
Pitti Palace

Pitti Palace is one of the most touristic places in Florence, one of the most magnificent cities of Italy.. This palace, which is also considered the largest museum in Florence, consists of many museums and galleries.. Here you can find collections of paintings, sculptures, porcelain and other works of art, as well as works from the Renaissance period.. To the south, there is the Arno river and 3-5 minutes walking distance, Ponte Vecchio (Old Bridge), one of the most popular places in Florence.

The palace project was started by Filippo Brunelleschi in the second half of the 15th century.. But Filippo died in 1458, 12 years before the construction of the palace began.. The palace was intended to be built for Loca Pitti. But before the construction of the palace was completely finished, Pitti died (1472).

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After the palace was built, in 1550, Eleonora da Toledo (Great It was sold to Duke Cosimo I de’Medici’s wife). The palace, which is the main residence of this family, has undergone various changes over the centuries.. In the 17th century, the exterior of the palace was transformed into its present form by Giulio and Alfonzo Parigi.

After Pitti Palace passed into Savoy ownership in 1860, the Boboli Gardens and other buildings were separated from the palace as separate art gallery and museum. The palace and its garden, which hosts many works of art, are also home to popular places such as the Palatine Gallery, the Modern Art Gallery, the Silver Museum, the Porcelain Museum, the Costume Gallery and the Cars Museum.

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Places to See in Pitti Palace

One of the most popular places of the palace is undoubtedly the Boboli Gardens. However, apart from the Boboli garden, there are many important museums and galleries in the palace that you must see.

1st Palatine Gallery

Palatine, known as the starting gallery of Pitti Palace Its gallery contains a large collection of Renaissance paintings. The wall paintings and plaster decorations in this gallery are magnificent works of baroque style.. It is a gallery famous for the paintings of famous artists such as Titian and Raphael.

2nd Modern Art Gallery

Many works in this gallery consist of works gathered around Florence.. You can find many artworks and murals from the Italian Royal family in this gallery.

3rd Silver Museum

This silver museum, also known as the Medici Treasure, is located in Pitti Palace. It is one of the most popular places in. This museum, which houses a collection of precious stones, was decorated with detailed frescoes as part of a private royal circle in the 17th century.. In addition, this museum previously hosted German gold and silver works.

4th Porcelain Museum

The Porcelain Museum in Boboli Gardens was founded in 1973. This museum, which exhibits the porcelains of Europe’s most important Porcelain Factories, is one of the most different parts of the Pitti Palace.

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