
Overseas Interview Questions

You have decided to settle abroad, you have applied and now it’s time for the interviews.. I shared detailed information about how your CV should be for international applications and the foreign interview processes in the Living Abroad/Work & Career section of my blog.. In this article, I will focus on interview questions abroad and share some tips about these questions.

So far, in Ireland, England and Germany I think my tips can be a good starting point for you as I have done job interviews and passed interviews with many of the giant companies such as Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Amazon, Mastercard, American Express, Flixbus.

Before I get straight to the point of What are the international interview questions, I recommend that you put yourself in the shoes of the interviewer for a moment.. He has a CV of someone working in an unfamiliar country in front of him, and soon the owner of this CV needs to understand what he is doing and make a decision as to whether he is the right candidate for the position in question.. Therefore, make sure that all your answers are concise but concise.

Frankfurt, the financial center of Europe with the highest skyscrapers

Overseas Interview Questions

Can you explain yourself?

Yes quite it’s an easy question, but what are the things you want to say the most in a limited few minutes and what words you want to describe them with may require some prior study. Try to adapt it as much as possible according to the sought-after features specified in the job posting.

If you are not working in a well-known international company, what would your company say? Work on a very short but descriptive introductory sentence about what you have done. Stay away from marketing phrases on company websites such as big, rooted etc.. Give basic information such as “The company that provides all the IT services of one of the biggest banks in Turkey” or “Software company with a customer portfolio from many countries in the field of mobile payments” and do not extend it.

Have your sentences ready about the details of your work, such as how long you have worked there, how many people are in the team, what kind of projects you have worked on.. In addition, if you have projects or achievements that you want to highlight, work on sentences about them.

Why do you want to work for this company? ?

Don’t worry, “You had an ad, I applied, why?” don’t say. In fact, the person asking this question knows as well as you do that you are looking for a job because you need a job and that you have applied for many positions in the market that may suit you.. However, companies still want to feel special and want to hear the answer to this question.. For this, you need to research the company thoroughly beforehand.. An answer that will be given by referring to the corporate values ​​of the company may be appropriate.

Why do you want to change country?

By saying that I don’t like Turkey or something, please do not paint the image of our country. Instead, prepare some cool answers like ‘international experience’ etc.

What is your salary expectation?

I think this question is difficult. I shared some advice in my article How to Apply for a Job.. Those who will interview in Germany can also read my articles on Salaries in Germany 2020 and Job Interview Tips in Germany.

How long is your notice period / When can you start work?

Actually, even if your notice period is 2 weeks, after being accepted to work, it takes 2 months when they say work visa or something, but they still ask this question.. Considering the visa and moving processes, tell the most logical date, don’t get too excited and say Monday

Now let’s look at some more thought-provoking examples of questions, it would be very helpful to have worked on them beforehand.

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Weakness is more likely to be asked, and it is quite wrong to say ‘no’. Think about things that don’t have a direct impact on the job and aren’t really bad, and add how you overcame it.. I think it would be better if you didn’t answer the most classic answer, “I’m a perfectionist, ehe ehe.” justify;”>Don’t forget to imply that things that didn’t come from you caused this result.. “Too many unexpected priority projects came at the same time and there were not enough human resources, so the projects did not reach the desired time.. I could have tried to help my superiors more with planning and then informing the client, but I thought the project management departments did that.”

What you think you’ve done best in life so far what is the thing?

If this question comes up, you can ask whether it is in your business or in your general life.. I was asked in my LinkedIn interview and was surprised as I didn’t expect it.. Afterwards, I said that I earned money by working part-time jobs while I was studying at the university, and then I went a long way in terms of both studying abroad and getting to know people.

being able to be associated with the job you always talk to from one place. For example, in my answer, it is emphasized that I am experienced in communicating with different people, and it means that I have lived abroad before, so if I am accepted to the job, I will adapt quickly to the new country.

Is there anything you want to ask us?

If you are not sure about the position or the company, you can ask. Never try to ask unnecessary questions such as how many days of annual leave will I have, what will my salary be, how will my wife come to me if I am accepted to the position?. If you reach those stages, you will already learn the answers to these questions.

You can ask questions about the position, such as to whom the applied position reports to (its place in the organization chart).. If he’s already explained enough about the company, ask ‘how will it evolve from now on’, so when you hang up you get rid of the ‘what next’ question mark.

I was invited to the Google Berlin office for a workshop on my Android-based apps.


Be careful not to use circular sentences such as ‘I am very motivated to do…’, ‘it is very important for me to have…’ when answering questions or describing yourself; the next question will ask you to give more details such as ‘Why are you motivated’, ‘Why is it important’ (you gave it the opportunity to come at you) and the rest of the conversation may go to a difficult place that you are not prepared for.. If you try to say ‘I am motivated because I want it so much’, he will say ‘Why do you want it’, so do not go into the wrong places.

Do not try to answer the questions asked at length as if you are telling an epic, your interviewer is a little After listening, he will interrupt you and move on to the next question he needs to ask.. In this case, you will be deemed to have not been able to answer that question, because you had not yet arrived at the original place.. You can adjust the length of your answers according to the duration of the interview; You can give more details in a one hour interview, but if it will take 20 minutes or half an hour, do not extend it, because they finish the interview on time and they have to ask certain questions during this time.

Abroad interview questions, don’t forget to share it with your friends who you think might be useful.. You can follow the following social media accounts of Hayat ve Seyahat to be informed about my articles and videos about life abroad!

Instagram: lifeandtravel

YouTube: Life and Travel

Facebook:  Life and Travel

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