
Paraguay Travel Notes

I’m in Paraguay, where I’ve talked to, don’t go there, there’s nothing to do, you’ll get bored, and I’m in Paraguay, where I say, of course, there will be something to do.

Note: If you haven’t read the cover letter I shared for this trip, I suggest you take a look at it first.. It can be useful for you to see my 60-day itinerary, the items I took with me, and the total cost of the trip.
South America Trip Cover Letter

When I got up and came to South America, I stopped by here before I went to Bolivia.. It took 5 hours to travel by bus from Brazil Foz Do Iguaçu. As usual, I went to the tourist information terminal and bought a city map.. I exchanged a small amount of currency and set off for the hostel.. I go again by city bus. One ticket 2.400 guarini approx. 1 TL. You can give cash to the driver.. Nice clean hostel. Bed price is 30 TL per night in a 6-person room, including breakfast.

I leave my bag and go out to eat. The weather is sweltering hot. Due to the heat, people move slowly like turtles. Paraguay gets up to 45 degrees in summer. The lunch break of the employees is 2-2.5 hours and everyone is sleeping during this time.. What I see in general is that the effect of this hot weather has changed the whole way of life of men.. Everyone is stuck in slow, calm, we’ll do it mode (:

I go to a normal place and have eggs and chips made. Prices are very reasonable, around 4-5 TL. Then I go back to the hostel and get information about what to do and where to go.. Seems like there’s not much to go. Yes we are in the capital of the country but somehow there is nothing. There is an old house called a museum and a train museum.. You can tour both of them in 15 minutes.. For foreigners, there is nothing else to go and see.

I said it’s not like that, of course I’ll find something interesting in the creek from time to time, but there isn’t.. I walked street by street for 3 days, I couldn’t find anything worthwhile. Don’t come here unless you have to.. If you are going to Bolivia like me, stay one night, rest and continue on your way.. But if nightlife is your concern, there is a place to have fun here every evening.. So you won’t be bored at night. He knows how to have fun. Of course, the country is generally pretty cheap.. You can enter the best nightclubs by paying only 10 TL.. Drinks at the venues start from 4-5 TL. You can have a decent lunch at a decent restaurant for 15 TL.. No, if you want to find it more affordable, even 5-6 TL will fill your stomach.. It’s that cheap.

Thank goodness there were a few like-minded people in the hostel and I spent time with them. Otherwise, I could probably get bored and continue on my way without staying longer, but the reason I stayed 3 nights is that it takes 30 hours to go to Bolivia and I didn’t want to spend my Fridays and Saturdays on the road.. I had to stay here until Sunday.

The first thing that comes to mind when Paraguay is mentioned is the colorful city buses and the street vendors in them.. Although these buses seem fun for travelers, I changed my mind when I saw the crowd at work and departure times.. I can’t even imagine the condition of these buses, especially when it is 45 degrees in summer.. And let me not miss the wall graffiti that I saw.. Huge, but so beautiful works of art were made on the outside of the detached houses.. I love these kinds of things.

Another feature of the country is that the illegal electronic trade in the South American region comes from this country.. I’ve never looked at prices, but what is said is the cheapest electronics in South America are in Paraguay.. You can find a camera or similar things inexpensively.. So much so that there are people who come and go from Argentina and Brazil to Paraguay on a daily basis only for shopping.. If you have such a need, I say don’t skip this detail.

I don’t know what else to write about Paraguay, but I can’t think of more than these.. The best is watch the video and check out my Bolivian post. Because Bolivia is a completely different place (:

Bolivia I go to the terminal to go to Santa Cruz. The road takes 28 hours. Ticket price 125 TL. There is no other alternative because only one company is leaving.

To continue with the Bolivia travel article, please click the link;
Bolivia Travel Notes

London Attractions

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