
Morocco Travel Guide (What to Do, What to Eat, Where to Stay)

Go to Morocco and be enchanted. Actually, it has been a long time since my trip to Morocco, but I still want to write about Morocco.. I could find very little first-hand information, although I had done a lot of research before I went, I couldn’t even find a comprehensive Morocco travel book in Istanbul.. I hope it has increased so far, maybe the resources, it didn’t, this article may be of little help to those who are wondering. We took advantage of the April 23 holiday and went to Morocco.. Even though we came back without desert experience because we only had 4 days, the time was a bit of a surprise, a bit of magic and joy in the country of Arabs who all speak French. I recommend taking 7 days. THY has direct flights to Casablanca. Casablanca is Morocco’s most economically developed city, but since you have limited time, we skipped Casablanca and focused on Marrakech, Essaouria and Berber villages at the foot of the Atlas mountains.. The only place to be seen in Casablanca could be Hassan 2 mosque, which we missed.

If you are thinking of renting a car, the distance between Casablanca and Marrakech is 2 hours by car, the highway is newly built, so it is very comfortable – the highways are paid, so you should definitely have a dirham with you. before taking the highway. Or you can choose the train departing from Casablanca, and the train journey can take about 3.5 -4 hours.. You can reach CASA VOYAGEURS station, where trains depart from Marrakech in Casablanca, by trains departing just below Mohammed V airport.. But since the train services end at a certain time, you may have to wait for the next day depending on your flight time.

Essaouria Travel Guide

Marrakech to Essaouria takes 2 hours by car. accessible. You can use buses departing from Marrakech as public transport.. The old name of Essaouira, Mogador, was a port city that used to be one of the centers of trade, then lost its former importance with the shift of trade to other ports.. This city, which is the escape place of many artists and designers, was redesigned by a French architect by one of the kings of Morocco, so its name was changed to Essaouria, ‘well-designed’.. This is a small fishing town surrounded by walls, with a castle at one end and a long beach followed by a constant wind.
We arrived in Essouria around noon.. Although Marrakech was very hot, Essaouria, by the ocean and constantly windy, welcomed us a little cool, we had to take something with long sleeves.. As soon as we arrived, we chose what we wanted from the million kinds of delicious and fresh seafood on the counters on the side of the square where the castle is located, sat on the portable tables covered with linoleum in front of the counter and ate our lunch at a very affordable price. After visiting the castle, we wandered around the narrow streets where the white-walled and blue-louvered buildings lined up right and left until the evening.. These streets are full of cafes, tiny shops and hotels where you can watch the sunset.. The sunset should definitely be watched in Essaouria, for this you can go to the beach, to the terrace of a cafe, or if you are staying, you can choose the terrace of the hotel you are staying at, because almost all of the buildings in the medinas of Moroccan cities have very pleasant terraces. We had our dinner in a modern restaurant called Ellizir, I recommend it. Even though we waited a bit, the taste of the food was worth the wait, but I can say that it is not a local Moroccan restaurant, but rather different interpretations of local tastes (I think its other name is fusion).

Marrakech Travel Guide

We returned to Marrakech after our breakfast with pancakes, cake and jam in Essaouria.. When we arrived in Marrakech, the first thing felt was the temperature difference. Even though it was April, the weather was incredibly hot, so we realized that it might not be very wise to go to Morocco in the summer, which I couldn’t think of myself in the desert in that heat.
We were very satisfied with the hotel, I can not pass without specifying. If you are considering staying in Marrakech, I would definitely recommend adding Dar Attajmil to your list of alternative hotels.. I think the most important advantage was that it was in the Medina but on a relatively easy-to-find street.. A hotel located in a hard-to-find place on the streets of Medina can be a problem, especially in the dark.. In addition, this hotel was an exemplary Marrakech house with the design of its rooms, courtyards and terrace. I can say that we managed to return to the point where we started before we reached the square.
Getting lost in the streets of Marrakech’s medina is one of the most important things to do, provided that it is not night.. We wander through the narrow streets between the adjacent windows, all of which are painted red, we pass by the doors, some of which are magnificent, some of them small, but all of them have a different character, and we buy a few small pieces from the market. When we finally arrived at Djeema El-Fina square at noon, we were a little hungry, so we tried one of the most famous dishes, couscous, and tagine, which can be meat or chicken, in one of the restaurants around the square.. The food was delicious, on the other hand, we watched the preparations of the Marrakech night market in our restaurant overlooking the square.. After touring around Marrakech a little more, before entering the palace of the king, it was evening.
The most enjoyable part of the day was our visit to the night market.. First, we wandered among the stalls with a wide variety of foods and had a snack at a few stalls that caught our eye.. A huge cloud of smoke rises from the distance, around the ensemble of stalls, surrounded by male dancers disguised as women, trinkets and accessories lined up to be sold, and 2-3 fortune tellers sitting side by side in every corner, reaching out their hands to you as you pass them.. In this market, the smell of various dishes cooked on the counters mixes with the sound of the demonstrators in the square with the bells and drums and the shouts of the waiters at every counter to invite customers.. So this huge square-Djeema El-Fina-, which is empty during the day, turns into a full riot of sounds and smells at night.
The most impressive part of Morocco or Marrakech was these market visits for me.. FAQ. As said in Loreena McKennitt’s Marrakesh Night Market song couldn’t describe this atmosphere better, I recommend you to listen to it, especially if you are curious about Morocco and are planning to visit it. now…


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