
Osaka Trip

February 25, 2011, at 23:50, the journey to the archipelago began.. We made our way from Osaka and asked to return from Tokyo.. Since Osaka is a little further south, we thought we’d see Hiroshima and Kyoto while they’re gone.

An important information for those going to Japan; If you want to convert your money to Japanese Yen in Turkey before you go, or if you want to convert it in Japan, they charge a commission fee.

We arrived in Osaka on the afternoon of February 26.. At the passport control, everyone went well, we were left alone. Japan does not require visas from Turks, visas are issued upon entry. There is a different treatment against Turks because many Turks go to Japan and stay fugitives.. Anyway, the police came from inside and took us to the office.. The question started: ) why did you come, how many days will you stay, why did you choose this place, etc… Finally, we got a 1-month visa.

The 7-day Japan Train we took from Istanbul We went to the authorized sales office to make our passes valid as of February 28, and all the work was done within 10 minutes. We paid 1100 TL for our Train passes for two people.

Line came to buy tickets from the machines to go to the city center from the airport.. But the machines only write in Japanese. Although I learned this information before I went, nothing will happen, I said that I have a little Chinese, I can handle it somehow, but there is quite a difference between them.. So we didn’t understand anything.. Thankfully, a Japanese teenager came to our rescue.. Dear “Ryo” took us to our hotel.

You can feel very comfortable in this country. Before I came, I had a lot of prejudices about the Japanese, I thought they were cold, tough people, but I saw the complete opposite.. When you enter a street or any store and ask for directions, people take a long time to tell you.. If you go here, don’t be afraid to get lost, travel as much as you can.. The only problem is that they don’t speak much English.

Our hotel is in the most decent area of ​​Osaka. I recommend to travelers. “Hearton Hotel” When we arrived at the hotel, it was dark and it was 8 o’clock, so we decided to rest and start sightseeing tomorrow.. The hotel rooms were quite small at first.. 4 tangerines were around 8 TL and Watermelon was around 100 TL.

As almost all of the people use the subway, most of the stores and markets are located here.. As soon as you get off the subway, you find yourself in the modern underground market.. Like above ground, underground has almost become a separate city.


Osaka castle ; Built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi in 1586, it was once the largest castle in Japan, formed by the non-stop work of a hundred thousand workers.. We reached the hill by walking through a huge park, and in front of us was the castle.. If you want to enter the castle, there is a fee (600 JPY) but there is no need to visit the outside, if you want to take a picture, you do not pay any fee.

JR asks on the Osaka Loop Line to get here. Get off at Morinomiya station or get off at Osakajo-koen station and exit at exit 1 or 3. As soon as you leave the station, you will see the park, and the signs direct you to the castle.

After visiting the castle, it’s time to go to Miyuki-Dori Shoppimg Street (Korea Town). To get here again, you can get off at Tsurubashi station on the JR Osaka Loop Line.. After a very short walking distance, you are at the market. We had hoped to find various things here, but it didn’t turn out as we imagined.. In front of the door of one of the store, they hung jeans on the hanger, I looked, my mother must have liked it under examination, I said, what are you doing, do you like it so much, she said “yes, I wonder if I should buy it”. I said let’s see the price, a plain simple jeans with no features 180 TL. Now guess how much the other products are. For this reason, we gave half an hour to visit this place.. When we felt that we were hungry, we went to Dotonbori and after visiting it for a while, we said that we would go to our hotel on foot, fill our stomach and go out again in the evening.

Dotonbori is the center of shopping and entertainment.. It is 5 minutes’ walk from Namba metro station.

It is an area with crowded streets, many restaurants and theaters. The Dotonbori region, which is divided into two by the Umezu River, consists of bridges connecting two streets.. Young people make up the crowd of this region.. On your right, on your left, you can see restaurants suitable for every budget, everywhere.. After going to the hotel and having a nice meal, we ended up in Umeda.. The reason I wanted to go here especially in the evening was to paint the view of Osaka from the terrace of the Umeda Sky Building.

Located 10 minutes’ walk from JR Osaka Station or Hankyu Umeda Station, and viewing Osaka from the top. You should definitely go to this building where you can have the chance.

And now it was quite dark in the air, we decided not to be content with the view we watched from Sky Building, we decided to ride the Hep Five Ferris Wheel, which is nearby.. I don’t recommend it for someone with a fear of heights like me.. I thought that fast spins are just like Ferris wheels in our country, but I was wrong.. We got up to the last floor of the skyscrapers, I was deprived of watching out of fear

Here is the end of our 1-day trip to Osaka, as we only had one day in Osaka, many places in one day We tried to fit it, although it was tiring, we managed to fit it. But I made the right decision, since this is a commercial center, there are not many places to see.

SummaryArticle NameOsaka TripDescriptionFebruary 25, 2011 at 23:50, the journey to the island country began.. We made our way from Osaka and asked to return from Tokyo.. Since Osaka is a little further south, we thought we’d see Hiroshima and Kyoto while they’re gone.. An important information for those going to Japan; If you want to convert your money to Japanese Yen in Turkey before you go, or if you want to convert it in Japan, they charge a lot of commission.

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