
Most Wanted Holiday Places in Turkey

When I opened my blog cokgezendam.com in 2014, the first days were a complete disappointment.. Not even my friends. If I had a birthday, more people would come, I was sorry for my work.. Afterwards, when I worked tirelessly and persevered in a job, I saw that the result started to come.. As a matter of fact, I reached very serious numbers over time.. Thanks to my blog, I won various awards and even served as a jury in TRT.. In the intervening 3 years, my blog has become one of the important sources on the most sought-after holiday destinations in Turkey.

Today, it has reached a certain size. I wanted to share where people researched the most.. A total of 1.2 million unique visitors visited my blog in 2017.

follow my instagram account –> @cokgezenadam

Most Searched Holiday Places and Articles

When I look at the most searched articles on my blog, I see that people generally read more about the places they can access most easily.. Often times, a place close to Istanbul can get much more attention than a dream city of the Far East.. Here are the articles that people are most curious about and read on my blog in 2017:

Galata Tower

Someone who was born and raised in Istanbul After writing on my blog, I learned that this precious tower of Istanbul, which I went to the top of for the first time 2 years ago, was so curious.. Every day hundreds of people visit my blog to learn about Galata Tower. Galata Tower, one of the oldest and most beautiful towers of Istanbul, was built by the Byzantine Emperor Anastasius Oilosuz in 528 as a lighthouse made of wood.. In 1348, it was made of masonry stone by the Genoese with the name Christea Turris. If you want to get more detailed information about Galata Tower, you can reach my blog post from the link below.

Things You Should Know Before Visiting Galata Tower

Thassos Island


Before most people in Turkey knew much, my dear journalist friend Eren Güler said that I discovered an island like paradise in Greece, close to Istanbul, when I asked if I should write it on your blog, of course I did I said. Then what happened. In an instant, the writing exploded and Thassos Island (Thasos or Thasos in another form) suddenly became the focus of attention of the Turks.. They started beating those who did not go to the island.. This article by Eren Güler became one of the pioneering articles in which my blog jumped the threshold and reached serious traffic.. It kind of became one of the cornerstones of The Man Who Traveled Too Much.. Then I went and wrote a couple more articles.. You can read all my Thassos articles from the links below.

  • Paradise Island Under Our Noses: Thassos Island
  • Thasos Island Places to Visit and See | Thasos Travel Guide
  • Greece Thassos Island Beaches Guide
  • Çatalca Locksmith

    My Blog Those who follow regularly know, in order to test the cars I buy from brands, I determine the places to go by car from Istanbul and write an experience about cars and tell about the places I have discovered in a separate article.. Once again, Gizem, whom you know with the Digitalseyahatname blog, said that there are very interesting villages in Çatalca, let’s explore these places.. I said yes and we went exploring.. How do I know that people are burning to read Çatalca even if someone writes it If you are wondering, here are the interesting villages of Çatalca Locksmith, you can open and read my article from the link below.

  • Places to Visit in Çatalca in 1 Day: Deniz , Picnic, Barbecue and History in 1
  • Test Drive and Impressions in Çatalca and Its Villages with Toyota Corolla
  • Budapest

    When I was a journalist years ago, we had a roadshow from Istanbul to Budapest with Porsche Panamera Diesels.. It was one of the most interesting experiences of my life.. My stay in Budapest was only for one night, but in that time I fell in love with the city and promised to come again.. Anyway, in 2016, I bought a ticket to Budapest for New Year’s Eve and managed to reach the city despite a 10-hour delay.. Then I liked this city more and went again in September of the same year.. I have written many different articles about the capital of Hungary, which I visited again in 2017 and this time in May.. Many of my readers print your articles and visit the city, thank you very much.. Receiving these messages makes one really happy.. Here are all my articles about Budapest:

  • How I Visited Budapest for 700 TL in 3 Days, Including Flight?
  • Budapest Travel Guide | Cheap Vacation Tips
  • Budapest Transportation Tips | Airport, Metro…
  • Budapest Nightlife | I Walked Into Their Lairs
  • Things to Know About Budapest
  • Budapest Nightlife Tips From A to Z
  • Porsche’s Mohac Campaign- 3 and 4. Day Bucharest-Sibiu-Budapest
  • The Story of a 10-Hour Delay with Turkish Airlines: Entering the New Year on a Plane
  • Ankara

    One summer day, we gathered with friends for the wedding of a friend from my old company and went to Ankara with my car.. While we were going to the wedding, we decided to visit Ankara at the weekend.. We wandered around and then when I got back, I wrote my experiences on my blog.. Frankly, I didn’t know that Ankara was so curious until I wrote the article.. Thanks to this, I discovered that there is a serious audience curious about places to visit in Ankara, especially on weekends.. You can find the link to this article below.

