
Misconceptions about “Working in Bahrain”

I have finally opened the “FINDING JOBS IN BAHRAIN FINDING” that I promised a long time ago but could not start. While I was planning to prepare a single article to answer your questions, I saw that the subject opened up and I couldn’t get out of the way.. Therefore, it would be appropriate to adopt the divide-smash-tell strategy in both videos and articles, because before looking for a job, it is necessary to have a general idea about the working life here.. Before going into details, I would like to get rid of the frequently mentioned mistakes –especially in the messages- about working in Bahrain with the first article of the series.

For those who do not know, I will add this note to each article of the series: “Working in Bahrain It’s too much for me to post about “find it” because we don’t work in Bahrain.. However, I frequently get questions about the subject from those who know that we live here, and the result is “Tell me what you know!”. my purpose; to guide those who do not know as far as I know, hear and research. Please feel free to write a comment if I’m wrong or if you want to add to the topic.

Misconceptions about Working in Bahrain

• Immigration application to Bahrain You can’t.

Although half of the population (or even more) are immigrants, Gulf countries, including Bahrain, do not have an immigration policy; In other words, you cannot apply for immigration to Germany, Australia or Canada.

Since there is no tax-based system in the oil-rich Gulf countries – although small tax collections started last year – the income tax that the state will collect from migrant workers, therefore immigrants. does not have a direct need for workers. So who needs it? Companies operating in the country.

Due to the fact that people do not want to work in the service sector due to financial opportunities, and the quality of domestic workers for certain positions is low, companies choose to employ migrant workers because they cannot meet their personnel needs locally.


This means that; The company they work for becomes a SPONSOR to immigrants working in Bahrain. In this way, the employee is granted work and residence permits.. So, in order to come to work and live, you must first have found a job in Bahrain.. (Setting up a business, getting married, studying at a university in Bahrain are out of our scope.)

You may have heard of those who came without a job, let me clarify that too.. There are Bahrainis who somehow sponsor those who set their minds to come as immigrants and get them residence and work permits.. Of course, they do not do this for their own good; They demand money monthly from the person who comes as they do not employ them.. As a result, those who choose this path come again through SPONSORSHIP.

• It is not easy to find a job for those who want to work in Bahrain./ Working in Bahrain

For any occupational group yet, He cannot find a job in Bahrain.” we cannot say; It is possible to see Turks working in many, many different fields.. Yes, Turks are very popular…Yes, there are Turkish companies…Yes, Bahrain’s economy is developing, new sectors are emerging, although it has not been going well lately… But unfortunately, it is thought that you can find a job in Bahrain by your own means while living in Turkey. not as easy. why?. The aim and content of the policy initiated under the leadership of Saudi Arabia are as follows:

With the discovery of oil, countless investments were made in these developing countries, hundreds of companies operate in this region, but since the basis of working life is completely foreign, especially for the new generation with university degrees. unemployment rate started to rise. In order to put a stop to this trend, each Gulf country has obliged its companies to employ a certain amount of domestic workers.. Of course, there are also details that affect different aspects, such as the recruitment process, but in general, this is the case.. Therefore, companies take care to act in accordance with the localization policy while meeting their personnel needs.

Another reason is that Bahrain is the most liberal country in the region.. In addition to high living standards, it offers an environment where foreigners can live comfortably; the natives are open-minded, friendly and modern; The number of employees who want to immigrate to Bahrain is quite high due to the increasing quality of education and health and many other attractive factors.. Bahrain was chosen as the most immigrating country in a poll by Internationals among expats around the world; and 2 years in a row. This means that the competition in job recruitment is quite high.

And finally… I regret to say to those who want to work and job seekers in Bahrain that only 1 Turkish person I’ve met so far has found a job by their own efforts; Apart from that, all of the ones I saw (except for the expat spouses who came here) came to Bahrain either by transfer within the company or with a direct job offer.. “How to Find a Job in Bahrain?” I will talk about the details in the article, but the probability of coming to a job posting in Bahrain by applying is very low, especially if you have no or very little work experience.

It is not impossible, of course.. Only, until we evaluate you, priority is given to locals and foreigners already living in the region; For blue-collar workers, you should know that there are Asian immigrants such as Indians and Filipinos who can work with low wages.

• Not every employee gets high salaries in Bahrain.

In Bahrain It is a well-known fact that average wages are higher than in other countries.. In fact, the purpose of many immigrants, including us, to work in the GCC is to earn a good income and prepare ourselves a comfortable future.. But it would not be right to think that everyone working here works with extremely high salaries or to seek a job with that dream.. If you have a good education and work experience in a field where the knowledge of the locals is not sufficient (for example, engineering) and you have come to a position to be a manager, you can find the opportunity to work with much higher salaries than in Turkey and even in many European countries.. Apart from that, you should know that the number of people working for very low wages is quite high.

As in every country, salary determination in Bahrain varies according to the sector you work for, the company, your job and your experience.. But there is an additional criterion here: Your nation.. The country you come from also affects the salary you will receive here; Americans and Europeans earn higher salaries, while immigrants from Asia are recruited for the same position at lower wages; Bangladeshis are the lowest-paid race.. But a Bangladeshi or Afghan won’t be able to earn this money in their country, and maybe even this wage is high by his standards.. The same is true for white collar workers.. While an American engineer was not leaving his country to come to Bahrain to earn $2000 a month, a Turkish “My life was saved!” he can organize a farewell party.

Therefore; If you have a job where competition is high and there are immigrants who can work for you for a lower wage, you may not be able to find a high-paying job.. But if you are an expert in your field and it is not easy to find a staff member who can fill your place, really satisfactory numbers are pronounced.

• Not every company provides home, car, school assistance.

One of the factors that makes working in Bahrain attractive. In addition to the net salary you receive without paying income tax, the opportunities offered by the company. What are these? Such as a house or rent money arranged by the company, a vehicle or road allowance for transportation, school allowance for your child, private health insurance to cover the whole family, airfare to and from your country once or more a year.

However, contrary to popular belief. , not every company provides these opportunities for immigrants recruited from abroad.. Neither your profession nor your position is the determining criterion for you to benefit from these opportunities; It is entirely up to the company’s choice.. In companies that do not provide these opportunities, these expenses are added to the salary and agreements are made accordingly.

How does this issue affect you during the job search process? The numbers you come across when researching the topic of salary in your profession may be salaries with or without benefits.. This will cause you to see very different results.

• Changing jobs in Bahrain can be challenging./

When you are not satisfied with your job in Bahrain, or when you start a new job. When you receive an offer, you can change the company, but “I resigned, I used my notice period.”

If your contract covers a certain period, you have to work for that period anyway.. Among the clauses of the contract, you may need to pay the company for the time you did not complete if you left halfway through.

If you came with an open-ended contract and you want to transfer to another company, a confirmation from your old company for the work permit to be obtained through the new company. you need to get the paper. If the old company does not agree to give this approval paper – which it may not – then your transfer business gets a little messy because you have to work at the current company for at least 12 months.. In order to cancel the old work permit and apply for a new one, there are complex situations such as the requirement to be abroad for at least 6 months.. That’s why “I’ll find a job and somehow come to Bahrain, then find a better job and leave.” you should consider the possibility of encountering difficulties while making your plan.

I hope that I have given some ideas to those who are far from the subject of working life in this region.. In the rest of the series, I will talk about the channels and advantageous sectors that you can benefit from in finding a job.. If you have any further questions or comments on the subject, you can share them as a comment.


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