.m.. Every venue’s ‘happy hour’ style is different. Some places offer a snack plate next to the drink, while others have an open buffet, you go and get it.. If there is a buffet, there is usually a rich variety.. We loved this buffet business because we love Italian cuisine!

Also, in summer, young people hang out with their drinks along the canal.. If you eat your dinner in Navigli this way, you will both come cheap and mingle with the locals.. Well, you can tell by our praise so much that we ate our dinners here!

Food & Drink in Milan and Beautiful Places in Milan

Milan Travel Guide – We came home to the part we love! Friends, whom we have not seen for a long time, now see us and say ‘marriage worked for you, you have gained weight’. I think these trips worked for us, not marriage (!). Although no one believes it when you say it like that, we actually managed to gain weight even though we walked too much in Milan.. How Does? Here is the secret….

Pizza AM:

Pizza AM is one of the most famous pizzerias in Milan and there is always a crazy crowd in front of it.. If you’re thinking, ‘We came all the way to Milan, where should we eat pizza’, you can try this place.. It’s not one of those squeaky touristy restaurants, and its pizzas are really delicious.. Let me remind you that it is closed during siesta. We ate and gone!


Although Italians love to eat and drink as much as we do, they don’t have a rich-long breakfast culture like us.. They usually prefer to drink coffee and eat snacks for breakfast.. In fact, an Italian friend with whom we stayed in the same house during university was very surprised to see sausage for breakfast.. He kept saying, ‘How can one’s stomach accept eating sausage in the morning!?’. By Allah, it is very nice(!)

Anyway, let’s get back to the topic, This is Milan’s most famous breakfast restaurant and it has two branches.. Their coffee and homemade marmalade were very good, although a little stuffy in the morning. Coffees are around 2-3 Euros and sandwiches are around 4-5 Euros.. We remember Pave as a good place for breakfast. If you can’t find a place here, you can also try Mint Garden Café. We had our breakfast here on the second day and loved it again.


If you want to pass your lunch with a standing snack, you can visit ‘Spontini’ which has branches everywhere. you can try. Slice pizzas are around 4 Euros and they have 3 types of pizza.. Ideal for snacking on the street.

La Ringhiera:

When we were looking for a place to eat in Navigli, we came across this place and as it is ‘happy hour’, we came across ‘aperativo’ as we mentioned above. ‘we have done. Buffet snack + large glass of wine was 8 Euros. Speaking of snacks, there were not only chips and nuts, but also hot dishes, salads, Italian pasta and desserts in the open buffet.. Considering Milan’s average price, it’s really cheap to make ‘aperativo’ like this. Happy Hour usually starts around 6pm.. You can consider this place for dinner in Navigli.


Tongs is a place where mostly students and locals hang out in Navigli.. Even though it’s packed during aperitivo hours, there’s no ugly crowd inside. People hanging out with their drinks, chatting, snacking. We followed the young people, ate, drank and chatted.. We can definitely recommend it because it is a pleasant place.

Mag Café:

This is one of the ‘cool’ bars of Navigli.. Not the ‘happy hour’ ones in the evenings, but the more elegant ‘cozy’ ones.. Beers are around 5 euros, glass of wine is 6 euros. Cocktails are also good, but a bit expensive compared to most places in Navigli. We loved the atmosphere of Mag Café, young people flirting, couples romance etc.. When you see how comfortable the young people are in societies without a lynch culture, one gets really jealous (I think we’re talking again). concept coffee shop. They have various coffees and desserts prepared with different recipes.. If you want to take a coffee break in Brera, you can try this place.

10 Corso Como:

We received a lot of advice about 10 Corso Como before we went.. We don’t know if this place, which serves both as a cafe and sells design products, is very touristic or because we went with great expectations.. But that doesn’t mean you won’t like it.. You can try it.

