
Ski Resorts in Turkey

With the approach of December, we started to follow snowfalls and air temperatures in ski resorts with our eyes on snow-forecast.. Although Turkey’s ski season starts around mid-December, the real season for us starts after New Year’s.. Because beforehand, most of the time, snow is not enough and frankly, it is not enjoyable.. Our pursuit also starts when the weather gets cold, of course, this follow-up and waiting gets even more exciting as New Year’s Eve approaches.. We are trying to predict whether the snow level will be sufficient after the New Year and which ski resort will be at a better level this season and to make a ski program accordingly.. Here is a bit of the joy and excitement of the job, actually

The ski season in Turkey, which starts in mid-December, continues until May.. Although the season ends in Kartalkaya and Uludağ Ski Centers towards the end of March, there is enough snow in Erzurum and Ilgaz ski resorts until May and there is the opportunity to ski. We have included the advantages and disadvantages of each.. You can decide according to your own priorities.

1- Kartalkaya Ski Center – Bolu

The most important feature that makes Kartalkaya number 1 for us is its proximity to Istanbul, yes Kartepe is farther away. It may be close, but we don’t know if we can say it’s close to the eye but far from the heart Anyway, let’s go back to Kartalkaya by saying that you can check the last line of the list for details;

  • The tracks are at a sufficient level and there are alternative tracks. You can go there.
  • There are many transportation alternatives, different tour companies organize daily and overnight tours.
  • There are 4 different hotels and they appeal to different segments.

For more information about hotels, pistes and other details, you can review our article “Kartalkaya Ski Center”. We have explained all the details and our experience down to the smallest detail.

2- Davraz Ski Center – Isparta

Update: Until 2018, Davraz’ frequently We went to Turkey and the situation was as follows, but the hearings we received from our acquaintances in Davraz in 2019 are not very heartwarming.. They say there is an excessive crowd of pedestrians, and those who go for skiing or snowboarding return with regret.. For this reason, we prefer Erciyes instead of Davraz this year.

It is not one of the first things that comes to mind when it comes to ski resorts, but Davraz Ski Center takes the second place for us.. That’s why we love this place. Apart from not being crowded, ski-pass prices are quite affordable. Davraz ski center hotel prices are a bit high, but going back and forth from the city center is quite easy, you can stay in the center with peace of mind.

To Davraz If you want to get more detailed information about when to go, where to stay and Davraz Ski-pass prices, you can check our “Davraz Ski Center” article.. We recommend you to read our article before going to Davraz.

3- Erciyes Ski Center – Kayseri

The facility is really modern , a lot of investment has been made recently and the money spent does not seem to have been wasted. The tracks are nice and sufficient in number, there is usually no problem such as density.. The only problem is that if you come across foggy times, it is difficult to enjoy, and there is no entertainment venue.. In summary, if you catch a time when the weather is nice and you do not expect entertainment, you can have a nice holiday in Erciyes ski resort.

Erciyes slopes, hotels, ski-pass prices and You can find detailed information about all other subjects in our article “Erciyes Ski Center”.

4- Palandöken Ski Center – Erzurum

Turkey’s most Palandöken Ski Center, which has long slopes, stands out with its snow quality and quality facilities.. The snow here cannot be put together and made into a snowball, it is called crystal snow and it only exists in the Alps on Earth.. In addition, there are 2 tracks registered by the International Ski Federation here and the World Universities Winter Games were held here in 2011, in short, it would not be wrong to say that it is an international ski center.. There is sufficient accommodation and Palandöken hotel prices can be said to be normal for a ski resort.

More detailed information about Palandoken Ski Center receive; You can check our article “Palandöken” for accommodation, transportation and other tips.

5- Uludağ Ski Center – Bursa

When you think of skiing in Turkey, many people think of Uludag ski resort is coming. However, we can say that it has deviated a little from its purpose of skiing due to its popularity.. The number of hotels is quite high and the prices are high, yes, skiing is an expensive sport, but the ones here are a bit exaggerated.. If you are on more than one ski holiday in a season, prices are also important.. However, if you want to take a winter vacation once in 40 years, have fun, and have a ski or two while you’re there, it can be preferred.

6- Kartepe Ski Center – Kocaeli

It is close to Istanbul, the number of tracks is low. and there is only one hotel. It was fine 6-7 years ago, but we can no longer see it as a ski resort.. The last time we went in 2017, there was an excessive crowd of pedestrians and we couldn’t ski properly because of waiting in line for the chairlift.. Also, the tracks are not as well maintained as they used to be.. It’s as if the hotel is now targeting those who come to visit, not those who come to ski.. While skiing, there is a risk of an Arab with a snowmobile from everywhere, there are already so many Arabs that you may forget that you are in Turkey

If you want to get more detailed information about Kartepe, “Kartepe Ski Center” you can review our article. We also tried to provide information about activities other than skiing.

Bonus – Karboğazı Ski Center – Mersin

Unfortunately, there is no facility here. , but there is quite a long and naturally formed ski slope. In other words, you will either walk or drive to skate, for this you need a driver and a 4×4 vehicle.. The place we are talking about is located on the slopes of the Bolkar Mountains and despite the lack of a facility, it managed to enter our list due to the high quality snow between December and April.. In addition, after climbing to the Medetsiz summit, you can ski in plenty of snow, let us remind you that there are minor problems such as avalanche risk.. There have been attempts to build a facility here for a long time, and I’m sure Karboğazı can be the best ski resort in Turkey with good planning.

This is our ranking, but the ski resorts in Turkey are like this. not that much. The ski centers we mentioned above are the places we have been to and have experienced personally.. You can also find the ski resorts we haven’t been to below, but we won’t make an assessment as we haven’t seen them, we can only talk about why we didn’t choose to go.. This will give you an idea.

Salıkent Ski Center – Antalya

This is the ski center with the highest temperature in Turkey, because it is in Antalya. In March, you can spend a day skiing in the morning and the sea in the afternoon.. The number of pistes is few and when Davraz is present, this place does not make sense for us. Davraz is a little closer in terms of distance and the number and length of pistes are better.

Sarıkamış Ski Center – Kars

To Palandoken We do not prefer it because it is smaller than. The snow quality is almost the same, there is crystal snow here.

Ilgaz Ski Center – Kastamonu

It is a small facility with 2 tracks, we can go if there is a place nearby or if we are on our way to Kastamonu. but we don’t think it’s worth going from Istanbul.

Let’s close with our video from Kartalkaya;

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