
Paraty Travel Guide: The Small Brazilian Town of Paraty

Paraty Travel Guide


We got off the bus and said, this is Ayvalık.. We saw that his twin(!) was Paraty, then continue on the road.. Now we can get back to our topic.

We wanted to see Paraty on the way to Rio de Janeiro after Sao Paulo and we took a 3-day break here.. Paraty is a World Heritage-listed town founded in 1500 as a Portuguese colony.. Almost halfway between Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. The bus takes about 6 hours from Sao Paulo to Paraty and the bus ticket is around 60 Real one way.. (Did we mention how expensive Brazil is) But there is a special feature of buses in Brazil, the seats lie all the way to the back like a bed! That’s why we, who normally never sleep on the road, even dreamed this time.

Additional and unnecessary information: Although normally the distance between Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro is almost twice, it takes 6 hours because the bus goes from the other highway.. Anyway

We managed to warm up to Paraty from the very first moment and the bad feeling that Sao Paulo left us with was immediately erased.. It’s a place to say we sighed!

Paraty’s cobblestone streets close to the sea, closed to traffic and having small bars and cafes all around are the most important features that make Paraty fun.. We stayed at the hotel ‘Pousada Solar D’alcina’ which is very close to these streets and we loved it. Although it is not a very big and luxurious hotel, the sea view from the rooms was very nice.. We paid USD 60 per room, including breakfast, per day.

Life in Paraty revolves around this cobblestone central part. The homeland of Brazil’s national drink cachaca and Paraty de cachaca. National cocktails made with Cachaca Caipirinha are naturally the most consumed drink in Paraty. You will see countless Caiphirinha drinkers in every bar you go to, do not hesitate to join us, we love this Caiphirinha! One good thing about Brazil is that if you don’t want to sit anywhere, you can grab a cocktail from the nearest place and squat in the nearest park.. During the 3 nights we stayed in Paraty, we spent some of our time listening to street musicians in the parks.. Brazilian people like to have fun, so when you see them having fun, you have fun yourself!

If you come to Paraty, once you go to a nice Brazilian place and say to have a good fill, ‘ We pay our respects in front of Restourante La Luna. If you want to return to the hotel with a full stomach and a light pocket, we will pick you up here.. (That’s how it happened to us.)

Another café-bar part of Paraty is naturally the beach part.. This place is cheaper than the cobblestone area and so to speak “chill”. Everywhere is full of young people playing music and drinking beer. We loved this part too.

Finally, there is an ‘Istanbul Restaurant’ right at the bus terminal where the buses drop you off.. Is the friend among us here too!? Although we said the devil poked and of course we went inside to eat. Okan, the owner of this place, started touring South America by buying a one-way ticket 10 years ago and ended up in Paraty.. Then she married a Brazilian and opened this place! While we ate our meatballs, we chatted with other Turkish customers in the place and compared our travel plans.. Everyone’s route to Brazil is of course, and then we dispersed If you happen to be in this small town of Paraty, ‘Istanbul Restaurant’ can be a nice meatball and conversation stop.

If Paraty does not exist a must-have boat tour

The sea of ​​Paraty is unfortunately not clean and there is no swimming, but there are boat tours to beautiful bays from Paraty.. Tour organizing agencies are already everywhere, you don’t need to call beforehand.. There are also two versions of these boat tours, with live music and without music.. We unknowingly bought the one with live music.. We listened to a high-pitched guitarist all day, while we thought we would listen.. You can choose the one without music!

The boat tour starts around 11 am and lasts mostly until 5 pm.. You can complete the tour for 40 Real per person with a good bargain We had not realized how beautiful a place Paraty is until that moment.. When the boat left the coast and the magnificent views began, we said that we have come to the right place, we will not swim in Brazil, but where will we swim?

We said that there is an extreme gap between the rich and the poor in Brazil.. We understood this once again on the boat tour. Some of the islands that the boat passes in front of are detached islands and have a single owner.. Huge mansion in the middle of the island with a boat in front of it. They used to come to the airport close to Paraty with their private planes and pass here.. (If we are angry with the whore system once again, we will return to the subject without distracting it.)

We stopped at 4 places in total on the boat tour we participated in and all of them were more beautiful than the other.. In one of the forests, the monkeys were swimming in the sea If you have come to Paraty, you will understand that we recommend you to take a boat tour and shed your wolves!

We spent 3 days in Paraty by doing a boat tour for 1 day, and that cafe is yours for the remaining 2 days. this park was my tour and we spent raising energy for Rio de Janeiro. It has always remained in our minds as a beautiful town with cobblestones and a stopover place.

We hope this beautiful town will treat you well, greetings to those who pass by Paraty in advance

Our next stop is Rio de Janerio.

We are also on Instagram and we are waiting for you  https://www.instagram.com/yoldabiblog/

With love!!

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