Short Notes on Milan Travel Guide

Panzerotti The dough is like ‘raw pastry’ in ours. Italian pastry. Tourists who want to try ‘panzerotti’ in Milan also flock to the place called ‘Luini’. When we say flocking, we are serious(!). There was such a huge line in front of him that we never entered.. We consoled ourselves by saying ‘if we eat everything we see, ohoo’.

If you are vegetarian, ‘Flower Burger’ will enchant you. We also ate lunch here, we loved it even though we discovered it by chance.

There is also a ‘Moleskine Café‘ in Brera. The cafe of the famous ‘Moleskine’, the notebook brand. We thought Moleskine was an Italian brand, it was French.. This may be additional and unnecessary information.

California Bakery: Its desserts are legendary.

3 Dino: This is Milan’ a 3D model shop where we say ‘oh if we were rich we bought them all’. If you are interested, be sure to take a look inside.

There is a poster shop right next to Frida Bar. We can’t remember the name right now, but we bought a very nice poster from there for 5 Euros.. If you are considering a gift, you can look here.

If you want to eat ice cream, the most famous place is ‘Cioccolati Italiani‘-. We didn’t try it because it was zero degrees when we went.

We couldn’t go to the Milan Natural History Museum because we didn’t have time.. It may interest you.

And of course we haven’t forgotten Como either!

Places to Visit in Milan: Como Travel Guide

The best part of our Milan trip was going to Como’yo for us. Como, takes its name from Lake Como, which surrounds the city, and one end of this lake extends to Switzerland. You can reach the port area of ​​Como in 45 minutes by train from Milan.. Shall we stop too, we reserved the last day of the trip to Como!

‘Como in half an hour from ‘Milan Central Train Station’ and ‘Garibaldi’ stations’ or the train is leaving. Ticket cost 4.5 Euros one way. No need to buy tickets in advance unless it’s an extremely busy season. You can buy your ticket from the ticket offices at these train stations.. When the train comes to Como ‘Como S. If you get off at the Giovanni’ station, you can walk to the center of Como in 5 minutes.

Your mood changes as soon as you arrive in Como. Once a very peaceful city. After the busy crowd of Milan, you are filled with peace here.. If you do not plan to stay here, you can go early in the morning and finish the city by evening.. Yes, this is the world. Maybe it’s not a wonder and Lake Como isn’t a natural wonder either, but the city is so calm and beautiful.. Narrow streets, boutique coffee shops, lake houses with a view are very beautiful.. We can say that we like this place more than Milan.

We said that Italian rich people usually live in Milan, and ‘multi-millionaires’ live in Como.. Even George Clooney had a house here.. And we came across it while researching, Dictator Mussolini was killed on a mountain in Como.

Como Cable Car

You can take a 1-2 hour boat tour around the Lake in Como. We didn’t do it because we wanted to spend our time in the city.. There is also the famous cable car. If you want to see the city from a bird’s eye view, you can take the cable car and go up to the top of the city.. 6.5 Euros per person round trip. We liked to go to the top of the city by cable car, but it was the best thing for us to visit the streets of the city itself.

We had our lunch in Como at a local restaurant called ‘El Merendero’.. They have a variety of food menus and prices are reasonable.. You can definitely try. We drank coffee and ate dessert at Instant Coffee’. We liked this place the same way.

Besides the beauty of Como, the streets were decorated very nicely because we coincided with Christmas time, and in the evening, the demonstrations started in the town square.

As a matter of fact, we loved Como very much. we loved. We loved it more than Milan. We were also very pleased that we spent the last day of our trip in Como.

Our Milan trip, in short, passed in the cycle of ‘eating-drinking-walking-sleeping-walking-eating’.. We had read so many negative reviews before we went that we went with little expectation.. But we managed to enjoy it by walking a lot, trying third wave coffee shops, visiting museums.. It’s nice in our minds. Let it be like this this time!

Once again we ‘went-toured-wrote’!

With love.

We can take Venice, another favorite Italian city, here for our summer.

And here for our Bologna article.

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