
Odessa Nightlife : Nightclubs – Bars – Prices

Odessa nightlife is one of the most famous Ukrainian nights. Crazy beach parties continue until the wee hours of the morning. It is as beautiful as Kyiv nightlife or Lviv nightlife. But it’s more in the form of shows. Venues are of good quality. It is neither too expensive nor too cheap. Here in this article, I will tell you everything about Ukrainian nightlife and everything about Odessa nightlife, which is Ukraine’s Bodrum, one by one, openly.

Ukraine Odessa Nightlife

Odessa Ukraine resembles our Bodrum with its nightlife. So it’s actually their summer area.. Especially the nightclubs located next to each other on the beach are like a party by the pool.. At 10 am the fun starts. It continues until 4 or even 5 in the morning.

Odessa Nightlife : Ukraine Odessa nightlife

If you are planning to go to Ukraine : Read all my articles from the link Ukraine

In general, places are jam-packed. Many venues also organize shows.. So not only in the classic nightclub logic, they also put the show on the job.. Both Ukrainian and foreign songs accompany Ukrainian nights.

Ukraine Odessa Nightclubs

The night to go in Odessa clubs are usually located in the Arcadia region. Odessa Night Clubs ; The most famous are Itaka, Ibiza Beach Club, Bono Beach Club and Palladium. I have told you the atmosphere of these nightclubs one by one below.

For places to visit in Odessa: Places to Visit in Odessa, Ukraine see my article

Ukraine Odessa Nightlife Prices

You can enter many nightclubs in Odessa without any roof problems.. Since I know that you often experience this problem in Turkey, I thought I’d tell you right away.

In fact, let me talk about a fact: Sometimes even girls are not allowed to go to nightclubs.. i saw it ourselves. Do you know why? ‘Cause there’s too many girls in there. I wouldn’t believe it if they said it a thousand times, but it was true what they said.. Anyway. Let’s not derail the topic.

Ukrainian currency: 100 hryvnia is about 14 TL

We were saying Odessa nightlife prices. Generally, the entrance fee is around 300-400 hryvnia.. Cocktails are around 75-150 grivna.. Beers 40-50 hryvnia. You calculate the TL value according to the parity above.

Nightclubs in Odessa: It generally provides beach service during the day.. At night, it becomes a nightclub.

Practical Information on Odessa Nightlife

  • Employees generally speak English.
  • Most of the businesses accept credit cards.
  • 99.9% of the people do not speak English. The one who knows also speaks moderately. You have to speak either Russian or Ukrainian. Your last resort, google translate. Let me say this from the beginning.
  • Most of the people are blondes.. Especially brunette Turks attract a lot of attention.
  • There is no difference between weekdays or weekends.. The places are always open, but it is quieter on weekdays.
  • In general, the areas where the pool is located are quieter.. But the areas with dance floors and performances are crowded.
  • They can ask for money for a lodge, table or even a chair.. Make a reservation before you go or when you go.
  • A bottle of whiskey costs 200-300 TL at most.. Alcohol is much cheaper than us.
  • Taking a taxi from the city center to Arcadia, ie nightclubs, is 100-150 hryvnia
  • Beach Clubs such as Itaka, Ibiza or Bono, especially in winter going off. Write the event of these places. Therefore, you can evaluate the other places I have told you below, especially during the winter months.

If you are looking for a hotel in Odessa, I wrote it as well.. click to view

1. Ibiza Nightclub Odessa

Odessada nightlife means Ibiza. The most famous nightclub in Odessa is known as Ibiza. I think this is the best. You can enjoy the sea-sand-sun on the beautiful beach during the day.. It even has its own restaurant and bar.. It is one of my favorite establishments not only for nightlife but also for relaxing during the day.

Odessa Beaches : Ibiza Beach in Arkadia Club : Odessa nightlife clubs-bars-discos

In Ibiza Beach Club Odessa, there is a party or concert almost every night. Thousands of people wait in line. That’s why I say check online if there is an event that day before you go.. Try to buy your ticket online.. click here for their website.

By the way, during the day, admission is free.. But you have to pay for the sunbed or lounge rental. You can also check it out from the websites I have given the link above.

Alcohol prices in Ibiza Nightclub; Long island 120 Hryvnia, Beer 50-100 Hryvnia (depending on the brand), around 800-1,000 Hryvnia if you want to open a bottle.

So alcohol prices are almost 40-50% cheaper than in Turkey. At night, they charge an average of 150 hryvnia as an entrance fee to the venue.. If you want to set a table, you pay 500 to 1000 hryvnia. If you arrange a lodge, you will have to pay 1,500-2,000 hryvnia.

  • Alcohol prices: Beer 50 hryvnia. Cocktails 100-150 hryvnia
  • Entry price: Average 200-300 hryvnia (Depends on concerts.)
  • Opening-closing hours : strong>8:00 in the morning – 04:00 at night
  • Reservation information: Ukraine, Odessa, Arcadia beach, central avenue
  • Odessa nightlife my score : 9/10

If you are looking for information about Odessa: Where is Odessa & how to get to Odessa see my post.

2. Itaka Beach Club Odessa

Itaka is one of the clubs located right in the Arcadia region.. Itaka-Ibiza and Bono Beach clubs are already side by side. The concept is the same in all of them: sea-sand-sun during the day, party in the evening. By the way, you can also use restaurants of all businesses. Itaka’s restaurants are open 24 hours a day.

