
Minsk, Belarus My Travel Notes

Today’s route includes the Baltic States and Belarus, which I visited as part of my trip, which I named Belarus, and the capital city Minsk. In my travel notes, you can find places to visit in Minsk and my general Belarusian impressions along with my adventure.

How to go to Minsk?

Tuesday, 13 December 2016. I wake up in Vilnius, Lithuania, before I see the first light of the morning. I’m on my way to Vilnius Train Station for my 06:15 train to Minsk.

Outsideit’s around -10 degrees, the lights of the street lamps reflect on the icy road on the ground. Finally at Vilnius Station. My journey from here to Minsk, Belarus will take approximately 2.5 hours.

Those who want to reach Minsk and Belarus from our country can arrive here in 3 hours with direct flights of Turkish Airlines.

My Train to Take Me to Minsk / Vilnius, Lithuania

I am from Lithuania in the Schengen region. Belarus is not a member of the European Union.. Therefore, before getting on the train at the station, I go through the passport control to exit the country.

Before getting on the train, a pleasant snowfall begins, I take my place and take a light sleep in Minsk. I’m on my way.

Where is Minsk?

First of all, I want to talk about Belarus and Minsk.

Belarus, also known as Belarus, is located in eastern Europe. and a small country located at the western tip of the Russian Federation. Belarus, one of the countries that was founded with the disintegration of the USSR, can say that among the other disintegrated countries, we can say that has the closest relationship with Russia.

The Victory Monument, Minsk

Is it Necessary to Get a Visa to Belarus?

Belarusian and Russian are spoken in Belarus, and these languages ​​are very close to each other.. Currency: Belarusian Ruble. Unlike Lithuania and the rest of Europe they use the Cyrillic Alphabet and the country is in a border union with the Russian Federation. Belarus does not require a visa for short-term visits from citizens of our country.

The capital Minsk is the most important city of the country.. Date 11. This city, which dates back to the Principality of Minsk in the 16th century, has reached the sovereignty of the USSR and Belarus after changing hands in the first and second world wars.. The city today has a population of 2 million and has a rising touristic value.

Entry Form to Belarus

We are approaching Minsk at the first light of the morning.. Passport control to enter Belarus is done on the train. A Immigration Form is provided for you to fill out. The same was distributed when arriving by plane.. The form is about where, how many days we will stay, etc.

Vilnius – Minsk Train / The Day Is Lighting Up

This form is the same as the one I filled in when entering Russia. In the border union of Russia and Belarus. The interesting thing is that while Russia asks for a visa from two border union countries, Belarus does not.. Technically, it is possible to enter Belarus and reach Russia without a visa.. Of course, this is forbidden and should not be done !

My train arrives at Minsk Train Station. I enter the city directly without going through any customs area.. Meanwhile, I set my clock forward 1 hour.. Belarus, in the same time zone as our country. It has a 1 hour difference with Lithuania, just west of it.

First Impressions from Minsk

It’s early morning and it’s quite cold. But there is a faint sun coming through the clouds. It will be a pleasure to travel with the snow view accompanied by the sun.

In front of Minsk Train Station

From the moment I get my head out of the station, it’s like a different world welcomes me.. I am only 180 kilometers from Vilnius but this is quite different from Western and Central Europe. In a few hours, I feel like I have left Europe and come to Russia.

Minsk is starting to become clear in my head with my first impressions.. This is a truly Russian city. It brings back memories of Moscow, which I visited a few years ago, with its architecture, language and people.. Actually, even though I felt the effects of Russian Architecture in Vilnius, which I came to in the morning, this place is completely under Russian influence.

There is an imposing Soviet-era building right across from Minsk Train Station. In fact, these buildings occupy a whole block resembling a castle.. There are quite a lot of such structures in Minsk, which generally serve government institutions and banks.

The Imposing Building Opposite the Station

Places to Visit in Minsk

First, I’m on my way to the hostel where I will stay.. The hostel is close to the center of the city but about 3 kilometers from the station. So I start to visit the places to visit in Minsk I set off towards the hostel.

Minsk especially attracts attention with its wide and regular streets. These streets run throughout the city. It is not always possible to cross the street.. Because the streets are one way and 3-5 lanes.. There are underpasses and traffic lights in places.. Lively and surrounded by shops throughout. You literally feel yourself in Belarus here.

The first important place I came across on my way. Independence Square.

Independence Square, Minsk

As the name suggests, this is Minsk Freedom Square. The square is quite large.. There is also a huge Christmas tree when I went. There are important structures of Minsk around this square.

