
Moscow Metro and Panorama

Sparrow Hills, where

Moscow State University is located, is one of the places where you can see the most beautiful view of Moscow. Moscow is at our feet when we turn our backs on the university. When we turn our backs on this magnificent panoramic view, we see Stalin’s Moscow State University. The building is magnificent, the lighting is also magnificent. Completed in 1953, this 36-floor building is the tallest of the buildings called Stalin’s Sevens or Sisters.. Moscow has 7 of these buildings called Stalins – Gothic (wedding cake or Stalin’s Sevens or Stalin’s sisters). The most magnificent is this university.

We are watching Moscow from this panoramic hill. it got dark. Moscow is shining and this hill is so crowded. We can count 5 of the Sevens while watching the city. We see the 80,000-seatOlympic Stadium. In winter the river freezes and there is skiing on it. For this, after seeing the ski jumping platform right next to us, we head towards the metro.

You can’t come to Moscow and see the metro stations.. One of Moscow’s must-have subways. It is much easier to travel with a guide, as the signs at the stations are written in Cyrillic alphabet and the announcements are made in Russian.. In fact, this proposal is valid for all of Russia.

The subway works included in Stalin’s first 5-year plan between 1928 and 1933 were started in 1931.. According to the order of the communist party, the people of the whole country would build the subway.. For this reason, male and female workers, prisoners, Red Army soldiers, and more than 13 thousand members of the communist youth unit (Komsomol) brought from all over the country participated in the construction work.. The Komsomolskaya station is named after Komsomol members for their contribution to work in their spare time. Metro stations were also used as headquarters and shelters during the war years.

Today, the Moscow metro is still expanding.. Currently over 120 stations available. The length of the rails is over 250 kilometers, the depth decreases to 80 meters in places.. An average of 9.5 million people are transported daily in the metro, which has a speed of 90 kilometers per hour and operates by approximately 7,800 trains.. Trains depart every minute from stations during rush hour. Each station is a masterpiece of art. They resemble a museum rather than a subway station.

The most important of these stations are; Komsomolskaya, Belaruskaya, Kievskaya, Park Kulturi and Ploschad Revolyutsi.

Konsomolskaya station, with its rose-pink marble columns, tile panels depicting subway workers, and huge chandeliers

Belaruskaya station is decorated with mosaics depicting life in Belarus.. The floor is also decorated with a carpet pattern unique to Belarus.

The friendship between Russia and Ukraine and Soviet agriculture are embroidered on the walls at the Kievskaya station. marble relief medallions depict people sliding on ice, playing chess, reading books, dancing.

At the Revolyutsi station of Ploşchad, there are life-size statues of ordinary citizens who helped found the Soviets. impossible to visit stations. The important thing is to see 5-6 of them because it is as enjoyable as visiting a museum.. Each one is a work of art.

As for accommodation in Moscow, a few suggestions can be made among the hotels in the city center.. As a first recommendation, you can consider the Aquamarine Hotel, which is a 15-minute walk from the Kremlin Palace and St. Basil’s Cathedral. The hotel is a very convenient option with its central location and close proximity to tourist attractions.. Alternatively, Kyznetskiy Inn Hotel, which is located in Kuznetsky in the city center and only 2 minutes’ walk from Bolshoi Theater, is a place you should consider among your choices.. If you are looking for something affordable to make your accommodation cheap, Matreshka Hotel, which is a 5-minute walk from TSUM Shopping Center and 10 minutes from Red Square and Saint Basil’s Cathedral, will be a suitable option among the budget hotels of Moscow.. Apart from these suggestions, you can browse other hotels in Moscow by going to booking.com from here, and you can also make a reservation if you wish.

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