

THINGS TO SEE IN SLOVENIA LUBLIYAN At the beginning of the year, one of my colleagues arrived in Lubliyana, the capital of Slovenia, for a Sugar Feast 60 Euros Our Frugal Tourist sensors go on alert when we inform you that you have a return flight to . We have gone abroad by leaving the lambs to the adults, but we have never left them during the holidays.. When we say it would not be possible, we buy our flight tickets to Lubliana to explore the places to visit in Villach, the capital of Slovenia and the Austrian cities of Lubliana.. 6 years ago, we made a tour of Italy with my mother, father and friends, as our plane landed at Lubliana Airport and passed to Italy, so you can see Lake Bled on the way out and on the way back, even if it’s short. we had the opportunity and the taste remained in our palate. That’s why the idea of ​​seeing it again is very appealing to us.. Candy feast is coming. Grandma leaves the lambs to her summer house, it’s the 2nd of the holiday. We fly to Lubliana withAdria airlines very early in the morning.. It is not difficult for us to find the rent a car office that we have booked in advance, but the person who will deliver the car cannot get there.. We also get bored of waiting and we can easily reach our hotel by taking a shuttle that is about to leave.. Our hotel Ljubliana City Center Hotel, like its name, is a decent hotel in the city center with completely renovated rooms.. As usual, we hit the streets as soon as we drop off our stuff..



Ljubljana is a lovely, romantic, lively, clean and well-kept city built around the river that runs through it. It is very easy and enjoyable to visit.. All attractions are within walking distance. Both sides of the river are filled with cafes, restaurants, young people and tourists sitting at the tables they set outside, under three-four-story buildings on a long line.. Many bridges adorn the river. It is possible to come across street musicians on the corners of these bridges at any time of the day.. After our trip along the river, we take a look at the neighborhood market and go to the Lubliyana Castle, which is at the top of the list of places to visit and places to see, by cable car just ahead.. In the courtyard in the middle of the castle, we enjoy the homemade trio of sausages, potatoes and beer as the first meal of the tour..



 We prefer the path through the forest to descend from the castle, and we are in the center again in a snap:) It gets dark in broad daylight, it exploded, it will explode. While we are looking for a place to take shelter, it starts to rain and before we have a choice, we dive into the first cafe that comes our way.. At that moment we are experiencing DEJAVU. This is the cafe where we took shelter with my fathers while we were escaping from the rain when we first came to Ljubljana, and chatted over wine with a professor we met at the cafe.. It’s like a summer this time, we prefer beer. It seems that it doesn’t matter whether it’s summer or winter, it can rain in Lubliana at any time.. As the plane descends, there must be an explanation for the lush forests that we have never seen before 🙂 The rain stops and we are on the streets again..



Tivoli Park on foot We reach . A huge park with huge trees despite being very close to Tivoli city center. The lush green field stretching to the foot of the mountains seems to have no end.. Apart from that, it is a standard park where the people of Lubliyana walk dogs and jog, there is not much touristic activity.. The walk makes us hungry, we find ourselves having a snack on the riverside with fried calamari and beer 🙂


The hotel is actually close, should we go and take a nap? great idea. Towards the evening, sleep has been taken, eyes are bright, we are on the streets again. Ljubljana center is really small, we keep passing by the same places. Alternative plan for tomorrow and the next day is a must! We’re looking for a place to have fun after dinner, but it doesn’t seem to exist, it’s interesting! However, how active, dynamic and excited we were! It says destiny, we end the day. The next morning, they bring our rental car to our hotel as an apology for being late in delivering the car the previous day.. Moreover, even though we had reserved a vehicle from the economy group, a Touran arrived.. We are grateful for this gesture and we set off as we jumped in our car.. Our destination is Croatia’s capital, Zagreb.

Click for Places to Visit in Zagreb

The medieval on our way back to Zagreb Stop by Skofja Loka.


 It’s almost dark when we arrive, it’s a dark double castle on the streets, it’s like we’re really teleported to the middle ages, I’m shivering. As we move towards the square, we see a concert preparation. A church choir performance would suit this ambiance, but this is a pop rock-style concert where a no name band is performing popular songs.. We also buy beers sold in cardboard glasses and mingle with the crowd, but for some reason we can’t get into the mood, we listen to a song or two and leave Skopje Loka. And we are in Lubliana again. We are making pizza and wine at one of the riverside tables of a pizzeria with more than 100 pizza varieties, accompanied by the sparkling view of the triptych bridge.. The nightlife is all right, we are tired anyway, we go back to our room after dinner.


 Our route on our third and final day is the Lake District. We also saw the famous Lake Bled on our first trip to Lubliana.. On recommendation, we skip Bled and go to Lake Bohinj first.. how well we do. This place is simply AWESOME! The following sentence I read on the net expresses the situation very well.. “Many visitors to Slovenia say they’ve never seen a more beautiful lake than Bled… That is, until they’ve seen Lake Bohinj.”


We tour around the lake, choose an uncrowded and sunny side of the lake and settle down 🙂 I have never seen such a beautiful lake view, such a beautiful lake color in my life.. We jump right into the water. The water is pretty cool. After all, we are swimming in a lake at an altitude of 2 thousand meters between the mountains.. We return to Lake Bled, half an hour from Bohinj. Bled doesn’t sound that impressive anymore. Actually, Bled is also beautiful in a different way.. Like Bohinj, it is not an enchanting lake to swim in, but its peculiarity is that it is different and magnificent in terms of scenery with its surrounding mountains, the islet in the middle and the church on the island.. Unlike Bohinj, there are many hotels and restaurants around Bled.. In addition, activities such as sailing, cycling, golf and canoeing can be done.. We take a tour around it and have lunch at the Hotel Villa Preseren restaurant overlooking the lake, and then we leave the lakes area.


close to Slovenia’s Austrian Border we are in the region. While we are this close, we want to see the city of Villach in the region of Austria close to the Slovenian border.. The distance between Lake Bled and Villach is only 50 km.. Crossing the border without waiting, we reach Villach on a sunny Sunday. I think the people of Villach took advantage of a sunny Sunday to reach other places because the city seems abandoned.. Villach is a historical city built in a region where the Drau River takes the shape of a boomerang. Like all over the river cities, Villach has plenty of bridges.. The part that the boomerang encloses is the old town of the city.. Here’s a cute square. However, when we went, all the shops around the square were closed.. There are no one or two young people with earrings on the outside tables of the cafes, and three or five poor tourists, who, like us, made the mistake of coming to Villach on a Sunday in the summer!


 We came all the way to Austria, we say let’s have a weissbier, we sit in the cafe there is none, we train on barley beer. We’re scabies to this Villach. We jump in our car and leave Austria.. Austria also cared a lot 🙂 Our plane leaves at 12 am. We had planned to go directly to the airport from Villach, but it was around 6 o’clock yet, Villach could not make good use of the time we allocated for him.. After we enter the borders of Slovenia, we say let’s give Kranj City a chance on our way, we enter our new route on our navigator.. Kranj is a very charming city as far as we can see, with its colorful buildings in the old town, established between two rivers, with its historical beauties preserved. After walking through the old town streets and looking at the view from the glass city terrace, we take a last drink at the cafe in the garden of the church and say goodbye. It’s time… We fill the gas tank of our rental car and head for the airport, we are coming to the end of our 3 days, 3 countries, 3 cities tour.. Hope to see you in another tour 🙂

Click for other Places to Visit in Balkan Cities

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