
Seville City Guide: Journey to the Capital of Flamenco

Seville, located in the south of Spain in the Andalusia region, is the largest city in the region.. 4 of Spain. The big city is divided in two by the Guadalquivir River.

It is one of the must-see places with its unique architecture and flamenco schools. It is a good idea to allocate at least 2 days for Places to visit and see in Seville.. There are many things to do in Seville such as watching a flamenco show, tasting Seville cuisine. It is one of the places that does not upset its visitors with its Seville food. Especially if you like tapas.

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History of Seville

An Iberian town of Seville, Betis during the Roman rule called . Today, the street where the city’s entertainment venues are located is called by this name.. Afterwards, the city remains under Visigoth rule until the Arabs arrive.. The Arabs, who set foot in Andalusia in 711, held the city until 1248.. The dates of 711 and 1492 are very important for the city as well as for Andalusia.

The year the Arabs captured Andalusia Conquista As a conquest, 1492, when all these lands were re-Christianized, is called Reconquista.. With the arrival of Muslims, a serious development is observed in the region.. The people of the region learn about agriculture and many sciences in this way.. Some of the olive groves in the region were planted by the Arabs at the time.

Jewish society and kabbalist scholars have had a great influence on the development of science in the region.. Indeed, in this way, esotericism develops in the city.. In short, esotericism is trying to hide deep knowledge and secrets on a subject from those who are not competent, and teach it by a master only to competent people through spiritual influence. Esoteric information is the reason why rubber trees were planted at that time in the city that reached. According to this information, rubber trees cool the city by 8 degrees on average, that is, they have a natural air conditioning effect.. It is possible to find a lot of information about esotericism in the texts of Dioscorides Pedanius, a Greek physician and pharmacology scholar who lived during the Roman Empire.

On the other hand, Arabs its progress in the region lasts until 750. Then divisions and civil wars begin within the Arabs.. Afterwards, the Spanish Kingdoms slowly begin to conquer these lands.. As a matter of fact, this division manifests itself in the conquest of the city.. Sultan of Nazari I. Mohammed, King of Castile and Leon 3. Helps Fernando take Sevilla and Cordoba. in return 3. Fernando also leaves him Granada.. 1492 will be waited for it to be taken.. After this date, Christianization will begin to show itself in architecture as well as in the people in all Andalusia.

Places to See in Seville

Our first stop in the city is La Plaza de Espana (Spain Square). A huge bullfighting arena was built in Madrid in 1929, when the Expo Fair was held in Barcelona.. Here, on the other hand, the Iberian-American Expo, which can be considered as a small version of the Expo, is held.. Spain’s 16th edition for this Expo. La Plaza de Espana was built in 1928 to remind that it was the richest country of its time in the 19th century.

The marriage of the two towers in the square united the Kingdom of Spain and completed the Christianization process.. Fernando and his wife represent Catholic Isabel. The direction of the building is facing South America, where the country’s colonies are located.. As a matter of fact, the name of the square opposite this square is America Square and the name of the street is America Street.. The square also features images representing all cities in the Kingdom.. Greek and Roman motifs were also made specifically to show that their roots are based on them.. The waterway in the middle represents the Atlantic Ocean, and the four bridges over it represent the first four kingdoms that founded Spain.

Boat Tour on the Guadalquivir River

The city has a very important place in the period of reconquest. On January 4, 1492, the first inquisition massacres took place in the square where the cigarette factory is located near Spain Square.. About 6,000 Muslims and Jews are burned in this square.. As a matter of fact, the city was the 500th anniversary of the Re-Conquest.. It also hosts the Expo in 1992.. You can see the structures built for the Expo on a boat tour on the Guadalquivir river.

Alamillo Bridge

This The most interesting among the works is the Alamillo Bridge, one of the highest places in the city, designed by the famous Valencian architect Santiago Calatrava.. With its very interesting design, this bridge is one of the examples that brings the art of steel construction applied in the Eiffel tower to the top.

The Golden Tower (La Torre del Oro)

One ​​of the most beautiful structures you will see during the boat tour is The Golden Tower (La Torre del Oro). This Arab-era place where Cervantes was imprisoned for a period is now used as the Maritime Museum.

Santa Cruz Quarter

Our next stop is Santa Cruz Neighborhood. The Christopher Columbus Monument in the square before we enter here draws our attention. On the monument are the names of the Roman lion, the ship he discovered America, and Izabel on one side of this ship and Fernando on the other.. Santa Cruz, meaning Holy Cross, is a Jewish settlement founded 3,000 years ago.. 3 in 1248. When Fernando conquers the city, he does not touch Muslims and Jews. However, it does not neglect to Christianize the city.. builds a large cross and a chapel in the square of Santa Cruz. Of course, after 1492, non-Christians were expelled from here as well as from all Andalusia.

Santa Cruz Neighborhood besides its attractive architecture, the Kabbalists It is a must-see place in terms of experiencing how the esoteric knowledge it developed is applied to the city.. In a city like Seville, where the summers are very hot, shade is provided in this neighborhood thanks to the narrow streets.. In addition, these narrow streets vacuum the air and provide air flow.

Although there are some embroideries up to the eye level, white color is preferred in the houses above the eye level.. Thus, the light was intended to be reflected.. One of these narrow streets is much narrower than the others.. In this street, the balconies will almost touch each other.. This street is called “Kiss Street“. It is also significant that the first Venereal Diseases Hospital of the period was located at the exit of the street.. In wide squares without narrow streets, it is seen that there are plenty of rubber trees due to the effect of natural air conditioning.

