
Paradise Island Mauritius: Port Louis

We are in Dubai after a 4-hour flight from Istanbul.. After a short wait, we take another 6-hour flight with Emirates Airlines and arrive at Port Luis, the capital of Mauritius.. We move directly from the airport to the Hilton hotel to rest in Port Luis.

Mauritus has a total of 1,200,000 inhabitants. 640 thousand of the population is Hindu, 160 thousand is Muslim, 30 thousand is Chinese, 8 thousand is White and 300 thousand is Creole.. “Kreol” is the name given to a hybrid race that is a mixture of the French with the native Africans.

Mauritus island A rather small island country 65 km long and 45 km wide.. Its total area is only 2,042 square kilometers.. They give great importance to tourism.

They have a dance called “Sega” unique to this island.. During the dance, women wear multicolored, floral, shirred skirts.. The ends of the skirts are ruffled. The skirt also has a shawl from the same fabric.. Men, on the other hand, wear a shirt and long shorts made of the same fabric to maintain harmony.

When they dance, they are straight from the waist up and do not move.. But the waist is wiggling, hips swaying left and right. They have a cheerful and rhythmic music.

Mauritus governed by a parliamentary republic. 16. These lands were occupied first by the Arabs, then by the Dutch, by the French in 1710, and by the British in 1810.. They declared their independence in 1968 and established the Republic in 1992.

The most dominant religions are Hinduism (48%), Christianity (30%) and Islam (20%).. The rest are Buddhist.. People are very educated. The language used in education is English. They definitely learn French as an auxiliary language.. As such, some of the people can speak 3 and 5 foreign languages ​​like their mother tongue.

The currency they use is Mauritus Rupee. For one dollar, you can get 30 Mauritius Rupees.. Sugar production, tourism and textiles are the main sources of income.

In this country, where Turks are not subject to visas, the temperature is around 30 – 33 degrees throughout the year.. In other words, it is a route you can choose in every season.

Creole cuisine is a cuisine that has entered the world literature.. A must try cuisine if you like fish. Fish, rice, plenty of ginger and various spices are indispensable for this cuisine.

The most important feature is that 95% of the creatures here are endemic, that is, 95% of the creatures that grow here are not found elsewhere.. Due to its proximity to the equator, the sun rises at 6 am and sets at 6 am every month of the year.. Day and night are constantly equal.

The Hilton hotel we stayed in was a hotel by the sea, spread over a very large area and surrounded by greenery.

Mauritus island is surrounded by coral shaped corals. surrounded by reefs. Ocean waves break on these reefs and form a white circle around the island.. The reefs surrounding the island in this way also prevented sharks from entering.

There are wooden carved items and objects in every corner of the hotel.. The garden is like a paradise… Tropical flowers, coconut trees, palm trees, banyan trees forming roots from their branches, birds of various colors such as red, yellow, orange, green sparrows and bird sounds… There are also colorful fish in the pool.

As the hotel is very pleasant, we went to the beach and went to the sea.. Accompanying the dance of the turquoise sea with the white sandy beach formed by the broken coral was a completely peaceful experience.

The sea is quite shallow for about 500 meters up to the coral reefs.. It was very enjoyable to see coral pieces, sea urchins, sea stars and many sea creatures whose names I do not know in all details at the bottom of the sparkling sea, and to watch this environment with snorkel.. But for divers, I guess this experience is like a unique dream.

Drinking our coconut water, we watched the sun set over the white beach.. A group of 8-10 people was riding on the beach at sunset.. This view was amazing. In the evening, the sea was quite receding.. We ended the night by eating our seafood-based dinner in a carefully prepared atmosphere on the sand, accompanied by candle lights.

Dodo birds, the symbol of Mauritius.. Unfortunately, it has become extinct.

Mauritus is a place worth visiting in every corner.. White beaches, turquoise sea, waves breaking on coral reefs, sunset views, Sega dance, colorful birds, 7-coloured lands, Sir Seewoosapun Rampoolan botanical garden and its endemic palms, water lilies, Port Luis and Glass Waterfront They make this trip an unforgettable experience.

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