
Ovacik Beach, For Those Seeking Calmness and Peace

An Izmir native with whom we chatted in Delikli Bay mentioned that there are beautiful lonely untouched coves around Ovacik.. When I see the Ovacık sign after a breakfast in Alaçatı, I remember it.. I enter from the Ovacik sign. We’re winding our way through the flat fields. According to the navigation, Ovacik Village is 8 km away.

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How to Go to Ovacik Beach?

When you type Ovacik for navigation, it takes you to the village.. When we ask someone in the village, we understand that we have to cross the tunnel under the Çeşme highway.. Villagers call it a bridge. Do not think that you will cross a normal bridge. You pass under the highway and then turn right and then left until you see the sea.

The road ends at the beach as it continues by the side of a stream. On your left is a comprehensive beach, on the right is endless, lonely, derelict, untouched beaches.. Coming without navigation is a bit complicated. When you type “Before Sunset Beach” in the navigation, it takes you. This way you can go more easily. 12 km from Alaçatı, 8.5 km from Çeşme… We got lost because we did not know Before Sunset Beach here before we went.. The heat did not take much, but it took our hearts with the view and the loneliness of the place we arrived.. From the road we took on the way back, we understood that it is easier to come here without entering the village.

Ovacık Beaches

There are even people who have their caravan fixed here.. It is wonderful to find a place so close to Çeşme and where there is no one else.. These sides are always windy and the sea is quite cool.. bottom of the sea sand. Families with children may prefer more. We liked Çeşme Ilıca Beach very much during the Ramadan holiday, but there were so many people.. This place is very similar to Ilica beach. We would have come here if we knew. There were lots of tents and even caravans.

If you don’t like someone waiting like me, this is the place for you.. If you want something beach style, it’s there.. Even if you don’t bring anything to eat or drink, you can buy from this beach.. We see the cliffs as we walk along the endless beach. Our natural shade is also ready. i like sun. I never run into the shade, but it is very useful for putting my bags.

It is very suitable for camping alone with nature, but there are either a caravan or fixed tents under the few trees.. Do not forget that you will camp under the sun when you come with a tent.. This place is also very suitable for caravan camps that don’t need facilities. I get lost on this lonely beach and play with the water so much that it’s hard to leave when I’m leaving.

Çeşme and its Castle

We are very close to Çeşme. We drove under the highway and came here. Ilıc Beach in Çeşme is really very crowded, but you should still see it.. Although the crowded state of Ovacik beaches. Afterwards, you can stop by Cesme Castle and visit its 505-year history.. Their galleries are beautiful and worth a visit.. Of course, don’t do this in the heat of the afternoon.. First the sea, the castle in the evening, and even the sunset…

Outside the Çeşme Castle, Gazi Hasan Pasha from Algeria greets you first. Many historical artifacts are exhibited in different galleries.. You can go up and look at Çeşme from the hills.. It has an amazing view. Entry is 8 lira, free for me again. İşbank Credit cards can be used as museum cards.

Seeing the castle, which was marked on the map of Piri Reis at the beginning of the 16th century, in 1671, Evliya Çelebi described his famous work as follows:

About a low rock by the sea; The west side is the sea, the east side is the hilly field and the mountain… All of the houses in the castle are fifty earth-covered houses facing the sea towards Chios from the west.. Dizdar and 185 soldiers always sit in this. Its castle is a rectangular, stone-built Hoshabad castle.. This castle is longitudinal from east to west, its length is two hundred paces downhill from the edge of the ditch, and its width is one hundred and fifty paces.. According to this calculation, the castle is seven hundred steps all around.. Three sides are deep ditch. But it has no ditch as the sea beats the west side rocks.. It has a solid iron cover that opens to the slum facing the qibla (south).. There is a bridge that can be crossed with a zenberekli suspension bridge over the ditch.. This door side is double castle sofa. The inner castle has an iron gate overlooking the west, which is the gate with the date written on it.. There is another layer of iron door inside this door.. The inner castle thus becomes a double door.. Above these two doors is the upper floor mosque of Sultan Bayezid II.”

While I was visiting a place, it never occurred to me to tell it by stepping.. The narration is so legendary that I didn’t want to write anything on it.. We were looking for a little sea, a little history, some beautiful landscapes, a pinch of peace.. Thank God we found it…

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