    Those Who Say Ankara Is Boring Must Not Have Visited This Place

    They Will Buy Mille Tickets from THY Beware

    Although the articles I wrote about the mileage program of THY, which is indispensable for high-flyers, do not satisfy THY, it provides serious benefits to those who plan to buy a mileage ticket.. As a matter of fact, the articles I wrote about the THY mileage program still manage to hold the record for the most reads in a day.. I remember like it was yesterday that 85,000 unique people read one of my articles in just one day.. Before buying tickets with Miles, I definitely recommend you to read the articles I wrote on this subject.. Otherwise, you can seriously burn your outgoing miles and overpaid money.. Links to my articles that I wrote on this subject, which broke records:

  • Those Who Will Buy Mille Flight Tickets From THY Attention! Don’t Get Spiked…
  • High Flyers Attention! THY Miles&Smiles Advantages Are Decreasing
  • THY Miles Will Burn One of the places was Çanakkale this year.. I tried to fit plenty of space in a short time in Çanakkale.. During my trips to Çanakkale and Gallipoli Peninsula, I had the opportunity to write many pleasant articles.. I started with places to visit in Çanakkale, continued with Çanakkale food and beverage guide.. Of course, it would be impossible not to write about Gallipoli, which manages to make my heart groan every time I go.. Here are my articles about Çanakkale, one of the most sought after holiday destinations this year:

  • Places to Visit in Çanakkale in 2 Days – Travel Guide
  • Çanakkale’ Where and What to Eat? Çanakkale Dishes
  • Where to Stay in Çanakkale? How is Cura Hotel?
  • Places to Visit and See in Gallipoli in 1 Day
  • Canakkale Martyrs’ Monument and Symbolic Martyrdom
  • Canakkale Epic Promotion Center
  • Paradise Bay Near Us: Fatma Kadın Bay
  • Lycian Way

    Turkey is a paradise everywhere. One of these paradises is the Lycian Way, perhaps one of the most beautiful trekking routes in the world.. The Lycian Way experiences of Eren Güler, one of the valuable guest writers of my blog, have been an important resource for those who want to make this route for several years.. Frankly, everyone who reads Eren Güler’s article on the Lycian Way has an enthusiasm for this route.. One who reads this article and the one who does not, regret it. Tell me.

    This View for 10 Lira, An Incredible Vacation: Lycian Way Walk


    Especially for those living in Istanbul Edirne ranks first in the list of places to visit at the weekend. The city, which was also one of the capitals of the Ottoman Empire, is worth seeing with its historical structures and legendary tastes.. On top of that, like a cillop, you can reach the city with a journey of about 2 and a half hours from the highway.. Ideal for a trip in the morning go, go, eat, come back in the evening format.. For those who haven’t been to this beautiful city before, I recommend them to take a look at my blog post.

  • Edirne Travel Guide by Car in 1 Day
  • In 2 Days on the Weekend 1000 km Road Notes
  • Gökçetepe

    The biggest need of those living in Istanbul and its surroundings, especially in summer, is close places with beautiful beaches that can be visited by car at the weekend.. One of the places that best meets this need is the Gulf of Saros and its surroundings.. There are many beautiful villages here. Some of these villages are connected to Edirne’s Keşan and some to Çanakkale’s Gelibolu district. Gökçetepe, a district of Edirne’s Keşan district, was one of the most curious articles this year.. Thanks to my esteemed guest writer, Eren Güler, who brought this place to my blog.. In addition to the Gökçetepe article, you can also read the article about the Güneyli Village of Çanakkale, which attracts great attention in the vicinity.

  • A Paradise Very Close to Istanbul: Gökçetepe
  • The closest Aegean holiday to Istanbul… Sunbed 3 lira, tea 75 cents…
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