
Submarine Hotel Experience in Dubai: Water Discus Hotel

Palm Islands, Yelken Hotel, the world’s tallest building Burj Khalifa, while the construction frenzy in Dubai continues this time with the Submarine Hotel Water Discuss Hotel. The Dubai-based company Drydocks World has agreed with the Swiss BIG InvestConsult, which owns Deep Ocean Technology, to build the submarine hotel “Water Discuss Hotel” in Dubai.

Architecture of Dubai Submarine Hotel (Water Discuss Hotel)

This The hotel will consist of two parts.. The first death will be over the sea, the other main body will be located under the ocean.. The 2 main hulls below and above the submarine will be connected to each other with 3 vertical legs.. These feet will have both an elevator and stairs.

Water Discuss Hotel Security

When it comes to a hotel under the ocean, I seem to hear many of you saying that I cannot trust, I cannot sleep comfortably.. Serious measures are planned in this regard.. There will be cameras in many parts of the hotel.. In addition, the hotel will be equipped with international earthquake and weather warning systems. Submarine vehicles will be always ready and ubiquitous around the hotel.. In addition, privacy is considered in each room and the rooms are designed as soundproof.

Water Discuss Hotel and Coral Reefs

The Submarine Hotel will be surrounded by coral reefs. Thus, you will be able to enjoy this unique beauty from your room and if you want to dive while diving.

Water Discuss Hotel Rooms

The underwater body of the Water Discuss Hotel will be positioned 10 meters below the ocean. There will be 21 rooms in this section. There will also be a diving center and a bar.. In addition, each room in this section will have a very close yet safe contact with the underwater flora.

With special lighting systems and camera-equipped miniature submarine vehicles with macro photography that can be controlled from within the room, you will even have the chance to observe microscopic submarine creatures.

Sections of Water Discuss Hotel Above the Ocean

The upper body of the hotel and its satellites will be positioned 5 to 7 meters above the ocean. The restaurant and spa center will also be located here.. A restaurant and spa center located 5 to 7 meters below the ocean will also be available at this hotel.. The lobby and pools of the hotel will also be located in this section.. Diving activities and the sub-ocean sections of the hotel can be watched on the screens here.. Sea water will be used in the main pool of the hotel. In addition, the diving working pool will also be located in this section.. Again, the exotic garden will be one of the sections at the top of the hotel.

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