
MSC Fantasia (Day 3) Sicily, Palermo & Cefalu Travel Notes

Places to See in Palermo

Our tour ended in Naples, which was the stop on the second day of our trip, without even realizing it.. (For the previous stops of our trip, Naples and Cenavo, just click on the links above the cities.) At 19.30 in the evening, our ship started to sail towards the island of Sicily, leaving the port of Naples.. Our ship reached the port of Palermo around 9.00 in the morning.. This is not a destination that you can visit and finish in one day, just like Naples.. Prontotour Chairman Ali Onaran, who stepped into the sector by guiding Italy, says, “I discover new places whenever I come to Sicily.”. We started this trip by exploring the center of Palermo first.

We started our tour of the city with Massimo Theatre.. We set off from here and get lost in the streets and find ourselves in Four Seasons Square.. The decorations and sculptures on the faces of the buildings facing the crossroads in this square are really worth seeing.. 100 meters from here, there are statues named Fountain of Shame because of their obscenity.. If you go to the right instead of here, after about 500 meters, the Palermo Cathedral will welcome you with its magnificent architecture.

Famous Impressions of Cefalu with its Cathedral

We will quickly take our tour of Palermo city center. After completing it, our route was Cefalu.. Cefalu, a fishing town an hour from Palermo, has an interesting story. Norman King II, battling big waves at sea. Roger promises that if he survives these waves, he will build a Cathedral where he first reaches.. After surviving these waves and reaching Cefalu, II. Roger keeps his promise.

We completed our cruise in Palermo around 16.30 and reached our ship.. Our ship left the port at 17.00 and sailed for La Goulette port in Tunis, where the famous Italian actress Claudia Cardinale was born.. (You can read the last part of our journey by clicking this link)

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