The first of these structures is the House of Government, that is, the government building.. You know that Minsk is a capital, Belarus is governed from here.. The structure is slightly different from its examples in different parts of the world.. It is more like a huge castle and the newly built courthouses in our country.. I already mentioned at the beginning of my post.. Such buildings, which are symbols of the socialist order, are found all over Minsk.

In front of the government building, there is a monument to the founder of the USSR Vladimir Lenin. It is possible to come across many more monuments throughout the square.

Church of Saints Simon and Helena

Another important structure of the square is Church of Saints Simon and Helena. The church is not one of the oldest buildings in the city, it was completed in 1910.. Its architecture is a bit contrary to the integrity of Minsk and I can say that it draws attention in the city.

I keep moving forward.. The sun is starting to show itself. Next is the Pischalauski Castle. This castle is actually a prison built in 1825.. Today, it was used in a unit related to the Belarusian Police until recently.

The design of the castle reminds of the medieval castles in Europe. The condition of the castle is not very good nowadays and restoration work is going to be done.. Unfortunately, it is not possible to visit. You just have to be content with what you can see from afar.

Streets of Minsk

Now I arrive at Revolucion Hostel. My hostel is located in a slightly more historical and lively part of the city.. Also close to the Svislach River. A river runs through the middle of Minsk, just like in classical European cities.

After resting for a while and having a snack from the sandwiches I brought with me, I continue to explore the city as always, without wasting time.. I am not someone who spends a lot of time abroad where I stay.. I think every minute I spend in Minsk is valuable!

Minsk City Transportation

As in most places, I continue my journey on foot.. However, Minsk has a developed metro network. There are metro stations in almost every part of the city.. The designs of the metro stations are also worth seeing.. There is one thing you should pay attention to when using the subway;

Minsk Streets / Metro Exit

I told you that the Cyrillic Alphabet is used in Belarus.. This situation creates quite a challenge in the city frankly. It is impossible to understand anything even from the simplest signs. It may be a little difficult to understand the station you will get off at in the subways.. That’s why you have to determine your travel route more clearly in Minsk.

Now I’m at the location of the Kastryčnickaja Metro Station. I can say this is the heart of Minsk. The city has many important structures here.. The first of these is Palace of Republic.

Palace of Republic, Minsk

Palace of Republic is the city’s most important concert and show center. This building was put into use in the 1990s.. I have to say that its design is reminiscent of Anıtkabir. It is not possible to tour inside, but with the show tickets you can buy in advance, you can both see inside and witness unique plays.

Most of the remaining structures in this region are still operas and theaters. in the form of a show house. Minsk Palace of Culture, Yanka Kupala National Theater and Belarusian Central Circus Building are worth seeing. Opera and performing arts have an important place in Belarusian Culture. There are many similar buildings, large and small, in the city.

Minsk Palace of Culture

I am walking towards the Svislach River. Most of the city’s riverside’ is surrounded by parks. Yanka Kupala Park and Gorky Park are two of them.. The scenery created by these parks with snow-covered trees is much more pleasant.

I head across the small bridge in the center of the city.. What I see at this time surprises me a little.. Because the river is frozen from the cold. The sun reflecting on it reminds me of the memories I lived in Finland, and I witness a unique view again.

Minsk Parks with Sunlight Seeping Through the Clouds

You can see the Victory Monument at the end of the bridge.. This monument is one of the important parts of the city.. You don’t need to go any further. From here on, it consists of normal city buildings.. I continue to explore from the north bank of the river.

Frozen rivers always intrigue me.. It must be because I am not used to this situation in the places where I was born and lived.. I must say that cold and snow suits the city of Minsk. However, the cold that hits -10 degrees makes it a bit difficult for me to take pictures and walk.

Frozen Svislach River and Me / Over the Bridge

After taking a breather in the parks and scenery, I arrive at the Bolshevik Opera, the original as the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre.

The Bolshevik Opera is one of the important symbols of the city.. Its architecture and design is fascinating. The structure was completed in 1933 and is still in use today.. I should add that the night lighting is also beautiful.

The Frozen River and the Bolshevik Opera in the Behind

When you walk from the Bolshevik Opera to the river and cross the bridge, you enter the touristic area (Верхні Горад) of the city, which I can call the Old Town. ) you arrive.

Here it is possible to see old buildings and new buildings built in the old style.. Minsk is actually not a very touristic city.. More it is at the forefront with its atmosphere and culture. However, the city was trying to gain touristic spots with these new structures.

