
St. Stephen’s Cathedral (History, Information, Features, Entrance Fee)

St. Stephen’s Cathedral has become the symbol of freedom in Vienna and has witnessed many wars and fires.. This historical building, which has become an important symbol of the city, is visited by about 2 million people in a year.. There is a museum in St. Stephen’s Cathedral where many items are exhibited.

When the Ottoman Empire wanted to besiege Vienna during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent, the locals living here used St. Stephen’s Cathedral as a shelter..

History of St. Stephen’s Cathedral

Duke of Austria IV. Built by Rudolf St.. Stephen’s Cathedral built in 1147. It has sections such as Giants’ Gate, Pagan Towers, Tower Cone, Chinese Roof, Singer’s Gate, Preacher Lecture and High Altar.

IV. Rudolf before the expansion and restoration works, this historical building was rising over two ruined churches.. St. Stephen’s Cathedral, located on Stephansplatz, the heart of Vienna, 12. 14th century after it was built. century, with the transition to the Gothic style architectural structure, St.. Eligus, St.. Tirna and St. Catherine chapels have been added.

15. Century South Tower, Nave and St.. The cathedral, which gained an excellent appearance with the construction of the Barbara chapels, II. It was destroyed in World War II.

II. Restoration and renovation works, which started in 1948 after the World War II, ended in 1962, placed itself first in the list of places to visit in Vienna, and became one of the most important symbols of the city.

Information About St. Stephen’s Cathedral

We all know the tough struggles between Vienna and the Ottomans, right? As a result of melting the materials such as cannons, rifles, swords and iron from the Ottoman Empire into different shapes, the Turkish Bell of about 20 thousand tons was created.. Known as the Pummer’s Bell, this historic structure II. It fell to the ground during World War II.. Over time, the newly built bell was put back in its place, but the Turkish Bell is not in its old place today.

An interesting story of the bell is that there was a siege because the people of Vienna were very afraid of the Ottomans. Upon being noticed, an officer was erected to ring the bell, and after the defeat in the Ottoman war, it was decided that there was no need to be an officer here.

St. Stephen’s Cathedral The meaning of the marble statue in front of it is; It symbolizes the loss of the Ottoman Empire during the sieges of Vienna.. They depicted that they had trampled Ottoman soldiers under their feet.

Wanderers visiting St. Stephen’s Cathedral greet them with a Romanesque style door with dragons, birds, lions, scion and demons.. At that time, only women could enter through this door, which was used as a bishop’s entrance.. It has been carried to the present day without compromising the figures it has been wearing since 1370.

St. Stephen’s Cathedral, at the “Singer Gate” entrance used by men, the apostles and St.. There are 1378 figures telling the legend of Paul. St. Stephen’s Cathedral, which attracts attention with its Gothic style architecture, is a candidate to be a masterpiece. masterpiece. According to a legend, the description of the statues is as follows, the conversion of a servant accused of theft into a virgin when he is found to be innocent.

St. Stephen’s Cathedral Towers

St. Stephan’s most famous feature is his towers, have you ever heard of that? The tallest Stefll tower, which the people of Vienna refer to as the South Tower, continues to decorate the sky for years.

The South Tower, known as the most beautiful gothic tower in Europe, is 1356 and it is approximately 137 meters high.

You need to go to the terrace of the towers to enjoy the perfect view of the city and to see the beauties of the sky more closely.. To reach this terrace, you have to leave about 343 stair steps , in fact, some conditioning is a must!

The Catacombs of St. Stephen’s Cathedral and the Cathedral Treasure

You must purchase a separate ticket to visit the catacombs under the north tower of St. Stephen’s Cathedral. There are about 10,000 graves inside the catacombs, although you are not allowed to see all the graves even if you buy tickets.

14. The underground tombs, which were built at the end of the century, were built in order to overcome this problem when the city’s tombs were full, and in 1783 it was completely closed to use.

The most visited section in the cathedral section if IV. It is the Ducal Cellar built by Rudolf .

St. Stephen’s Cathedral Visitor Hours

St. Stephen’s Cathedral is open between 06:00 and 22:00 on weekdays, and is open to visitors between 07:00 and 22:00 on Sundays.. If you want to visit St. Stephen’s Cathedral, don’t set off without thoroughly researching what hours it is open.

Let’s not forget that it is very crowded as long as it is open no matter what time you go..

St. Stephen’s Cathedral Entrance Fee

For St. Stephen’s Cathedral entrance fee you don’t have to make any payments. St.. If you want to go up on the towers in St. Stephen’s Cathedral or enter the treasury, you must pay a fee of € 14 (Euro).

You do not pay any fee even if you enter during a religious event.. St.. It’s a good idea to go inside the St. Stephen’s Cathedral and at least see its colorful interior.

Where and How to Get to St. Stephen’s Cathedral?

St. Stephen’s Cathedral is located at Stephansplazt, the center of Vienna. Located in the center of Vienna, the capital city of Austria, St.. Stephen’s Cathedral it is very easy in terms of transportation.

Transportation by bus: You can get here by buses 1A, 2A or 3A.

Transportation by metro: When you get off at Stephansplazt stop, you can reach the cathedral with a short walk.

Address : Stephansplatz 3, 1010 ‌Wien

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