Santa Maria Cathedral

Our next stop in the city is Santa Maria Cathedral. It was necessary to wait until 1507 for the completion of the Cathedral, which began to be built in 1402.. The gold that Christopher Columbus brought from America greatly accelerated the construction of this cathedral.. This structure, which is the fourth largest cathedral in the world today, was built in a magnificent way to announce the power of Christians to the world at that time.. 2 tons of gold was used in the construction of the cathedral. The archives of Christopher Columbus in this Cathedral are being transported to the Indian archives with an underpass today.

Alcazar Palace

Our last stop here is Alcazar Palace. It is possible to find pieces from the Visigoth, Arab and Christian periods in this palace.. The part remaining from the Arab period is limited only to the room in the courtyard.. This is the room where the emir greets guests and ambassadors at the time.

The Alcazar architecturally forms the two halves of an apple with the Alhambra Palace in Granada.. As a matter of fact, when the Alhambra Palace was built in Granada during the Nusayri period, he was very impressed by seeing this palace.. Pedro wants to make a like. He brought craftsmen from Granada and started the construction of the Alcazar.

Alcazar is a product of the Arab art called mozarabe, while the Alcazar is a product of this art by Christians. a product of the art of mudehar, which is its interpreted version. These two art movements influence all Andalusian architecture.. In fact, Catholic Isabel and II. While Fernando expelled all Muslims and Jews from Andalusia in 1492, he allowed some Muslim masters who were proficient in the art of mudehar to stay.

In Alkazar as in Alhambra there are statements in many places that he took this city by God’s permission.. When viewed from the outside, muqarnas embroideries, an Islamic woodworking art, can be seen at the top.. In the middle, pagan oyster motifs stand out.. Below that you see the phrase ‘There is no winner but God‘. Known to be related to Kabbalah. Pedro provided natural air conditioning in the palace with the volcanic stones he brought from Tenerife.. It takes about 2 3 hours to visit this palace.. 5. Its garden, built by Carlos (Sharlequin), impresses you as much as the interior of the palace.

Important Figures in the History of Seville

The famous explorer Christopher Columbus has a serious importance in the city’s history. Therefore, it is possible to see his monument in many places or his name in many streets.. Muhiddin Arabi, who was also Mevlana’s teacher, was born here.. After living in the city for a while, he left Spain at the age of 36.. He went first to Iran, then to Erzurum, and then to Damascus.

Where to Eat in Seville?

Spanish cuisine is not as much as French or Italian cuisine, but it has some dishes that are famous in the world. Here you can taste these delicacies.


Seville Naturally, the first dish that comes to mind is tapas. Tapas is actually a dish that corresponds to our appetizers.. The detailed story of this is “How Did the Pastors of the Past Guide Today’s Fashion and Food?” you can read in my article. In order to eat proper tapas here, I recommend you to try places where locals go rather than touristic places.

Duo Tapas
Address: Calle Calatrava, 14 Seville
Phone: +34 661 58 92 95

Fish on Paper

One ​​of the city’s famous dishes is fish on paper. For this, I suggest you:

El 3 De Oro

Address: Santa Maria La Blanca , 34 (Puerta de la Carne) , Seville

Phone: +34 954.422.759

Shopping in Seville

It is not possible to return here without buying flamenco-themed local products. You can find shawls, flamenco skirts, scarves, blouses, fans and many other accessories in the shops in the narrow streets of Santa Cruz quarter.

Where to Stay in Seville?


Economic Choices

Vime Corregidor- www.vimehotels.com

Eurostars Regina- www.eurostarshotels.com

Pensión Alameda – www.pensionalameda.com

Medium Price Hotels

Melia Sevilla- www.solmelia.com

Itaca Sevilla- www. itacasevilla.com

Hotel Inglaterra-www.hotelinglaterra.es

Luxury Accommodation

Alfonso XIII Hotel (5*) – www .starwoodhotels.com

VincciLa Rabida Hotel(4*) – www.vinccihoteles.com

Las Casas de la Juderia(4*) – www.intergrouphoteles.com

Flamenco in Seville

The city is known as the Flamenco center of the world. There are many Flamenco schools here.. When you visit this city, you should definitely spend an evening watching a Flamenco show.. Flamenco played here is called Sevillano. It is claimed that today’s Flamenco was born in the Triana Barrio neighborhood on the west bank of the Guadalquivir River.. If you want to witness a good Flamenco show, I suggest you try Triana or Flamenco taverns in Santa Cruz rather than touristic places.

How to Get to Seville?

There are no direct flights to Seville from Istanbul. That’s why I have two suggestions for you to go to the city.. The first of these is to reach Seville by connecting.

The second alternative is to fly directly to Malaga.. After visiting Malaga, going to the city by car. The distance between Seville and Malaga is approximately 217 km.

It is also an alternative to come here by high-speed train from Malaga or Madrid.. You can be in Seville by high-speed train in 2 and a half hours from Madrid and 2 hours from Malaga.. The earlier the ticket is bought, the cheaper it is.. You can even go from Seville to Lisbon by these trains.

For train tickets:http://www.renfe.com/ EN/viajeros/index.html

Map of Seville

Seville Weather

Seville is a very hot city. It gets pretty hot here, especially in summer.. Maybe that’s why the famous siesta naps in Seville last 4 hours at noon.. You can find out the weather conditions from this link before you go on holiday to Seville

What time is it in Seville?

Spain time is 2 hours behind Turkey time. While it is 12 in Turkey, it is 10 in Seville.

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