
Smallest Continent, Largest Island Australia

Australia A single country consisting of a single continent of 7,500 square kilometers. Located between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, the country’s population is 20,555,300 people.

The official capital of the country, which consists of 6 states, Canberra. It is one of the top countries with a per capita income of $ 32,220.. Its currency is the Australian dollar.

Sydney is the capital, in the perception of many people, since it is the largest city Sydney.. Whereas the capital is Canberra. It is located in the Australian Capital Territory 300 km southwest of Sydney and 650 km northeast of Melbourne.. The Australian Parliament is located in this city. But the most socially and culturally developed city Sydney. 2nd. largest city is Melbourne. Melbourne is the country’s most developed city in finance and banking.

The official language is English.. Ruled by a constitutional monarchy. Official head of state is the Queen of England. Since the country is divided into states, each state is headed by a governor general.. They are free in their internal affairs, but subordinate to the queen in their foreign affairs.. They gained their full independence from the British in 1927.. It was captured by the British in 1770, after Captain James Cook made a map of the eastern coast of Australia and declared that he annexed it to British territory.

The seasons are opposite to us because it is in the southern hemisphere. It has a tropical and temperate climate.. December, January, February summer. June, July, August winter. According to the south and north of the country, the average annual temperature varies between 13 degrees and 27 degrees.

It is thought that Australia has existed for 3 million years. The first human settlements in Australia are thought to date back to 48,000 years ago. The first Australians are ancestors of present-day Australia Aborigines. Other indigenous people living on the island are Torres Strait Indians.. They are of Malaysian origin.. The cultural habits of Torres Strait and Aborigines are different from each other.

There are 4 different ethnic groups in Australia. European Brits, south Asians, Ethiopian Ugandans and Aborigines. But the number of Aborigines is around 10,000 at most.

The lowest point of the country is Lake Eyre, located in the middle of the Central Australian deserts, at an altitude of 15 meters from the sea.. The highest point is Mount Kosciuszko, at an altitude of 2,228 meters.

Some of the natural resources of coal, iron, copper, tin, zinc, diamonds and natural gas.
Australia is one of the world’s highest It is a small continent, but it is the largest island.

When John Batman came to the island, he said to the Aborigines, “Give us 500,000 acres of land, and we’ll give you food, blankets, drinks.”. They came to this day because they agreed in this way, and the Aborigines were actually assimilated.. The white man finally took all of the land.

The Aborigines, the natives of New Zealand, are not belligerent and cannibalistic like the Maoris, but are of calmer disposition.. Therefore, the British did not have to fight much.

2. After World War II, Australia supported all immigration from Europe. During this period, it received a lot of immigration from Greece.. Therefore, Greeks constitute 160 thousand of the population at present.. The number of Turks living here is also not to be underestimated.

Being a citizen of Australia is not that difficult.. If you are a citizen of a European Union member country, and you have lived in Australia for 5 years and your scores are good, you can acquire Australian citizenship.

However, if you are a citizen of a non-European Union country, Australian citizen, you must have lived in this country for 15 years.. This period can only be shortened if you work in higher-level sectors such as medicine and informatics.

Australia is very rich in flora and fauna.. It is already a very green country.. Australians love to barbecue. Shellfish are quite abundant in this country.. Australia’s wines are also very famous and they are exported almost all over the world.

Aborigines are very attached to nature.. According to the philosophy of the Aborigines, “everything you do comes back to you”. It’s also called the boomerang philosophy.. It comes back to you when you throw it away. The Aborigines found and used the boomerang for hunting purposes.

The British made the Aborigines work in the mines in very difficult conditions.. They had to work together with the notorious criminals sent from Europe to this continent.. The fact that the Aborigines worked in very difficult conditions in the construction and road construction in the mines and diseases played a major role in the decline of their population. Currently only 10,000 people but still trying not to assimilate. They prefer to marry each other and continue their traditions.

Australians pay compensation to Aborigines for their barbarism.


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