Itaka is actually a nightclub in a style very close to Ibiza.. Even the prices are almost the same, but the most popular place in Odessa is known as Ibiza.. So, I think Ibiza Club is the most expensive one.

Itaka also usually has concert-like nights.. In fact, as I said, all places have almost the same concept.. That’s why, before you go, you can check out the concerts and events on their website.. Even the prices are almost similar. Click for their website.

  • Alcohol prices : Beer 50 grivna. Cocktails 100-150 hryvnia
  • Entry price: Average 200-300 hryvnia (Depends on concerts.)
  • Opening-closing hours : strong>8:00 in the morning – 04:00 at night
  • Reservation information: Ukraine, Odessa, Arcadia beach, central avenue
  • Odessa nightlife my rating : 7/10

3. Bono Beach Club Odessa

Bono Beach Club is also located directly on the beach.. After visiting the nightclubs one by one, you will stop by Bono for the last time.. You can use the pools and beaches during the day.. You can even take a look at their website but unfortunately not in English. Click to see.

To see my Odessa articles, click on the Odessa link

Bono Beach, Ibiza and slightly less visited than Itaka. Prices are a little more economical than others.. For example, the cost of sunbeds on the beach is around 150-200 hryvnia.

  • Alcohol prices: Beer 40-50 hryvnia. Cocktails 100-150 hryvnia
  • Entry price: Average 200-300 hryvnia (Depends on concerts.)
  • Opening-closing hours : strong>8:00 in the morning – 04:00 at night
  • Reservation information: Ukraine, Odessa, Arcadia beach, central avenue
  • Odessa nightlife my rating : 7/10

4. Palladium Club Odessa

This is a more local nightclub than other venues.. Even more economical. Incredibly fun, especially after 23:00 at night. that’s for sure. click for their website.

Before you buy a flight ticket to Odessa, The most economical flight ticket search engines see my post

They have restaurants inside. If you wish, you can eat beforehand and go to the club at around 23:00.. Especially after midnight, there are very nice parties.. I would be wrong if I say that the prices are much more economical than in Turkey.

  • Alcohol prices: A huge bottle of Smirnoff 675 hryvnia
  • Entry price : 200 hryvnia (Average)
  • Opening-closing hours: 8:00 in the morning – 04:00 at night
  • Reservation information : Ukraine, 65012, Odessa, Italian Boulevard, 4
  • My Odessa nightlife rating : 8/10

5. Other Odessa Nightclubs

I did not go to the nightclubs I will tell now. But I heard their names often. If you have a lot of time, if you want to go to other clubs, keep it in a corner.. You can view the clubs by clicking on their names.

  • Gnezdo : Usually the locals go. It’s not very Turkish.
  • Jenniferclub : It’s quite lively here, too.. Cocktails were around 100 hryvnia.

Ukraine Odessa Nightlife My Warnings

Odessa is a safe city if you are careful. Do not worry. But there are some situations where I want you to know the points that I openly predict will happen to you and that I would recommend you to pay attention to.

Ibiza Beach Club : Ukrainian nights : Odessa nightlife recommendations

  • Massage parlors. Many times taxi drivers will want to take you to massage parlors.. They will even show photos from the brochures they have.. You will indeed see girls like models. They will ask you about 50-100 dollars for this.. Be very careful with these guys. Don’t give money to anyone and don’t even talk to people you don’t trust.. Massage parlors are also places as you guessed.. But it’s not exactly what you expected. So I didn’t know how to explain this place.
  • Stay away from the cops and scammers.. Unbelievable bribery going on in the country. Incredibly talented scammers can come across. I couldn’t believe it when I heard the way a few Turks were scammed. Especially watch out for the pretty girls. Tell me.
  • Stay away from drunks. Especially in the nights. Many vagrants can get drunk and bother you even walking down the street.. they love to fight. They can get out of control because vodka is free anyway.
  • Policelerrrrr. They want your passport out of nowhere. Then comes the bribe.. Asks 50-100 dollars. But bargain. give 3-5 dollars. There’s nothing for me to give. They won’t leave without getting that money.
  • Probably, you’ll take a lot of cigarettes or alcohol with you when you leave the country because it’s cheap.. Luggage all go through XRAY. The cops call you right away.. They’ll say you can’t take it. Know what they want. If you give 5-10 dollars again, you won’t have any problems.. This is how the country officially works.
  • Use the UBER app for transportation in Odessa. You travel more economically. Tell me.
  • I didn’t mention Strip Clubs. Generally, the entrance is free, but they work inside with a tip.. It is also around 50-100 hryvnia. If you want a lap dance or other special dances, the price changes.

Be sure to read my articles below about Ukraine.

  • How to get to Odessa
  • Odessa travel guide
  • Places to visit in Odessa, Ukraine
  • Places to visit in Odessa, Ukraine
  • Odessa travel guide strong>
  • Places to visit and see in Lviv
  • Ukraine nightlife
  • Kyiv

That’s all I have to tell you about Ukraine Odessa nightlife. I told almost everything I know about Odessa nights in one article. If you have Odessa nightlife comments or suggestions, don’t forget to leave them in the comment section below. Imagine. Think about it…

Cunda Island is home to Turkey’s first Bosphorus Bridge.

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