
Sofar Sounds Istanbul: If You Don’t Have a Mani, We’ll Come To You To A Concert In The Evening

Sofar Sounds is spreading day by day in Istanbul. Those who know tell those who don’t, those who go encourage those who don’t, and they somehow form bone mass day by day.. Of course, it’s still “What’s up with Sofar Sounds?” We also have those who say. At that point, we decided to step in and try to convey this event, which we are very happy to have come to Istanbul. “From A Room” So? you will say. So it goes like this, every month, a music lover whose living room can host 50+ people opens his house to the audience for a day as a friendly concert environment.. Groups that can be considered as local as possible are selected, the lucky guests who reach the Sofar team the earliest via e-mail get their invitations and become a part of this “other” concert experience.. Don’t think it’s a crazy party atmosphere inside. On the contrary, by respecting the home and environment you are in (don’t worry, they don’t force you to take off your shoes), you immerse yourself in the music without being involved in message chains like “Burak, I came to someone’s house :)))”. Otherwise, we think that it would not be very likely that tens of people who did not know whose house and which band they would listen to until the last day would not be a very likely situation. Did we mention that it’s not happening?) If you are happy that an event is taking place, you must have wondered who is behind it, what is it, what is not, and how it works.. Beautiful people Eda Demir and Gözde Tekay, who introduced Istanbul to this wonderful project, talked about what is/is not Sofar Sounds Istanbul, come on, you’re fine again, let’s see you below. Let’s get it right.

Sofar Sounds is a musical movement that puts big smiles on our faces at a time when we need to hear good things.. However, we would like to hear from you with the idea of ​​”Let those who know tell those who do not know”.. What is Sofar Sounds?

Eda: Thank you, it also makes us laugh and happy. Sofar Sounds is a global music movement, when we started in December 2013, it was performed in approximately 45 hip cities around the world, and now this number has reached 70.. This music movement, which started in 2009 in New York and London by saying “another concert is possible”, is performing concerts in the living rooms of people’s homes.

How did you manage to realize the Istanbul leg?

Eda: At that time, I was trying to find tips for brands in Turkey by following the trends in the world at a trend consultancy company.. This is how I heard about Sofar Sounds and wrote an article about it in Turkish.. I thought it would be nice if it was here too, but when things got stronger, they flew away.. My ex-colleague Ersinhan saw the news I was writing and said his roommates were from the Sofar London crew, that was a sign. I was gradually introduced to the relevant units from the global team and about 6 months passed by giving information about who I am, what I do, how much I can achieve Sofar at global standards, then we started Sofar Sounds Istanbul with my very old friend Gözde.

Were you sure that it would work as you imagined and would attract attention in Istanbul? Do you think Sofar is attracting as much attention as expected in Istanbul? As far as we understand, it was not known by many people before you made such an attempt.

Eda: We had excitement and belief, but of course we weren’t sure about anything.. The most interesting aspect of Sofar is that it is purified from all cultural differences and connects 50 people who enter the room of a house to the same world.. After all, in our culture, there was no such thing as going to someone’s house, giving a concert, we had our doubts whether people would open their homes to such a thing.. Which Turkish house allows 60 people to enter with shoes?:) Sofar Sounds was not known to anyone except a few people who lived abroad and went to Sofar before.. But since it was a different concept, it took a lot of place in the press and made its voice heard easily in a short time.. As of now, Sofar Sounds Istanbul is one of the fastest growing Sofars made all over the world for 5 years.. Sofar did.

What about the audience? Can everyone join? What is the method followed in this regard?

Favourite:Those who want to attend the concerts as a listener, first register for the monthly newsletter at www.sofarsounds.com. Concert dates that will take place in each city at the beginning of the month are sent to registered music lovers.. Those who want to participate send an e-mail to [email protected]. We send invitations to the number of listeners that we determine according to the capacity of the house.. In other words, if the capacity of the house is 50 people, we invite the first 50 people who send an e-mail to attend the concert that month.

Can anyone open their house for Sofar, or do you have certain criteria?

Favourite: If their hall can host a small stage and a minimum of 50 people, if they have understanding neighbors and the house is in a central neighborhood, anyone can open their home to Sofar.

There is another interesting issue about Sofar.. How is an atmosphere of trust established with the hosts who accept to host tens of people in their homes? After all, they host people they have never seen before in their homes, even for a few hours.

Favourite: nothing. Sofar is not a party, it is a real music listening experience, and music lovers are aware of this.. We’ve been doing Sofar for 8 months and until now all the participants have respected the rules of the concept.

Buying tickets, knowing which house, with whom and which band to listen to until the last moment, even eating during the concert, talking, making phone calls. no care. But every month hundreds of people strive to participate in Sofar events.. Do you think our biggest motivation is the expectation of “good music” or does this secret and mysterious atmosphere also have an effect on Sofar’s attention?

Favourite: Both i think it is effective. First of all, they can listen to music in an environment that is so intimate that they may never experience it again, because all the focus is on the stage and what is on it.. Apart from that, they discover new musicians.. There are a lot of musicians who gave their first concert in Sofar. It’s really fun to witness. Of course, the secret and mysterious atmosphere also has an effect.. It’s a different experience to attend a concert in the living room of a person you don’t even know who will be performing until the day before. Is there a chance to be included in the organization for those who say “Let me be”? Or can we only be included in the trio of the venue owner/musician/audience?

Eda: We are a team of 2 people at the core, but already in terms of sound team, visual team, there are many great ones. people support us. If anyone sends an e-mail to [email protected] that they want to volunteer, we always try to get back to them, because as Sofar Sounds Istanbul grows, their needs also increase.

Finally, do you think Sofar Istanbul will be long-term? Although we are already a big fan and grateful for your initiative, we all know more or less the point of non-profit projects in Turkey.. Did this enthusiastic audience manage to give you that hope and excitement?

Eda: I think Sofar Sounds Istanbul will never end. At first, I was wondering if there are so many independent musicians in Turkey, in what month will this list be sold out, I was very pessimistic and did not know about the world! It has been surrounded by such talented musicians that we are surrounded by Sofar, there is only one downside to it: I can hardly listen to anything other than Turkish music anymore.. I admire all #sofarist graduates. As long as there are independent musicians and music lovers fill the halls, we are here.

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