Old Town District

It is possible to come across large and small galleries and museums in this area. They are perfect for warming up, especially in cold times.

Now I am next to the most important historical building of the city.. Holy Spirit Cathedral.

Holy Spirit Cathedral, 17. an orthodox church built in the middle of the century. It is on the list of things to see in Minsk with its architecture and its white color that is compatible with the city.. You can visit the church free of charge during the day.

Holy Spirit Cathedral

Beside the church, the Belarusian National Museum and Minsk City Hall are worth seeing.. On the opposite side, there is the Holy Spirit Church of the same name and a beautiful Monastery.. Every place in this area is worth exploring!

I’m heading south from the “Верхні Горад” area. This part of the city is one of the more lively active areas.. There are large and small shopping malls, restaurants and a beautiful church all around.. The high-rise residences right behind them created an interesting image.

Minsk City Hall

High-rise residential buildings are quite common throughout Minsk. These residences can reach up to 10-20 floors in places.. Although the city is generally orderly, you can see distorted images too.

I’m on my way to my hostel now. I will stay here for one night in total. I’m flying directly to Istanbul tomorrow afternoon.. But I haven’t completed my Minsk trip yet !

Old Town

Minsk Nightlife

I have a separate plan for evening hours. Minsk nightlife and entertainment venues is very lively. It would be wrong to expect anything else from a city mostly under Russian culture, wouldn’t it?

It’s getting dark. I start walking with a beautiful snowfall. This time my stop is a pleasant neighborhood of Minsk by the river; Trinity Hill

High Residences in the City

There are nice cafes and houses in the Trinity Hill area that you would like to see.. Right next to the river is the Island of Tears, a small island called tears and a nice monument.. From here you can watch the city under the lights. After enjoying the city in one of the small pubs in this area, I return to my hostel.

The hostel I stayed in is quite naive and quiet.. Minsk is not a city that receives many tourists, especially during this time of winter.. The view from my room is also with the snow falling at night it becomes wonderful. Luckily, I’m the only one in the whole room.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016. I wake up in Minsk with a unique snow view. I have breakfast with tomatoes, bananas, the cracker I brought with me, and a warm tea.

Breakfast from My Hostel Room / Minsk

I am not a person who is very open to new foods abroad. I prefer simpler and health food except for the ones I should try.. All over the world vegetables, fruits and simple foods taste the same, and their prices are quite affordable.

I will return to Istanbul today.. The last place I want to see in the city will be the stadium of Dynamo Minsk Football Team whose name you may remember.. Its structure, almost reminiscent of a Spanish Arena, is quite impressive.

Dinamo Minsk Stadium

Minsk Airport – City Center Transportation

After my visit to the stadium, I can now go to Minsk International Airport I’m on the right track. The airport is a little outside of the city and is accessible by buses.. You can get on these buses right next to Minsk Train Station.. There is also a beautiful mall right in that area.. I’m adding a few local pieces to my collection before I leave the city.

I’m at the airport after an hour-long journey. I’m returning to my country with THY’s flight number 284, Minsk-Istanbul,.

Minsk International Airport

I would like to wrap up my Minsk notes.. Although this place is not one of the places that comes to mind in the first place, with its different culture and city atmosphere, I think it is among the cities that must be seen.

Cities to Visit Around Minsk

I I only took 1.5 days and I can say that it is enough. Those who have more time should visit Vilnius, Lithuania, if they have Schengen Visas. I can also recommend crossing to the small cities of Belarus and to the Russian side.

My Minsk – Istanbul Flight Boarding Pass

How are the Belarusian people?

If I were to talk about the Belarusian people, actuallyit is true that they are a bit cold but the main reason is that they do not speak English well. It’s a little difficult to get along with most people in the city. But I have to say that they have a positive attitude when it comes to Turkey.

During my day in Minsk, I didn’t come across anything from us.. Minsk, an important city among visa-free destinations. That’s why it is a place I recommend to the citizens of our country. In addition, the prices of the city are generally similar to our country.

I end my Minsk travel guide here.. My journey, which I started in Tallinn, Estonia, now ends in Minsk. Those who want to examine other cities within the scope of my trip, you can read my travel notes, you can also review my travel notes on Moscow, the beautiful capital of Russia, east of Minsk . I need to remind you that when these cities are examined together they have a different meaning.. I wish you all a pleasant day !

Previous Day: My Vilnius, Lithuania Travel NotesContinued: My Moscow, Russia Travel Notes

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