
siesta in Samos

Not long after the unnecessary tension and war of nerves we experienced at the border, we boarded the ferry shortly before departure.

Our target is the island of Samos, which the Turks call Samos.. Samos seems to be a little more comfortable compared to the ordeal we went through on a pile of tin from a ferry in Chios, where we last went on a similar ferry trip.

Because the seats of the ferry are more comfortable and wider.. While I was thinking that we could at least sleep, I am suffering from a headache due to the nervous breakdown we experienced a long time ago.. While the phone was still picking up, I called my father and explained that he stopped by the Eren’s place and opened the door on the way home, and that he must take Eren’s identity from the place he described and that he must meet us with his identity card when he returns the next day.

Cold with a headache. I’m sweating. Meanwhile, Eren calls the officer of the place where he is staying and says that my father will come, get his ID and open the door.. While I am getting very nervous with the unnecessary questions of the woman on the phone, I guess each of us has the question of what surprises await us at the end of the journey that started with such a negativity.

After I put the negative energy in my head with a few sentences of Evrim in Kuşadası Events in succession overshadow the beautiful trip that I will enjoy, for now, and throw me into nonsense.. Besides Eren, who tries to express himself despite everything, I try to keep an eye on Evrim, who is dealing with stomach problems, as much as I can. When I am convinced, I am convinced that it is the best way to take the trouble out of me with words and relax.. Although it is debatable how much Eren is obsessed with this situation, it is much more logical to relax by talking instead of staying silent, at least for now…. Another question that tempts us immediately appears before us: As the police say, will the identity of the Republic of Turkey be sufficient for us to enter Turkey, as the police say? we can’t reach. We prefer to hide all possible possibilities for the return, saying that we decided to leave anyway…

We are approaching the island

Another example of haste, which is one of the classical behaviors of the Turks, is the one who has not approached the port yet. on the ferry, we see the crowd heading towards the exit like crazy. As far as I understand, our citizens, who attacked their suitcases as if they were smuggling goods from the fire, are trying to stay on the island for 5 more minutes by entering the passport queue as soon as possible.. While Evrim’s diseased body does not tolerate even the word alcohol, it opens its eyes only when we approach the island.. After the crowd leaves the ferry, we take our bags and head to the queue.. We part ways with Eren and Evrim, with the “European Passports” announcement by one of the Greek customs officers. While I wait in the more crowded “others” section, they enter the borders of Greece from the relatively more comfortable and less populated European section.

Our Hotel

While I was busy with the crowd, I later learned that Eren and Evrim, whose names and types are similar to Turks – are Turks anyway – were regarded as fugitives when the Greek customs officer turned them over and looked at the French passports several times.. When everything was complete and documents were complete, this time their suitcases were opened and checked.

After the whole queue, I come to the brothers waiting for me at the exit after my passport process is finished.. Our previously booked vehicle was brought to the port.. We go to our Kia Picanto car, following the girl in charge with the letter “Ahmet Buğra” in her hand.

After signing the documents, we set up the car, which does not make Eren happy, who does not hide his interest in vanity and brand, and set off to the hotel. we hold. While crossing narrow and winding streets with a dead-clutch Kia, we are once again starting the struggle to get to know each other in the first steps of a two-day trip in one night. It raises our blood pressure by circulating between radio channels.. While the view of the hotel we reached at the end, by saying was it the street or was it a slope, is the same as what we saw on the internet for now, our main curiosity is whether the rooms of the hotel where we will stay for 70 TL for three people are the same as the photos.

A short description We climb with our belongings to the hotel, which we reached by asking after the search.. The smiling-faced girl at the reception at the hotel, which is obviously undergoing maintenance, says that the room has not been vacated yet and that we have to wait for a while.

Social media bustle

Almost where we went I am asking for the password once again with the effort of Eren, who silently handed me the task of asking for the wireless password in every place.. Three people are stuck in one seat on the terrace with a sea view, together with our internet password, which will evaluate our waiting process.. After sharing our first impressions with each other, we create the first effects of the first phase of the holiday with social media analysis, photo shoots and check-ins.

While I set out to watch the scenery, Evrim takes care of the check-in from Facebook, while Eren, as always, keeps an eye on InstaMessage. touring. After a few photo shoots, I predict which post Eren and Evrim’s cousin Kemal will like and in which second.. Fortunately Kemal surprises me. Normally, Kemal, who likes Eren’s every post moment by moment, plays the ineffective man on social media from the moment Evrim arrives in Izmir.

While chatting with Evrim and trying to get to know each other, We are informed that our room is ready.. We go to the room just below the dining hall and call it siesta time.. The first thing to do in the room, which does not surprise us negatively, is the struggle for a bed.. Eren gets furious when he prevents Eren from going to the double bed and directs Evrim to the double bed.. I’m drowsy by saying to Eren, who was enraged with the “how do you decide” outburst, that he has stressed us enough, that he has no say in this election, with a smile.. Eren, who finally consented, lies in the boy’s bed.. As evolution unfolds in the double bed, I retire to rest on the single bed by the wall.

We have a long night ahead of us.. After a few hours of sleep, we will go to Kokkari and swim in the sea as we planned, and in the evening we will meet with Savvas in Karlovasi and take a night stroll at the place he recommends…

The first part of the article: False Travel

Second part of the article: Siesta in Samos

Third part of the article: Kokkari and Potami

Fourth part of the article:  The night that makes you forget the bracelet

The fifth part of the article: Pythagoras or Pythagoras?

The sixth part of the article : We have closed an era

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